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Everything posted by MigL

  1. An Electromagnetic Field is a value and direction ( vector ) associated with each point in space. A Medium is a particle at each point in space, that has an oscillation as part of its motion. A Photon is best described as a point ( dimensionless ) quantum particle that is 'smeared out' over a volume with no distinct edge. But in its other model of a wave, an 'exact' value of its energy will make its wavelength infinitely long, so it is in no way related to its size. You may have gathered, by now, that quantum objects don't act the same as macroscopic objects. So, I ask, again, why do you think quantum particles, like photons, would need a medium like macroscopic objects, such as water waves, do ?
  2. They would ask "Why is a medium needed ?". They might also ask about the formatting of your posts ...
  3. One thing I forgot to mention in this post If you did go ahead and repeat Galileo's supposed experiment of dropping two unequal weights from the leaning tower of Pisa, you would find that they both fall at the same rate, and you would measure the acceleration of the two unequal masses at 9.8 m/s/s. Further you would find that the a in Fi=mia is equivalent to GMe/r2, and, upon setting Fi=Fg ( or mia=GMemg/r2 ) that mi and mg are, in fact, equal. This is actually a deep, and surprising, result, as it shows inertial mass is equivalent to gravitational mass. Even A Einstein pondered why this should be so, and may be what Joigus was referring to here
  4. I'll side with Janus. F=ma simply defines the relationship between two ( or possibly 3 ) variables. Usually force is proportional to acceleration when mass is constant, but the other way F is proportional to m when a is constant, also works.
  5. There is no distinction between push and pull; both are forces. However there are many forces, and F=ma is a generalized force equation expressing what happens to a test mass, m, when a force is applied to it. It is also known as Newton's second law. The other equation F=GMm/r2 is a specific kind of 'force', that expresses what happens to a test mass, m, when exposed to the gravity of another body of mass M. This is also known as Newtonian Gravity, and the model is accurate in most situations, although in some situations involving hi energy/lo separation Gravity is better described by a geometrical space-time ( which is not a force ) model, GR . The two equations can only be set to equal when dealing with the gravitational force of mass M, on test mass m. And in such a case ( as Swansont showed ) we notice that the mass m cancels from both sides. This means the acceleration induced by a body of mass M is independent of the test mass, m. IOW, all test masses, no matter what their m is, accelerate/fall at the same rate when exposed to the same Gravitational Force of object M. In the case of M being the mass of the Earth, we realize that climbing to the top of the leaning Tower of Pisa to drop a bowling ball and a golf ball, and timing their time to fall, is not necessary. They both fall at 9.8 m/s/s. ( disregarding air resistance, of course )
  6. Sorry if I didn't explain myself well enough; lower birth rates leading to aging population problem. Currently countered by immigration from high birth rate countries to low birth rate countries. But what happens when most all countries go to a low birth rate as in the extrapolation ? If there are less young working people to pay taxes, there is less money available for the greater number of the elderly pensions. The system becomes unsustainable unless people work, and are able to work, to a much older age.
  7. Interesting. While your assertion is not accurate, in general; entropy increases as more and more as the available information becomes unavailable. The global increase in unavailable information has been occurring since the beginning of the universe, even though, locally, entropy and available information can increase. The place where your assertion makes sense is where ALL information relating to a Black Hole is 'stored'; at the Event Horizon.If a BH renders all information crossing the EH, unavailable, then the area of the EH is proportional both to its entropy and information. Hawking and Bekenstein showed the entropy is indeed proportional to the EV area, and so, temperature, and Hawking 'black body' radiation at that temperature. Similarly, I believe it was E Wigner who showed that a limit exists on how much total information can be accumulated in a space before collapse into a BH with an EV whose area is proportional to that information. This limit is about 1069 bits/m2. The information, and entropy, is localized in Planck sized domains on the surface of the EH, and surprisingly, these domains have some interesting connections to Loop Quantum Gravity.
  8. Any non-secular system of law, like Sharia, will discriminate against all other non-Islamic religions. And possibly, some sects of Islam also. A diverse group of people needs a secular system of governance and laws. ( meandering once again 🙂 )
  9. Those same projections also show that the average age would be about 85, and for the system to sustain itself, retirement age would need to be about 95. ( I pulled those age numbers out of my rear; but I assume you know what I mean ) Medicine, biology and genetics had better start working on keeping us healthy, capable and cognizant well past that age.
  10. That may be. But a Chomsky or Russel would probably do a good job before age 65 also. I hope it won't be much of a problem, as J Biden will surround himself with sensible and capable people, even if he himself, is incapacitated. But the other buffoon, who surrounds himself with a*s-kissers, would be a major problem.
  11. I wasn't aware that P Crone had passed. I notice the 'sketchy' literature you're considering, refers to Muhammad as 'the praised one', or religious literature, which makes it 'sketchy'. On the first page of this thread, however, I mentioned some historical literature which pre-dates Muhammad's religious significance to Islam. In some Muhammad isn't even referred to as 'the Prophet', rather, the first of the 'Arab Kings'. See the first of these sources Brock, S.P. (1982). "Syriac Views of Emergent Islam". In G.H.A. Juynboll (ed.). Studies on the First Century of Islamic Society. Southern Illinois University Press. p. 20. Nevo, Yehuda D.; Koren, Judith (2000). "Methodological Approaches to Islamic Studies". The Quest for the Historical Muhammad. New York: Prometheus Books. pp. 420–443. Nigosian, Solomon Alexander (2004). Islam: Its History, Teaching, and Practices. Indiana University Press. ISBN 0-253-21627-3. I might add that, I myself, haven't read a lot of this and can't attest to their validity; just some 'skimming', so my opinions might not have very solid foundations.
  12. True. But you have to admit the probability of a person 'losing their wits' in the 4 years of a Presidential term increase almost exponentially between the ages of 70 and 90. I'm not sure how it works in the US, but in Canada, once a person reaches 80 years of age, he/she is subject to yearly driving competence tests. You could call it age discrimination, but it is a recognition of our general human limitations. Similarly you could require politivians over a certain age to be tested for physical and mental condition, but that could be easily manipulated by a President who appoints his physician. ( remember the 'glowing' assessment D Trump got, while being overweight, and obviously crazy ? ) That is why I would prefer age limits on essential politicians. The US is not the only one with problems. In Canada we have senators appointed for life, and some are in their 90s, who spend most of their time sleeping, yet they can hold up, or veto, legislation passed by elected and accountable members of Parliament. Our Senate is called the 'house of somber second thought'. In their dreams, maybe.
  13. It's simple enough. If you stop searching for drivel, the app's algorithm will stop feeding you drivel.
  14. Any point ( no spatial extension ) moving within an area, occupies that area ( of spatial extent ) Now substitute quark for point and nucleon for area. I really don't understand what you mean.
  15. I get the impression that you're saying electrons are required simply because protons acquire a certain positive charge that needs to be 'balanced out' due to charge conservation. Alas, electrons do exist, and have been measured/observed on their own, without a 'balancing' proton. And electrons are not charge, rather, they have the property of charge.
  16. It seems that P Crone now also rejects her former ideas. The general consensus seems to be that Mecca was a trading post where many trader caravans stopped, as they made their way across the Arabian peninsula. It was already an area of major religious significance ( because of a large black cubic structure of stone, mentioned by Eise ), and was a 'meeting point' of many other religions of the traders that passed through Mecca. Muhammad incorporated many aspects of the differing religions he was exposed to, as well as the Kaaba, into Islam.
  17. As JC pointed out, there is already age discrimination, as people under a certain age are not permitted to be President. Yet those youngsters are permitted in the armed forces, of which, the President is the Commander in Chief. As Rambo said about wars "Old men start it. Young men fight it. Nobody wins, everybody in the middle dies ... and nobody tells the truth." And if age discrimination is 'bigotry', what do you call it when a person who is an American citizen, has served in the armed forces, and paid taxes for 40 years, cannot be President because he/she was born in another country ? I think most of us dismiss the fact that J Biden is past his 'best before date' because the orange hair alternative is too stressful to contemplate, but a President needs to remember briefings so that decisions can be made taking them into account; in the case of a national emergency he needs to be in AF1 and alert for possibly 48 hours without sleep ( or an elderly afternoon nap ). I don't suggest age 65 limits out of malice ( I turned 65 on Jan 19th ), but I do realize the limitations of people over that age. ( interns won't even look at you, never mind moistening your cigar. I know, that's in bad taste ... ) Even Bruce 'Die-Hard' Willis knew when to call it quits, and all he had to do was remember lines, and not look at the camera.
  18. Could you really not tell I was trying to set-up a joke about wandering attention ?
  19. Actual history can be discussed with Islam, and I like History. By Contrast, Christianity's Jesus Christ may be an imaginary person, and the New Testament written centuries after His supposed existence. And I won't even mention the burning bushes, Arcs of the Covenant, and floods survived by a male and female of each species, in the Old Testament of the Jewish faith.
  20. Oh yeah ? Well D Trump has, for years, been holding vindictive grudges with people who were allies, but later decided not to kiss his ass anymore, or decided to save their own skin 😄. The fact that one is old, and the other is old and crazy, is no excuse. You should be under 65 to run for President. In my opinion.
  21. Well, she does support congressional term limits and "mandatory mental competence tests for politicians over 75 years old," I wonder how many of those doddering old fools would pass such tests.
  22. Why are you guys talking about me like I'm not in the room ? Especially since neither of you seems to understand ( or want to understand ) my position ? Everybody is free to identify as whatever they wish. But society defines the meaning of a word. Admittedly, word definitions, and usage, do change over time; words take on different meanings, and disappear from usage. But until male and female are, either eliminated from common usage, or take on a different meaning, society will still have a generalized idea of what a male, and what a female, is.And no that doesn't mean I'm claiming people don't have the right to identify as one or the other, as they themselves see fit. Or maybe I haven't noticed that 'male' and 'female' have been eliminated from common usage. Tell me, Phi, if you were a grade 1 teacher, and you asked your students to draw a picture of a man, and they drew a picture of a woman, would you mark that right or wrong ? Tell me. When a man identifies as a woman, or a woman as a man, what do they think those words mean, if you think the words should be ambiguous, are a spectrum, and possibly no meaning. Why is it that I'm not allowed to define what 'man', or 'woman', means to me, but a Trans person can confidently say "I'm not this; I'm that." ? ( I guess the words do have a meaning for them ) People define/identify themselves with words; society ( until change ) defines those words. PS I hope none of you guys ever get mugged or robbed. When the cops ask you whether the perpetrator was male or female, I have no idea what you'll say 🙂 .
  23. That doesn't bode well for America after the next election. No matter who wins.
  24. I guess most of us are way off to one side of the spectrum. Don't autistics have a laser-like focus on the subject they are interested in ? We all just wander and meander across all sorts of different subjects. ( Hey ! Did you see that squirrel that ran by ? )
  25. It would be a strange place for a trader to be located, if that was the case. "Historian Patricia Crone has cast doubt on the claim that Mecca was a major historical trading outpost.[51][52] However, other scholars such as Glen W. Bowersock disagree and assert that Mecca was a major trading outpost.[53][54] Crone later on disregarded some of her theories.[55] She argues that Meccan trade relied on skins, hides, manufactured leather goods, clarified butter, Hijazi woollens, and camels. She suggests that most of these goods were destined for the Roman army, which is known to have required colossal quantities of leather and hides for its equipment." From Mecca - Wikipedia
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