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Everything posted by jsatan

  1. Aha, Bonfire night, me is starting as well,
  2. o sorry, I was burning at first but then I found the mix change colour while still in the mixing bowl, not burning, So ignore the burning of chems, Mixed copper sulphate and Calcium chloride,( little water if needed). I get a yellow chem on the Calcium chloride bits. This turns greenish after a while. Add more water and there is no colour, lol
  3. Hi, I was seeing what colours I could get whne I burned some chems with sodium chlorate. I added copper sulphate to this mix with some sugar and it gave me a great blue purple, I noticed a very yellow colour in my mixing dish after I tried the Calcium chloride. So I found out what it was. If I get some Calcium chloride and mix this with copper sulphate it gives me a strange yellow with will turn green ish. but if I add some water it goes clear, the blue and the yellow. Whats going on here?
  4. I'm sure you can boil it and it will be just fine, But if it all fails then you can buy it near the coffee in most shops, You're not trying to make a battery are you YT? I was going to make one but never got around to it, lol. All I needed was a acid membrain, (this things in hydrogen fuel cells). Anyway I'm at the library due to no internet at home, just moved, llol. !!!
  5. Now my head is messed up, I've reas that if you have sodium hydroxide with copper chloride then you will get copper hydroxide and sodium chloride. But then I've read that copper hydroxide will not form, but with water change into copper oxide. Any ideas anyone?
  6. I was reading on the net that copper (I) chloride (ele of salt anc opper eltrodes) will not yeild copper (I) hydroxide. But will make copper (I) oxide, thats why it turns red-ish after a few mins. But it is a good way to get copper(I) oxide, I've not tried getting this out of the soln, but I will in a few days,
  7. I used to use KNO3 sugar mix rolled into little strings, its stiff but if you put it in tin foil it will hold out,
  8. I've dried my sample. Is there a way to turn it back to the Georgeite? I dont know if this is right but If I remove the water that would make it Georgeite wouldnt it? or it too hard to remove the water with out decompossing it?
  9. jsatan


    Well filter the sand, lol I think about the others Id wait a day b4 getting a ful answer as it isnt that busy around here,
  10. It best to copper plate in copper sulphate. I think the soln has to be full of the ions you want to plate with, o it will fill the soln, think it as a bettery. Yeah you will get the blue stuff which will turn brown/red after a while. if you have the eletrode slightly under this stuff it will stay blue. I'v got a thread where i did this but added some phos acid then sodium carbonate, very very nice cyan, a must see,
  11. Where you get your Hcl from YT? after i move in a few days time I've placing my self a order for a few of staple chems, its about time I got around it it, O btw, I did the normla thing of zapping some solder with salt water. I then added some phos acid until ph7 or slightly lower then zapped it again, I got some tin I think, hehe.
  12. Yeah I know its due to that, but how come Barium nitrate gives such a bad green? I've read there is away to make it green but you must have chlorine in there some where, its something between them 2 elements i think, I dont know but know Barium nitrate doesnt work for toffee
  13. now I'm messed up there is a thing as Copper Phosphate Hydroxide, lol. my poor brain
  14. Like a vacuum flask, but that in time will be the same lol. I love a flasks, such a good thing!!! warm coffee on a walk about.
  15. cool. I was just messing about trying to get a copper salt from copper. Would there of been an easyer way of doing this? I'll look this Ostwald Step rule up, So was I about right with my reactions? It was a total quess really, but what I dont get is why the blue made when I first eletro the copper is visable in water, this lead me to beleave I wasnt thinking right with the way I got to copper carbonate. Hum.....
  16. aha I forgot who it was who had that on their site, I was thinking so hard it hurt, lol.
  17. Also I had some burnt (melted) copper on the side, I added some salt and vinegar soln to clean it, That also turned a ncie cyan but with more of a blue colour. I was thining this was copper acetate but thats a much more of a dark blue.
  18. Hi, I did electrolysis on some copper electrodes in a sodium chloride soln. This gave me a nice blue coloured soln/gell at the bottom. This after time turned red/brown ish. So from what I know this was happened: copper chloride + sodium hydroxide ---> copper hydroxide + sodium chloride Then I added some phosphoric acid, this cleared the mixture. I'm not sure what happened at this point. I think (sue to a clear soln) that this happened: Copper hydroxide + phos acid ----> copper phosphate + water But then this happened: Copper phosphate + sodium chloride ---> copper chloride + sodium phosphate This soln was crystal clear. I then added some sodium bicarbonate (waited a while). This turned the soln a very very nice cyan blue. Mayve this happened: copper chloride + sodium bicarbonate --->copper carbonate + sodium chloride + co2 (nice color, ) So thought I’d try and dry this etc. I let the cyan blue settle to the bottom of the soln, then sucked out the top soln (water type colour) and then added more water. I let this stand for a while (30min or so) and the nice cyan turn a dirty greenish colour. it had a very slight red/brown mark on the top. But can any one explain what happened here? Edit, I think im right, the colout of copper carbonate (united nuke's) is the colour of the mixture b4 it went dark, this is meant to be because of basic copper carbonate.
  19. I've not read all your post but you can use sodium hydroxide rather then sodium chloride, NaCl becomes Na(OH) anyway. But it has to be done with no o2 around, You can melt Na(oh) (ina tin or something) (Im not sure of the fumes so be warned) and stick some power through that, you will get a small amount at a time, but its fun to do.
  20. The only way I know is: barium carbonate (rat poison btw watch your self) heat this at 1300C to remove the carbon dioxide. This should leave Barium peroxide Add this to sulphuric acid and the barium will drop out as barium sulphate. The remaining soln will be H2O2. But that is a high temp, I've cooked calcium carbonate over 850C and that wasnt an easy thing to do, (but I'm not sure if that was the rock I used) but 1300C is high for the ervyday guy. But this can be done using a charcoal funace,
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