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Amr Morsi

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Posts posted by Amr Morsi

  1. Shelli .... it is great.


    You can also, go ahead, electro-mechanically. Try a body tightened by 3 axial springs and 3 angular ones. And get the signal from potentiometers and analyze them on the PC and graph by MATLAB. It is challenging Can you do it?

  2. Any fundamental particle does have mass and electric charge, except for neutrinos which are proven to have neither (or approximately neither, so not to be debated now). And, so electric and gravitational currents are exactly restricted to each others. Then, very easily, even if the two forces are not the same, then they can obey certain one law, simply as the electroweak force.

  3. By the way, if you examined GR Equations, you will find that free falling local frame of reference is not as an inertial frame, even if you applied it on an external basis.


    This is not the point. The point is Exactness (I am not saying the correctness) of GR and the interpretation of the EP. The negative sign put reverses (or may) the meaning, and this was mentioned (If I am not wrong) in Einstein's Papers.

  4. A function of 10 variables in addition to that of time, have a gradient of F(x1, x11,t)! Determine the gradient properties. Away from the constrictions on this. I think that integrating F on any path is independent upon the velocity-properties. Can any one advise!

  5. Why are P.D.E.s are solved without excitation and then applied on the solution with BC's? Is this general? What if the distribution was total-domain-space-functional? Just for analysis.

  6. The question is: Why do photons move with the maximum possible velocity permitted in nature? Because it is their nature. Then, there may be a relation between Relativity and Electromagnetism. This is what Einstein were trying to do, if I am not wrong.

  7. Try to solve a quantum state transition in hydrogen atom, away from Q.E.D. ...... assume having E1 with radius r2 ..... a wonderful example ..... my kisses, you will see transitions by your eyes on a real-time 3D environment .... 4D.


    Hint: Mixed states will be used.


    Then try to apply quantum field theory, by finding the electromagnetic field emitted on the transition.

    Can you specify the trace of one photon ...... if it is defined.

  8. Equivalence principle: is it exact? If yes, then why A. Einstein put more than one mathematical model for the GR in the beginning and waited for the proof? And, what about the negative sign that seems to have reversed the meaning of the Equivalence principle, as asked by many scientists?

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