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Everything posted by JohnStu

  1. Nope, they will not save you guys. USA was a warmonger, leechy government since Lincoon. USA has bases everywhere, their purpose is to war, war, war. They treat the country like a country in a computer game. I think a better question than will a Romney/Ryan win save us would be "Will I keep voting for the same group of people and keep paying my heavy taxes"
  2. The marriage rate he means is the rate of number of new 1st marriages. It is obviously much lower in developed nations than 3rd world or developing. The root cause is lack of healthy males. Too many men read newspaper instead of doing general labor
  3. they say it is due to the Big Bang and dark matter
  4. Yes theortically another black hole will affect a nearby black hole.
  5. Nope, that is not hypothesis. But antimatter and dark matter have not been solidly confirmed. For me, total matter + energy of the Universe is constant, with the definition of energy being everything except matter.
  6. Remember, everything about antimatter and darkmatter is hypothesis.
  7. Mankind affecting blackholes? Not possible, since the mass of any blackhole along is at least I forgot how many times that of all things made by human right now.
  8. Psst, we do not have enough nuclear weapons to destroy the planet. But we do have enough to bomb enough modern cities.
  9. Big Bang eh? Hmm, ever think that maybe we are made up of nothing? Maybe, maybe nothing is something? just like how 0 is a number
  10. I also faced tremendous limitations in my school though it was a pretty smart one. To study astrophysics I recommend go to hubble telescope site to stir interests. And watch shows like NOVA to know about string theory briefly and how blackholes, light speed, and space-time, Big Bang Theory ties in together.
  11. I've had my thoughts on that. I don't think you can reach a location where the laws are different on the same 3D plane as this one. In short, laws are are patterns derived from examining matters. If a substance whose law is different, it wouldn't be able to react with the matters we are able to interact with.
  12. I seen the solar system 4 billion years ago mu hahaha

  13. I seen the solar system 4 billion years ago mu hahaha

  14. Hmm, well, the bag is filled with empty space. Space itself is a not substance. it is more like result of observing photons that our brains generate this "space". When one makes the bag larger in a vacuum, since space is not a substance, it does not react with the bag at all, rather it stays the same (I am talking about space here not Einstein's space-time construct), so when the bag volumn is increased, we do not consider space, as it does not fill up, but rather is a grid. I think of space as a grid, we don't say did grid fill up the bag, but rather on what coordiantes are the bag's atoms at/were.
  15. When the bag is expanded, we say the atoms that made up the bag has moved its location further away from its original centre. The empty space is not expanded, it remains the same in this process.
  16. "Older stars as move outwards from the center" Could you rephrase that please
  17. My view on wormholes is that wormholes do not exist in reality. It is out of inflated confidance that led to belief or such things, just like how 16th century scientists thought only Earth has moons.
  18. There is no actual point in life. It's all lies, yet all truth.
  19. The point of life is to either believe in the illusion and get a chance to live upto a certain time duration or not believe in the illusion and die. That's the exact quote I have in my unpublished book about philosophy and human psychology.
  20. 1)the expression a0 =1 does not mean a multiply 0 times, but a divides itself one time. a0 = a / a = 1
  21. Having music for science would be like having music for blacksmithing. You can't do that without ending up having some comedy in the song. Anything too specific for a song is not a good song. Songs are all broad.
  22. the first atom was hydrogen (a proton one electron), yes, but at what temperature
  23. How many spins around the centre of the galaxy has the solar system made in the last billion years?
  24. Most of the genes are the same, but those genes dont give you the identity. They are reponsible for protein synthesis and other basic stuff such as forming organs.
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