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Everything posted by alext87

  1. You would surely just keep oscillating between the poles. But if friction was there then you would oscillate but eventually come to rest at the centre of the earth. i also think that the intense heat in the centre of the earth would vapourise your body - or you meant just be very thirsty!!
  2. Fire means that the enthalpy of combustion must be taking place. This means that the system (react) is exothermic because all enthalpy's of combustion give out heat. There FIRE cannot happen with out heat given out so no. FIRE is HEAT. There are some enthalpy of combustions which do not give out as much energy per mole burnt as others but they all do!! Combustion by definition needs oxygen, fuel and heat. Therefore a fire which does not burn anything! Energy cannot be created! So must burn something.
  3. Bitumen can behave as a glue at relatively low temperature, how can this property be explained using its microstructure?
  4. My chemistry master has asks me to do an experiment to find out the how to change the melting point of ice, up or down. What i need to do is write a complete report on how i intent to show that i can increase the melting point of ice by adding salt and i also need to show the sensivity eg. number of degrees melting point increased compared to the concentration change of salt. After this i have to try and get the value degrees per concentration for other salts. LiCl,KCl,MgCl,CaCl. I am guessing this with all increase the melting point. Can anybody suggest a plan for the experiment and estimate how much change in concentrations i will need to make a noticable melting point change. Also is there any salt or compound that will actually decrease the melting point of ice?
  5. Milk before i lie down just makes me want to be sick. Warm in the duvet is a good one.
  6. Here's an interesting point: The mass of an little insect is less than the mass of a human by quite a large factor. Einstein said that the higher the mass the more the object distorts time. Therefore, little insects must be in a slightly different 'time zone' than us as humans. So does that mean when insects watch human move we appear to be travelling faster and when we watch them move they appear to be travelling more slowly. Is there a constant link between the mass of an object and the rate of time which they are experiencing?
  7. Your sleeping pattern has only just started to become routine so you can easily get out of the routine again. Do not go to sleep except at the normal times and whatever happens stay in bed for the normal times. Stop taking sleeping pills because tho they make on night easy to get to sleep the next few nights your body is expecting them. At ten when you are trying to get to bed; get comfortable and relax. Try and concentrate only on your breathing pattern attempting to slow your breath down. It works for me anyway. Alex
  8. Aluminium is covered in PVC. The gap between then fills up with water. The PVC decomposes (caused by light) and forms hydrochloric acid. This then corrodes the Aluminium into Aluminium chloride which goes into the water to form solution. Please can somebody explain why the process after this is continuous even if no more chloride ions are released from the PVC?
  9. Does not work. Take A=1001 then B=1001 therefore Ans= 0 which is not divisble by 99.
  10. No but i am talking about predicting over a long period of time! not just 1 coin but many!!!!!
  11. alext87

    feline anatomy

    How does a pig orgasm for over an hour? Why do baboons and horses masterbate
  12. alext87

    feline anatomy

    So why don't they do it all year round then?
  13. alext87

    feline anatomy

    So why do they need one if they do not have sex for pleasure?
  14. alext87

    feline anatomy

    Do cats and dogs have a clitoris?
  15. Yeah i think that it still would! i try and find out for sure. GOOD QU.
  16. Computer power does matter because i am only talking about it in theory! There are chaotic behaviours but there are far more predictable patterns and natural laws so it could be done to predict events to a certain extent in the very long term e.g. the weather system in 20 years time.
  17. alext87

    Sasser Virus!

    The person who set up and programed the Sasser virus has now been track down. He goes to a school in Germany and is going to face trial in a few months time. Clever kid to have though up a program that has crashed so many computer systems!
  18. However if somebody would like to tell me how to do it i would be interested!
  19. alext87

    Sasser Virus!

    Sort it just don't download stuff and go on the internet or open e-mails on your own computer!
  20. The ant may not have been cooked as it water contain in its body is not a much as the food and therefore the food would have absorbed most of the energy. Microwaves are only electormagnetic waves that have no ionising effect so that microwaves do not cause cancer. Same with mobile phones they cannot cause cancer they only warm up the brain. Ants release chemicals marking their tracks however this ant to get on to the food and be the only one must have left the group and be on its first trip before the ant told the others. Maybe your mircowave is broken so that the ant would not have cooked and the food would still be cold.
  21. Thanks a lot for finding that for me!
  22. Ok radioactive decay has randomness but it has a half live which can be predicted. Though the radioactivity given off in 1second may appear to be random if 200hours was taken then it would be predictable.
  23. More UV therefore more melatonin which causes your skin to become darker. This can happen in the same environment as your have different genes that response differently therefore different skin colour! Your hair can get darker with age due to genes so why not skin?
  24. Ok maybe we can't trust the media who exaggrate point, start up gossips, twist facts but you have to expect this we are only human beings trying to make our life have a purpose and fulfill it! However, who can we trust then, who else can supply us with the news of the world and the facts and figures that we want to know? American media i agree are the worst and blame them for causing the large gun killing in the States as they indue fear into people and make them more supicious of their neighbours. American has 1100 gun killings each year and also has more black crimial on TV than the representative population. The media are a dangerous weapon! We can complain about Bush and Blair but is there anything we can do except every 4/5 years when we get the vote?
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