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Posts posted by Gilded

  1. Mountains are mostly measured from sea level, it's pretty much the standard. Mt. Everest reaches higher altitudes than Mauna Kea and that's pretty much the point. Mountains erode, they grow and their surroundings are altered so it's sort of pointless to measure any other than the current situation. And anyway I haven't seen any estimates of there being an over 10km deep ocean on Mars. :D

  2. Since gold can be made into a very thin wire with relative ease I wonder if you could use it to weave an extremely fine multilayered net to make it stronger. Speaking of the lead balloon, lead has a density of 11.34g/cm^3 where as gold is significantly denser at 19.3g/cm^3. I'm not convinced even "nanobuilt" gold structures can take the strain a parachute is subjected to without being too heavy for that purpose.

  3. OK - just watched the video without sound - so don't know how it's done. don't know alot about sulfur hexaflouride - I presume it's really dense. What about a heavy noble gas like Argon or Xenon? Would that work?


    Argon isn't really dense at all. But SF6 has a density of 6.164 g/L and xenon has a density of 5.894 g/L. So it's doable with xenon, but I'm not sure if it's any less expensive than SF6.

  4. The question is why would you associate anything with anything else other than itself?


    I was once that way to a small extent, but mind over matter rules.


    Why? How about survival? :P Smoke and fire, a stormy sky and lightning etc. Smoke doesn't mean there's a fire, but if your house is filled with smoke you might guess it's because your toaster has exploded and set your curtains on fire.


    The human brain is making associations all the time. Some of them might be considered irrational, but overall it's essential that such associations are made. I don't think synaesthesia is that odd at all and is comparable to thinking that an instrumental song is sad, for example.

  5. once again i ask you to refute the science,wait no you cant.....nanobots are here now within human bodies and mircowave satriation causes indentical affects to schizopherinia.


    Wait... how can you tell "normal" schizophrenia apart from microwave-caused effects? Or is all schizophrenia caused by these microwaves?


    And how about you explain how these machines travel back in time and why haven't we detected any nanobots in anyone's brain. I'm not sure if there's really that much science here to refute.

  6. It has to be quite a big piece of rock to completely destroy all of civilization, but yeah it is possible although unlikely. And there isn't much we can do about it. Some meteors have a kinetic energy equivalent to thousands if not millions of thermonuclear bombs. While diverting the object from the collision path requires only a fraction of this it's still quite a lot. Perhaps some day we will have some sort of adequate plan for these kinds of scenarios but I'm guessing it won't happen in a few hundred years.

  7. Sweet! Make sure to tell her that, in this age of staged camera grins, her Mona Lisa smile is both refreshing and alluring.


    If she wants you to forward a few other pics to me, you should do it.


    Seeing how you're married I think it would be safest if the pictures were sent to me as well, you know, as a backup copy if you need to delete them to avoid awkward questions.

  8. While we've had a lab picture thread and some threads regarding element collecting I thought it might be cool to have a thread dedicated to just pictures of neat looking element samples and chemicals you have lying around your house/lab. Crystals, powders, gases, liquids... everything goes. :) Emphasis on samples you think look especially cool.


    I have a decent element collection but since I've gotten a new camera I haven't photographed all samples. I'll take more pictures later but here's what I've photographed so far:


  9. Some fluorides also come to mind... Like KF. Likely to be more effective than chlorides but I don't know if they're as common in chemistry labs.


    The more I think about it I can't really come up with anything "better" than hydrogen cyanide. I also tried to figure out some sort of explosive mixture or compound that could be done in a relatively short time but couldn't think of any that could be lethal in such a short time or small amounts. Also regarding possible collateral damage that's not very considerate if the guy has given thought to that.


    On the topic of cyanide this is perhaps one of the most touching suicide cases I've ever read about (with the "Do not resuscitate" note and all): http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?sec=health&res=9D00E5DB1F30F93AA15752C1A96E958260

  10. -Off eBay transaction with private individuals from foreign countries are very dangerous (double duh). I think I am just going to stick with domestic sellers from now on; at least there is the possibility of legal recourse there.


    I agree, but luckily you can meet a lot of nice, trustworthy people on forums and such... which is why I'm currently a proud owner of a 5g piece of depleted uranium. ;)

  11. If I fuse iron and a proton, then this configuration will eventually decay into iron again right?


    Is iron unstable to some degree?


    Actually if you add a proton to Fe-58 (which is a rare but stable isotope of iron) you'll get Co-59 which is stable. But if you add a neutron you get Fe-59 which is actually quite unstable with a half-life of about 44.5 days. This is a fine example of this balance being quite easily upset.


    "Some degree" is a pretty ambiguous term in nuclear physics. For example one might say bismuth is unstable to some degree as it has a half-life of ~1.9*10^19 years.

  12. Well obviously it affects mass, which is especially apparent in light elements such as hydrogen. But perhaps more importantly it affects nuclear stability. Too many or too few neutrons and things start to fall apart, so to speak, which is why some isotopes are radioactive. The strong force keeps the protons and neutrons together in the nucleus, one of the physics experts can probably explain why certain amounts of neutrons cause instability. AFAIK these stable ratios aren't perfectly understood yet though, for example we can't really determine the half-life of any nucleus by just looking at how many protons and neutrons it has.

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