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Posts posted by MulderMan

  1. Usually depends on who is setting your test!

    Some people like the arrows to finish at the middle of the bond, and some like them to finish at the other atom.


    The key things are arrows should start from a lone pair, or a bond, i.e the source of electrons.


    They should also be CURLY, straight arrows are for use in dative bonding (think inorganic metal-ligand).


    Once you have done a few of the more basic mechanisms, if you are given two reagents in an exam it becomes a sixth sense to know how they will react!


    Know your electrophiles and nucleophiles!

  2. Think of the units:

    c (specific heat of soln): J g^-1 K^-1


    m (mass of soln): g


    ΔT (change in temp): K


    So, looking at the units, multiplying c by m and ΔT, you are left with the the energy change (absorbed by the soln), in Joules.

  3. First one dunno.


    The second one is phenylethanone, i.e a ketone.

    Ketones resist oxidation via tollens reagent as they done have that spare hydrogen like with aldehydes.

    Technically you can oxidise ketones using manganate (VII), but thats another story.

    So, in short the solution will stay colourless.

  4. Dont have a clue about the first one, Ive never dealt with more than one phenyl..


    The second one is an alcohol, so draw the structure out fully, and find the longest carbon chain. Then follow the nomenclature rules! Post your try, and ill check.


    Nomenclature can be tricky if you cant think in 3d!


    Ill leave it to someone else to give the homework lecture..

  5. What age/level are you at?


    A few things to look up:


    Functional groups (and bonding rules):














    Isomerism (functional group, positional, geometric, optical)



    -nucelophillic/electrophillic addition/substitution




    Spectroscopy (n.m.r., IR, mass spec)


    Tests for organic compounds...




    Haha, theres alot of things!

    Thats pretty much the spec. for circa 16-18 year olds, or so I should think/hope!


    Once you start to learn the basics, like bonding rules (i.e. carbon=4, oxygen=2 etc), nomenclature (the naming system) and basic mechanisms, and the concept of moving electrons with curly arrows you are set!

  6. Might be worth looking up the born-haber cycle aswell, thats what we've been using in class of late for working out ionic bond enthalpys. Much like hess cycles but with alot more specific enthalpy changes!

  7. In all fairness the whole course. I got an E for C1 in January, and I just can't seem to be able to do a lot of any of C2 or S1.

    Guess its just a case of practice, practice, practice?

  8. There is probably an American centre registered to allow you to sit a GCSE, or IGCSE, but the use of it as a qualification to you, and the fees incurred probably outweigh the benefits.


    You could always sit a past paper and grade it yourself to see what equivelant level you are at?

  9. Fructose and gluclose join togeather in a condensation reaction, releasing a water molecule, and a surcose molecule.


    C6H12O6 + C6H12O6 --> C12H22O11 +H2O


    Then you can work out the molecular weight by multiplying each atoms Ar with the number of atoms are there, and add the values up for a total Mr.


    I.e Ar: C=12 H=1 O=16


    (12x12) + (1x22) + (11x16) = etc

  10. Electron affinity is the energy given when an electron is gained by a neutrally charged atom, in the gasous phase, becoming a negatively charged ion.


    The trend increases across a group, and up a period, just like with the first ionisation energy.

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