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Posts posted by bimbo36

  1. When i accomplished my goals i had inner peace .

    For example ,

    When i was finally able to built a dynamic website of my own

    When i follow assembly language with SASM IDE , when i don't have anything else to do

    When i finally managed to understand differential equations

    When i started doing a commerce degree after failing for math in my computer science degree .

    Right now i have very less inner peace because after working till evening i am still studying for my commerce degree .

    Someday , after completing my distance education commerce degree i might have more inner peace .

  2. Phi for All , Raider5678

    Thanks a lot for the reply

    I haven't smoked anything after that last post of that video .

    I even bought one of these and have been chewing this ever since .


    I already feel 10 times fresher .

    The craving is there and is very strong .

    I am a second year commerce student and i used to smoke between my studies , but right now i am not doing it , which is a good thing .

  3. Another reason not to smoke .

    How Smoking 30 packs Wrecks Your Lungs


    I have been giving good gaps between smoke for the last few days .

    Tomorrow  the month of November starts .

    And its going to be a smoke free month for me .

    That is all .



  4. I should stay like my new avatar from this time on wards  . I like this avatar , it gives me strength to hold on in these times of dullness .I have been staying away from smoke for the past 4 hours .

    Maybe this is already working .Maybe i was looking for that perfect avatar , This avatar makes me happy .

    Sometimes i think we have to accept the fact that life cant be always interesting , Nor smoking a cigarette can make it interesting.


    You are right , there is happiness and dopamine in little things

    Sometimes a smile from a girl can make you quit cigarette .


    I have become happy when i changed my avatar to this one .

    Maybe i can really stop this time , The last cigarette was 4 hours ago .



  5. @tar

    Thanks again for the reply .

    The problem is i come back from work and starts studying for a commerce degree , distance education .Somehow smoking a cigarette or two in the evening has become a part of the flow .

    It is a way to escape the usual dull routine of work and a way to relax before i start studying , right now also studying the subject called financial accounting .

    I really should change this habit and find a different flow ,one without cigarettes .

    Tomorrow is Sunday ,If i can get a whole Sunday without smoking  that would be kind of cool .

    One last try to quit .

    10/28/2017 11:49

  6. Thanks for the reply Phi for All ,tar


    Thanks for taking your valuable time to type that long reply .

    I am going to quit now , I am also going to see an Ayurveda doctor tomorrow and am going to tell him that i need medicines to clean the smokes from my lungs .

    I hope i can stay smoke free from today , this time on wards .

    10/26/2017 9:53 PM Indian time


    I failed three times after that last post of mine

    I seriously quit this time . Because i threw up at least 5 times after my last smoke which was like an hour ago .:ph34r:

    From this day on wards ,From this time on wards , i wont touch one more nicotine related product ,Ever .

    R.I.P smoking habits , one more time .




  8. Phi for All , itoero , tar , waitforufo

    Thanks a lot for the replies

    Yes i have to change my habits as soon as possible .

    I really want to start a fresh October month .

    Itoero , i have been drinking a mix of turmeric and buttermilk , i hope that is what its called in your place for almost 3 weeks now .


    Along with this mix .



    That should help with some detox process .

    I have made up my mind and I am 100% sure that i am not going to smoke not even 1 Cigarette after this September 2017 .This is surely going to be that last month of smoking .  ^_^


  9. Maybe i should do that , quit smoking and drink more tea . i will have to make that 5 times a day , three in the evening .

    This is the result of my blood test i took today .


    Looks alright so far , but if i continue this habit . It is going to get worse .

    Let me see what i can do from now on .

    OK , One last time 21 9 2017 7:23 Indian time

  10. Well , in the evening i come back from work , i sit behind my PC and learn assembly language and every time i learn something new or make any progress i feel like taking a break with a cigarette and a tea

    I am not sure what else to do

    I somehow need to break that habit , its too dull in the evenings in these parts of India .

    Or else i could drink a beer everyday and break out of this habit of smoking .

  11. If anyone is looking for more examples , these are all working examples .I thought i would share it here .

    Linux ASM example

    section    .text
       global _start    ;must be declared for linker (gcc)
    _start:             ;tell linker entry point
       mov    edx,len  ;message length
       mov    ecx,msg  ;message to write
       mov    ebx,1    ;file descriptor (stdout)
       mov    eax,4    ;system call number (sys_write)
       int    0x80     ;call kernel
       mov    edx,9    ;message length
       mov    ecx,s2   ;message to write
       mov    ebx,1    ;file descriptor (stdout)
       mov    eax,4    ;system call number (sys_write)
       int    0x80     ;call kernel
       mov    eax,1    ;system call number (sys_exit)
       int    0x80     ;call kernel
    section    .data
    msg db 'Displaying 9 stars',0xa ;a message
    len equ $ - msg  ;length of message
    s2 times 9 db '*'

    Hello world windows

    %include "io.inc"
    section .data
        msg db 'Hello, world!', 0
    section .text
        global CMAIN
        mov ebp, esp
        PRINT_STRING msg
        xor eax, eax

    Hello world 2 ; windows

    %include "io.inc"
    section .text
    global CMAIN
        mov ebp, esp; for correct debugging
      ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ; hello.asm
    ; This is a Win32 console program that writes "Hello, World" on one line and
    ; then exits.  It uses only plain Win32 system calls from kernel32.dll, so it
    ; is very instructive to study since it does not make use of a C library.
    ; Because system calls from kernel32.dll are used, you need to link with
    ; an import library.  You also have to specify the starting address yourself.
    ; Assembler: NASM
    ; OS: Any Win32-based OS
    ; Other libraries: Use gcc's import library libkernel32.a
    ; Assemble with "nasm -fwin32 hello.asm"
    ; Link with "ld -e go hello.obj -lkernel32"
    ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
            global  go
            extern  _ExitProcess@4
            extern  _GetStdHandle@4
            extern  _WriteConsoleA@20
            extern  _ReadConsoleA@20
            section .data
    msg:    db      'Hello, World', 10
    handle:         dd      0
    read_handle dd 0
    written:        db      0
            section .text
            ; handle = GetStdHandle(-11)
            push    dword -11
            call    _GetStdHandle@4
            mov     [handle], eax
            push -10  ; stdin
            call _GetStdHandle@4
            mov [read_handle], eax
            ; WriteConsole(handle, &msg[0], 13, &written, 0)
            push    dword 0
            push    written
            push    dword 13
            push    msg
            push    dword [handle]
            call    _WriteConsoleA@20
            push eax
            mov eax, esp ; buffer for char?
            push 0
            push written ; reuse this?
            push 1 ; characters to read?
            push eax
            push dword [read_handle]
            call  _ReadConsoleA@20
            pop eax ; character read in al?
            ; ExitProcess(0)
            push    dword 0
            call    _ExitProcess@4
        xor eax, eax


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