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Posts posted by Gilded

  1. no, it`s marked up `mfd` but it does mean Micro Farad, yes.

    not ALL capacitors use that symbol to state their value.


    Yeah but it's misleading. :P Although from the context one might guess it was microfarads, as with millifarads at that voltage the screwdriver would've most likely vaporized entirely. :)

  2. The fermentation doesn't happen because the yeast wants to make ethanol. It happens because it needs energy (which it gets from the sugars and such), ethanol is just one of the waste products. And waste products leave an organism's body for a reason. Mammals breathe air, and expel carbon dioxide, which is very toxic to them. It's not very healthy to swim around in one's own feces or urine either, which is sort of an analogue to ethanol concentrations rising in the yeast's environment.

  3. Well obviously it represents pH and alkalinity. :) Also, you can figure out the mass of the NaOH that's in there for example, just like you could from any molar quantity, and with calculations like these you can also figure out what sort of solution you need to have to achieve a certain pH. But in the end it's just basic (pun sort of intended) practice I guess. :P

  4. When it got to the bacterial manganese conversion I giggled a bit. Then it got to the master race nuclear war and pitchblende part and I almost fell off my chair. That is the most utter BS I've read in weeks. It's a sort of rancid cocktail of fairy tales, sci-fi, random new age mumbojumbo and very, very bad science. Xenu, is that you?

  5. I don't know...It's really messed up...

    Is 0.16mol the necessary quantity to neutralize the liquid we started with (which is NaOH added to some water)?

    Is there a way for me to find out the concentration from what I have? (I don't understand any logic in all this...if anyone can explain it it would be great.)


    And Gilded, how did you get the 0.032?


    Yes 0.16mol is the necessary amount. Since NaOH is a mono... something base (can't remember the English term) and contributes just one -OH, equally many molecules of HCl are needed. Thus the NaOH concentration is the 0.032mol/ml I mentioned. 0.16mol/5ml (original amount of liquid) = 0.032mol/ml.


    I hope I've gotten this right so far, it's been quite some time since I've done even these kind of simple calculations.

  6. Well, the water was neutralized with the HCl solution that contributed 0.16mol of hydrogen ions, so there had to be 0.16mol of hydroxide ions in the 5ml; a 0,032mol/ml concentration. I'm not really sure what use that is though, as you could've derived the concentration from the original pH itself... or is that what they are trying to teach you at the moment? I guess that serves as an adequate demonstration of the logarithmic nature of the pH scale then.

  7. I've never cared for lengthy speeches, so I'd just like to say that during these years it has become quite clear that SFN is built on, and supported by, its fine members, standing on an electrically heated foundation of epic win and awesome.

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