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Everything posted by dom3mo

  1. oh well the acidty test showed a 6 on the paper so I guess ill have to try to make the acid again. wait no it showed up as 11 so i made the acid i think wooh.
  2. ok i think I have made it is there any tests to see if it sulphuric acid "than seeing if it will disslove your skin".
  3. Is there any way you can show me your apparatus im having trouble storing the sulphur dioxde to be injected into the hrdogen peroxide? thanks
  4. oh then whats the yellow vapors.
  5. Thanks im gonna do that right now.
  6. The best electrodes would be platinum, second graphite I think. Most metals like iron would be a bad choice for the anode the one that dosent bubble. Because iron as an example will corrode and oxside, It looks disgusting.
  7. OK is there any way to make sulphuric acid that is simlar to this? sorry similar not simlar:doh: .
  8. To make copper sulfate just copper(II)chloride in sulphuric acid.
  9. Ok heres my layout I have a open flask with a burner under, the fkask aslo contains sulphur and a tube that goes into a beaker with hydrogen peroxide in it will this make sulphuric acid?
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