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Posts posted by njaohnt
Adding a turbine doesn't solve the problem. You do this by making the tank deeper, but that means it takes more energy to create the bubble, because the pressure is greater at the bottom. There's no way to win. There's not even a way to break even.
Oh, yes the water pressure. I've had this idea for over a year, and I didn't see it.
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Add another turbine.
Where does the hydrogen come from? Electrolysis? You've got the same problem. The turbines won't give you enough energy to sustain the electrolysis.
Add another turbine.
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What drives the turbine?
Hydrogen that is pushed up by water.
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The best you can do is the electrolysis and the fuel cell consuming/generating equal amounts of energy, because you are just running the reaction in two directions. But there will always be losses — waste heat, friction, etc., so you generate less than you use.
Why? Let's say we take away the fuel cell. Can the first turbine not keep the electrolysis going?
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Once again, I have made a design that I can't figure out why it wouldn't create free energy.
Fuel cell
Green is the fuel cell anode.
This blue is the fuel cell electrolyte.
Yellow is the cathode of the fuel cell.Electrolysis of water
Red is the anode for electrolysis of the water.
This blue is the cathode for electrolysis of water.
This blue is water. It has sodium hydroxide.
The < is a valve that will open when the first section is low on water.
This should get free energy out of the fuel cell, if the turbines run the electrolysis. You would need to spin up the turbines to get it started. If there isn't enough energy to run the electrolysis, you would just add more turbines.
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and neither does God.
unless of course you actually have empirical evidence to suggest the existence of it/them, in which case i think we all would like to see it.
frankly, i'm excited to see your evidence.
I have 400 posts with evidence of God, and my reason for why I think Moontanman would not listen... I don't think you'll listen though.
And, one more thing. A little while ago I was sick. I prayed, and two hours later I was better. Is there a two hour sickness? I have never heard of one.
One of these days I will initiate a thread designed to introduce a different God-concept, that of a creator who is limited by logic and the principles of physics. Neither you nor MTM will like it. But consider this before you pursue these subjects...
I see no reason to do that. Why not believe the Bible, if God is real and can do anything?
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Because of the amazing power of unicorns, there is no way to disprove them.
Because of the amazing power of Zeus, there is no way to disprove Him.
Because of the amazing power of The Flying Spaghetti Monster, there is no way to disprove Him.
Either there's a lot of amazing power flying around, or perhaps there's another explanation. Maybe it has something to do with beings who can't be directly observed.
Those are all true, but every one of them doesn't have any evidence either.
Disprove? Really njaohnt? Are we back to that yet again? How about you prove there is a god and show some actual evidence of his amazing power.
I would, but you wouldn't listen.
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Having defined God as that which is the origin of existence, we naturally move to our second definition: what is existence? Again, we will go for the broadest definition possible and say that existence is anything within space-time (including space-time itself).
No. God could exist outside of space. Maybe He's in another dimension, but I think He is in a whole other universe. Existence doesn't have to be in space-time.
Because of the amazing power of God, there is no way to disprove Him.
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Thanks, but still want to know weather the wire would work or not, and if so if it's better than graphite or not. Has anyone tried it?
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I was looking at platinum electrodes on the internet, and I noticed that they sell an alloy of platinum and iridium in a wire (80% platinum). It is a lot less money than other electrodes. Would that work for electrolysis of water, and as a catalyst in alkaline/PEM fuel cells?
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I don't think it works on non-Christians. A church would be a better place. It's not like he should get credit for it, it's really God doing the healing.Njoahnt, if he could really heal people why is he not employed by a hospital?
Really? Alright, but I'd prefer you to show me places that you think fit the purpose best. I watch 'em when I have time. Why didn't you tell me that the whole series was nonsense?yes i suffered through the entire mess, it was nonsense all the way through...
Yes, same with science. Sorry if that doesn't answer your question. It's worded oddly.It's ridiculous that you need similar levels of evidence to compare the acceptance of two things, or equate them?
No. Your observations of miracles are single data points, and given they aren't experimentally controlled or verified, they are biased and unusable for comparison.
Really? Why? Of the thousands that God has healed through John of God, they're all biased, and unusable for comparison? Do you even know what he has done?
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That's a predetermination! What makes you so sure of that? If he did something in between the two... let's say he healed someone who was blind by sticking a stick up their nose. Is that evidence? Would he then be a faith healer?It's commonality is not the issue here njaohnt, the fact remains that people get better, atheists, Hindus, murderers, saints, pagans and, everyone else gets better sometimes. the faith healer is just taking advantage of this.
yes, I was totally unimpressed by their lack of real evidence, much of it was hype, misinformation, argument from incredulity, straw man after straw man, and just plain horse feathers, in places even the videos even admitted to not being able to prove their points...
No, I mean all of them. I think you're just thinking I'm talking about the ones I posted. I'm talking about Proving the Bible through Archeology 1 through 10. I just post #1.
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Oh, you don't understand...If you said that, and that's your definition of "fact" then we really don't have much to discuss here do we?
That's my signature. If I said that here, then you're right.
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I'm just saying that it's ridiculous.All scientific theories require evidence meeting those criteria. I'm feeling like a broken record, but If you want to compare Biblical accounts with scientific theories, or equate your beliefs with the acceptance of scientific theories, you need equatable evidence.
No, a single miracle performed by your healer, under controlled conditions would represent a single data point. Many experimentally controlled miracles by him would represent data. A statistical correlation with, say an controlled prayer experiment would provide you with a correlation - which would constitute some evidence. Multiple studies showing the same correlation in independent communities would constitute scientific evidence supporting miracle healing.
And that hasn't happened?
There's plenty of comparison. One may compare a prediction of the dark matter hypothesis to the observational evidence collected by telescopes -- those distortions. Those distortions are accounted for by the hypothesis.
Don't try to discount the evidence by saying it's just "distortions". Everything you observe is just distortions in the cells comprising your nervous system. That doesn't stop you from believing in the existence of your chair.
If I couldn't feel my chair, and I needed an extremely strong telescope to see it, I would skeptical that it actually exists.
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You're predetermining things again...The healer at your church is no better than any other faith healer. Does he regrow severed limbs? Restore eyes? If you were to look into it secretly you would find out he is a charlatan... No faith healer has ever healed anyone at a rate any higher than natural recovery and yes people do recover naturally from things even cancer.
Njoahnt you are being mislead by these people, you don't have to stop believing in god but faith healers are charlatans, it's a win win for them every time they try to heal, if it works then god healed them, if it doesn't work then the person didn't believe strongly enough. They can't loose, it's like the casinos in Vegas, he always wins because he is fake and doesn't have to heal everyone to prove it to people who want to believe so badly.
These "faith" healers are quite frankly the worst of the worst, lying in the name of god, if the god of the bible exists he must have a very special hot place for faith healers...
You are young, your exploration here at least shows you are questioning what you are being told, continue to do so, do not simply believe because some one told you it was true. Investigate it your self and finding that the things that fundamentalists say have to be true for god to be true is false. They worship a book written by men about the myths of their favorite gods.
You do not have to give up believing in god to understand that natural processes can account for the universe we see today. think of it as science discovering how god really did it... Don't worship a book njaohnt, you can still believe in God and understand that science has the answers and the book these people worship does not. It is demonstrably wrong about it's description of the natural world and how it works.
To believe in the validity of science doesn't mean you are an atheist no matter how many times they claim it to be the case...
Amazing things have happened through these people.
I'll go back to the back example. There was a car crash, and her back hurt. It was getting worse, and then BAM! She was healed. Do you really think that that is common? That would be ridiculous.
I did watch your videos njaohnt, if i am part of a discussion I always look at the evidence presented...
Did you watch all of the Case for a Creator videos? And all the Archeology ones, too?
Indeed. I think there's an even better example from the New Testament: who saw Jesus after he died, and in what order?
Write down the order of events as given by each of the four Gospels and see what you get.
Alternately: Give a timeline of the places Joseph and Mary lived. Include Bethlehem, Nazareth, etc. Do this for each gospel independently. Now compare.
Nothing that says that God isn't real.
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(Those would be metric buttloads. A common scientific unit.)
There's a lot less evidence to say what it is, but evidence of its existence is hardly lacking.
Take a different perspective. Put together atheism and theism, and look at the evidence.
Our earth's existence has so much evidence.
Our earth is a lot like dark matter. Just make a little change to your statement.
"There's a lot less evidence to say what it is, but evidence of its existence is hardly lacking."
There's a lot less evidence to say what made it, but evidence of its existence is hardly lacking.
That's true, no?
According to the chart "Comparison with other data" leads to evidence.
Where's the comparison in dark matter? What are you to believe?
If you get picky, there is no comparison. All this dark matter is, is just distortions when looking into out space.
Tell me if I'm wrong.
There so is that chart right?
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Anyone who can watch this series of videos, there are more than 15 of them, and still believe in the New Testament.... Well they do have faith.... but no idea what evidence consists of..
Sorry, I'm not going to watch the whole series until you watch my videos.
If you want, you can point out certain parts in it, but I'm not risking my time on watching all those. Maybe I would if you watch mine.
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I take it as blatantly ignoring the scientific method and our rules.
Consider where you are, please. You came to a SCIENCE forum. You need to comply with the rules and methodology given by science. Otherwise, go debate in a theology forum, I'm sure you'll have a lot more consensus.
I don't understand, you're quoting something you didn't say?
Okay, now everyone all mixed up.
I did say that. Not here though. This all got started when ydoaPs quoted that from my signature.
When you want to equate a belief in Bible stories with the acceptance of a scientific theory, you need equatable evidence. Science has a rather specific definition of evidence. In this sense, if you want to say, compare acceptance of evolutionary theory with Biblical creation, or suggest that belief in God is the same as acceptance of the theory of gravity, you don't get to choose the definition of evidence, as the evidence supporting these scientific theories is precisely defined.
It would be helpful in understanding this if you read through this article and understood the below diagram:
I consider everything where I said
evidence. Sorry if you don't. That image is kind of crazy, and where it says "Evidence" I would say that that should say extraordinary evidence.
I'll give you an example. Dark matter. What evidence is there of that?
There is one thing that I said that would comply as evidence according to the chart. The healer at my church, and John of God. You can compare miracle with miracle, and they agree with each other.
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Why are you even here?
Okay, more so, it would have to be very extraordinary. Nothing like what we see today.
Sorry, imatfaal, but I haven't found anything I haven't replied to.
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Lots of things in the Bible. I heard of a wall, and instead of falling into a city, it fell outside the city, I forget what story that was. I'll see if I can find that place on those videos (Proving the Bible through Archeology).That said, the only thing these places prove, is that there were people living in those cities long ago. That doesn't prove the biblical story is true, it just shows some elements of it might be true, and it definitely doesn't prove God.
What, exactly, do you expect to find in Israel that is proof of God? I'll tell you if it's there.
Really, that's kind of crazy.Hehe, this might work in a personal rant blog, but not in here. You came to this forum to discuss evidence for God with science minded people. This forum requires you to use scientific definitions. You can't just decide for yourself what constitutes proof, evidence, or fact.
I think you misunderstood me. "You can't just decide for yourself what constitutes proof, evidence, or fact." Yes I can, and I did. It's not like I would think that you would (doesn't seem like you take anything as proof, evidence, or fact.) take it as anything.
I think that you're forgetting where we came from, here. I did not post this in this thread.
All of you listen. Atheists, and people that are not Christians will go to hell. It is a plain fact0 -
Then there's no purpose to reply.I humbly suggest you consider this... pot kettle black....
Well why couldn't it just act differently?Why does it have to have a reason? Why does that reason have to be your favorite god myth?
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Say it. But it's the opposite.God has been in retreat since the enlightenment, he has gone from the explanation for everything to explaining nothing...
Again. Think before you post!How could non belief affect god?
Ask yourself that.
Show me how it is the same.How is your favorite fairy tale any more logical than anyone else's?
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By logic, I will list them out.i'm not the one claiming that religious creation myths = science. I was simply pointing out that you seem to be laboring under the misconception that the Bible has the only horse in that race.
2. Atheism
=other religions
Atheism is illogical, and so are other religions.
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Confirming there is no god would require god like powers of knowledge, it will never happen, but that doesn't support the existence of a god, but he will be pushed into smaller and smaller places...
And that doesn't confirm it?
He will, huh? That sounds like a confirmation. However, I think the opposite. I think atheism is doing that.he will be pushed into smaller and smaller places...0
Was 9/11 Planned by....?
in Speculations
Posted · Edited by imatfaal
removed name of individual and video
Was 9/11 planned by <name removed by mod>? This video says so.
<video also removed by mod>