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Everything posted by sri_nav

  1. well,the source comes from home computers only,which when infected with virus ,Servers are prone get attacked which ever OS it may be. And also in linux as it is open book kind ,the loop holes can easily be rectified which is not with the case of windows.
  2. no it's not that linux is more secure.As there are more number of windows users they are attacked mostly then compared to linux users. Hackers generally concentrate on masses then few thers's no case of piracy . as linux is a freeware ,ther's only case of hackers who put ssome flaws into the OS so that the system gets hacked. programmers prefer linux OS because of its free source code,and which can be manipulated to user(programmer) choice.
  3. 6 - ( (-5)x2 ) + ( (-3)x5 ). dis is how it is calculated
  4. hello guys consider the following production rules A->Bb A->a B->Cc B->b C->Aa C->c I think the above grammar has indirect left recursion I need an equivalent grammar which is not left recursive
  5. the the list of all lectures.not just in computer topics but in general too. http://www.class-central.com/
  6. i to agree with you,for a computer programmer linux will always come in handy. can anyone help with the ppa: of ubuntu 12.04. some of my links got currupted
  7. OK, have a look at these two articles: http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/How_to_use_cpufrequtils http://www.webupd8.org/2011/07/cpu-f...tor-fixed.html cpufreq allows you to use a number of 'governors' (essentially profiles) to manage the CPU. I'd recommend ondemand - it will scale up and down depending on active processes. Also, top is kind of hard to read sometimes - for a easier to read version which is also more user friendly, have a look at htop. Just run this command to install it: Code: sudo apt-get install htop And then type htop at the command line. Let us know how you get on
  8. Linux srinaveen 3.0.0-17-generic #30-Ubuntu SMP Thu Mar 8 20:45:39 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux may be because of grub.In virtual machines i guess the grub don play an active part,which is rather handled by virtual machine itself.
  9. i dont have any app's running on my laptop. distro is the one which i have already said. i just wanted to know why this problem comes with linux because i had the same problem even with my old laptop. people can start posting about the advantages of linux and links that could enhance the usage of linux for a much much better way.(i would prefer llinux as a programmer)
  10. linux 11.10 my system specs: memory : 7.8 GiB processor : Intel® Core™ i3-2330M CPU @ 2.20GHz × 4 os : 64-bit windows 7 ultimate -64-bit
  11. y does processor give out more heat when working with linux os when compared with windows
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