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Everything posted by jimmydasaint

  1. Damn! What a shame! Have nanoparticles ever been used in vivo Charon?
  2. I think the assassin molecule is central to the development of Huntington's disease but that a short exposure could destroy cancers before the brain is affected. However, it is poignant that people who desperately need the treatment have to wait for Science to come through.
  3. These findings need to be confirmed by other labs but are stunning if they are correct. This discovery could provide a low cost solution to many cancers. Will Big Pharma pick upon this or ignore it? siRNA
  4. How long do they have to monitor actual monsoons to show that their hypothesis is correct? Ten years? Twenty years? What would be confirming data?
  5. The ancient viruses discovered are a complete game changer in Biology and represent an as-yet uncharacterised influence on oceanic and Earth-based ecosystems. No-one knew because they did not grow them in the lab properly. Awesome find Moontanman!
  6. First of all, can you get pure samples of each genus? If you can get hold of pure samples then you can do some old fashioned protein SDS PAGE made against secreted antigens from each genus. These are probably few enough so that you end up with a reasonable protein profile. If you make radiolabelled antibodies against the secreted antigens, you have a fine control of the secreted proteome from each genus. Then you can use some fancy reverse genetics to make a DNA probe for each genus and then finally use your chosen method to identify genus/species specific DNA. I am assuming that there is enough genetic difference to classify the cyanobacteria into distinct criteria. http://jcm.asm.org/content/38/12/4453.full https://www.nature.com/articles/srep32209
  7. First of all best wishes for the New Year to you and your loved ones. Of course you are correct in saying that we don't need God to live in harmony. I think many people would need a perfect archetype or paradigm against which they can measure the evolution of their Ego, Will, Love and Knowledge, so I referred to an absolute embodiment of personality and qualities in the form of God, rather than humanity, often painfully lacking in both. My aim was to present a picture of God in a scientific context. I don't know if I succeeded or failed in my efforts.
  8. My own tuppence worth as a believer for about 34 years now. Science is a set of techniques which can be used in a hypothesis/falsification/new hypothesis method to find objective truths. It is neutral to the existence or absence of God The Universe, as we know it, is either infinite or finite. If it is infinite then my whole argument falls apart. If it is finite, then it had a start. That start is a hypothesis called The Big Bang. Science has given evidence of the existence of a Big Bang -for example, cosmic microwave background, Hubble red shift of galaxies The Laws of physics apparently came into being at the Big Bang and then became pretty much immutable. Matter cannot be created or destroyed. God created matter and cannot be then contained or trapped by His Laws. Space-time was created by God. The Bible and other revelations spend time telling us what happens at the end of "Earth" time so God has seen all of Time as it passed before Him. God's revelations appeared in all three theist religions but as metaphor and allegory not in complete factual detail. God gave a spark to the start of the Universe and let his revelations and Laws do the rest. God gives meaning and purpose to the lives of billions of people on this planet, including myself. If you do not believe or seek a scientific proof for God, it is not there. What would be the point if we have something called free will if a Father like figure showed His presence all the time - it would be restrictive in the extreme. But if you are an atheist, I respect your views. I love my belief system because it enables me to live with my Ego, Love, Will and Knowledge in a harmonious manner with other people and the Universe (most of the time, unless they really get irrational when I lose the plot slightly). In short, I have hope for the future if I align my moral compass with the intrinsic qualities and personality of God.
  9. dimreepr, if this is what you are saying then I agree with it. Also, I think it is quite pleasing to "live in the moment" and to understand that feelings come from thoughts and our relationship to the thoughts we generate can change our perceptions of the world. What I have achieved, through self discipline and from a hard life is a sense of calm and gratitude; maybe that is as close as I can come to inner peace but it is a subjective inner peace.
  10. dimreepr, you appear to a guy who is my age group (50-55?). Inner peace as you feel it seems to be easier with more age as you have passed the age of reproduction and searching for the ideal job etc... From looking at the last page of posting, I guess no-one has inner peace as an absolute, but they have moments of peace in their lives (IMO). I just need some "me" time and I can confess to a feeling of peace. A bit of meditation with intent and I feel close to peace. But, when I am knackered at the end of a long working day, fraught with troubles, and return home to a traffic jam of epic biblical exodus proportions, it is OK to let off some steam and then return to peace later. We are only human my friend; imperfections make us human (if I remember my first series of Star Trek as a youth).
  11. As the Benedict's Test is for monosaccharides and maltose ( a disaccharide), I would have thought that heat would be needed to thermodynamically favour the linear form of the sugar which is able to reduce the Cu++ ion in the Benedict's reagent to Cu+ causing the colour change from blue to brick-red. The mechanism seems to be as follows (with the sugar in the aldose form instead of the ring form and then oxidised into a carboxylic acid with the simultaneous reduction of Cu++ to Cu+)): http://laboratoryinfo.com/benedicts-test-principle-reagent-preparation-procedure-interpretation/ If it is true that heat is needed to open up the closed ring structure of monosaccharides, the reaction might not take place at room temperature. I am not sure about this point.
  12. beecee, I think that this comment gets to the heart of what the scientists are trying to do at what can be considered "low" energies in comparison to the energies used in the LHC (50-7-MeV IIRC): For people who need a simple explanation of non commutativity, I highly recommend the following: https://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/10362/how-does-non-commutativity-lead-to-uncertainty The following is a phase shift from an oscillator: from THz oscillator. Physics bods, help us out with an explanation of the proposed new experiments....
  13. Thanks for that info Strange. I am now going to try and summarise, from a layman's point of view, the Classical Model of physics using an explanatory diagram: Credit : https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ Wiki From my limited viewpoint, the Classical Model uses the theories of Newton, Maxwell and Einstein but does not provide a link between behaviour at large scales (e.g. stars, planets, humans) and at an atomic/subatomic (quantum) scale. Quantum mechanic theories (e.g. string theory) do not lend themselves to experimentation normally but this experiment may be able to explain something about gravity at quantum scales without using energy at higher scales than the Large Hadron Collider. Right so far? If so, let's consider the simplified version of the paper supplied by Strange...
  14. I don't understand the Abstract mate. Can you present the theory in your own words to the best of your understanding Thank you.
  15. I haven't actually achieved a Nirvana-like state yet. However, I don't feel hate or envy with any intensity. It might just be just an age effect but I do feel a lot calmer much of the time. If I could achieve contentment with what I have, I would love to have that feeling. I think inner peace means a " homeostasis" of emotions with emotions still present in the psyche but without the swings - just my opinions for what they are worth.
  16. Love and peace go hand in hand surely. When you love something absolutely, do you not receive a feeling of inner peace? I do. I suppose that if you are able to replace hate by love, or be calm in the face of adversity as StringyJ mentioned, that is pretty close to achieving inner peace. I think that the calming of thoughts is a good start. I have not always been successful, as past confrontations with trolls will testify, but at least I try....
  17. It is certainly a bloody good ghost story. The missing concerto was known about by a number of Schumann's relatives and others, who may have sought a way to bring it to light again. I heard it on BBC Radio 3 a few days ago and it is magnificent as a musical piece. However, I will just have to stick to relying on out of body experiences as an analogue to death and see if evidence can come to light about a "soul" floating up towards the ceiling.
  18. Why choose to inhibit LH? There is an alternative. The body can be flooded by an LH analogue that binds to LH receptors and therefore causes downregulation of LH. It is an easier option than directly targetting LH or GnRH. This would stop ovulation but allow the rest of the cycle to take place IMO. The truth is that I don't know and am making an educated hypothesis.
  19. Schumann, the composer, died and left a violin concerto behind. During a Ouija board session, he apparently asked for his missing concerto to be found and played. This took place but many decades after it was "lost" and then put into storage. Is the story fake? Or is it coincidence? Full Story
  20. When I hold my baby grand daughter in my arms, I feel a calming of the ocean of my thoughts which reflects and affects the calmness of my body. I guess inner peace is a lack of thousands of thoughts racing through the mind. Something the Dalai Lama probably experiences...
  21. Nice find doc, although you gave away the plot in the O.P. In fact there are also doubts that the teeth belong to a hominin at all. In the same article, it was noted: https://news.nationalgeographic.com/2017/10/ancient-teeth-found-germany-dont-rewrite-human-history-science/
  22. Found the explanation for gold. Electrons around the nucleus are in probabilistic shells. https://chem.libretexts.org/Under_Construction/Textmaps_and_Wikitexts/MVC%3A_Chem_1406/Chapters/02._Atomic_Structure/2.5%3A_Arrangement_of_Electron_(Shell_Model) Electrons can absorb energy from light and "jump" from one shell to a higher energy shell. They absorb at different frequencies for silver and gold. Silver s-shell electrons absorb light in the ultraviolet end of the light spectrum and reflect all the other colours evenly giving silver that silvery metal colour. Gold has s-shell electrons attracted with by an intense, 79 + charges from the nucleus. As a consequence, the electrons in gold following Einstein's relativistic principles, because, IIRC, the electrons gain speed/ angular momentum to avoid the attractive forces from the nucleus and also gain mass. The angular momentum orbit radius decreases. The light absorbed by the electrons is in the blue part of visible light, as opposed to the ultraviolet end of the light spectrum so that the remaining colours combine to give a yellow gold glitter. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Relativistic_quantum_chemistry Please correct as appropriate.
  23. John, I don't understand the abstract and your comments on gold and mercury. Can you please simplify for non-experts just a little bit. Cheers mate.
  24. Point out mistakes as much as possible, as long as you cite evidence. Just don't patronise a Scotsman, we don't take this well. I was not attacking Memammal. I thought he made a mistake . This theory is decades old - I presented the evidence using the References. Let's go forward by referring to the paper and I will show my openness and intellectual honesty in admitting my errors. Both of us should read the paper first and make comments later. From my brief reading of the paper, I can back up Memammal's conclusions that larger functional ligases occur from the smaller ligases. However, the researchers admit that the efficiency is low. was small. Earlier,the same researchers asserted the following statement: http://rsos.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/4/9/170376#sec-2 Previously, other researchers have had to address the following issues raised by other scientists:: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3495036/
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