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Everything posted by sciencenoob

  1. yes but what 'is' the wave equation in itself. for the sake of argument I could care less about the mathematical operations that leads to the solutions of, but the physical significance of the wave equation still seems to bear no much meaning to me. Of course there are other constants and values and equations etc in phsyics that simply have little physical signifiance, but QM is so abstract as to use wave mathematical relationships to abstractly and arbitrarily put it into context for QM, such that you get completely abstract terms ok my bad for the wrong use of technical terminology, i am a noob at this, I did mean the wave function
  2. I honestly do not believe quantum mechanics (QM) is first principles enough, in the philosophical sense. QM deals with probabilites and unstrapped the desire (or at least is currently incapable as of now) of aiming to describe the particle behavior and motion of small particles and systems and their interactions. Rather it tries to justify its current inabilities to understand actual particle dynamics because the excuse is that statistical means as an 'best alternative' is actually sufficient. However, physics in general, philosophically can only do so much as to describe natures laws because physics is surposed to define the most fundamental and the idea of 'facts' is much harder, if ever possible to achieve in physics, than in other subjects in which concrete proofs and 'facts' may be achievable. But in physics the idea of first principles is the use of the most fundamental laws to describe nature's responses, and QM fails to do this because it fails on being able to describe particle dynamics in which to correlate the QM current findings (e.g. probability desnity of particles), etc. Wt do you think.
  3. Can anyone explain to me, the significance of the wave equation such that I can understand it. From what I gather (and do correct me), the wave equation is 'something' who's squared (i.e. something^2) is a good enough description of the probability density of finding the particle in a bound state. The founding of the wave equation and the use of the wave like nature of particles to describe particle systems is nothing but luck , hope, and messing around with mathematics that magically seem to work. In that nobody knows the underlying theory or understnading of why particles behave as waves in the first place or why mathematical wave equations and operations can be used to describe particle behavior.
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