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Posts posted by Soulja

  1. Originally posted by Sayonara³

    Soulja, have you ever read an objective biography of Machiavelli?


    I've read more biographies on Machiavelli than you can imagine.


    I also read his play which is almost a porno lol.


    And his letters about him having sex with a bald old woman with a "watery cunt".


    And i also read Discourses, The Prince, The Art of War (AHHHHH boring!!!). But i havent read "Florentine Histories".

  2. Originally posted by fafalone

    Iraq/North Korea don't actually have nukes, so the extent of a nuclear war would be us bombing a few of their cities if they used bio/chem weapons. However, if all rational war conventions failed and we deployed our entire nuclear arsenal, we could easily end all life on the surface of the earth.


    I know they dont have nukes (at least Iraq)


    But all the countries with nukes, you just cant have them sitting there all the time. At one point they will be used, its inevitable. And once 1 person shoots the first weapon, then every country will be firing at each other.

  3. Originally posted by fafalone

    I hate history. Add philosophy, but not history.


    :eek: How can you hate history? History is the shit! I love history! :eek: :eek:


    Philosophy History and Science are my favorite subjects ;)


    The History Channel Rules,


    Dont you like learning about:


    Gengis Khan, Napoleon, Marcus Aurelius, Atilla, Queen Elizabeth, Justinian?



  4. Originally posted by grazzhoppa

    I've been reading the Tao Te Ching (Dao De Jing, same thing different spelling). I'm doing one section a night cause it's so different from my way of life. I'm trying to learn from it, sort of like what some people do with the Bible, except I won't take it word for word ;)


    Yeah Dao De Jing is pretty good, but i like Kauthilya's Art of Wealth better. Its REALLY good, you should go get it. Thomas Cleary translated it. Kauthilya is the "Hindu Machiavelli and Aristotle".


    Also get "The Book of Leadership and Strategy" by Thomas Cleary translation. Its a Daoist classic, i like it better than the Dao De Jing aswell.

  5. Originally posted by Radical Edward


    ask yourself this, what purpose does the planet serve?

    what purpose does the universe serve?

    why does there have to be a purpose?

    why does there have to be an answer to the last question?

    what is north of the north pole?



    some things you can ask, but they have no meaningful answer.


    A Philosopher keeps asking questions no matter what.


    A scientist only asks why.

  6. Chapter One: Creation and Destruction, Time and God

    What is real? That has been a question asked by many before and never answered. Before we get to this question, let us look at the definition of real which is “Existing objectively in the world regardless of subjectivity or conventions of thought or language.” Before we get into what is real and what is not real, where do we get the idea of real? The mind created the idea. So, did the idea of real ‘exist’ before the mind created it? The definition of exist is To have actual being; be real. So something cannot exist unless it is real. The definition of create is To cause to exist; bring into being. So creation causes to exist, and to exist something must be real. This proves the idea of ‘real’ had to of existed before the mind created it. But if it did exist before the mind created it, when was the idea of ‘real’ created.

    So what is exactly is an idea then? An idea is according to Kant: a concept of reason that is being beyond the limits of experience and hence unknowable but not relying on or derived from observation or experiment. So can an idea be created? An idea exists, but does everything that exists have to be created? If perhaps everything that exists must be created, than the idea of ‘creation’ must be created. The idea of creation could not be created because creation could not have existent before it was created. Therefore, this proves the idea of creation cannot be created if time is real and ideas are real. This does not prove that ideas cannot be created.

    So ideas can be created if ideas are real and time is real, can ideas be destroyed? A definition of destroy is To put an end to the existence. If ideas are real they must exist as the first word in its definition of real proves. If time is real, and ideas are real, then creation would create destruction (which would be real, because all created things are real). Destruction could then destroy creation. Then, if destruction existed and creation did not exist, nothing could be created, and there would be the potential of everything being destroyed which would create nothing. Then there would be creation out of destruction. But creation was put out of existence, by destruction, and now it is back. Destruction is the only thing that creates creation and creation is the only thing that creates destruction. The cycle has to have a start. Now if “God” is the only uncreated being (in the God theory) this means that God would have to be both CREATION and DESTRUCTION. If God is both of these, and ideas and time are real, then this is the only logical explanation.

    What about God? The definition of God is a being conceived as the perfect, omnipotent, omniscient originator and ruler of the universe. If God does exist, he created everything other than himself. In the theory of God, God cannot destroy himself, and the only things that God cannot create are objects that he cannot control (for example God cannot create a stone that God cannot move). So if God created the universe, are we real or not? If God created the universe, then it is real, because all created things are existent so they are real. If this is true then time must be real, because without time, nothing can exist.

    Note that all created things are real, but to be real things do not have to be created. So if time is real and God is not real, time is not created. If God is real then God is not created and time was created by God (because God has no equals). If God is real and time is not real, then our universe does not exist.

    Assume that the human race’s bodies are real. This means that if they exist, if the human race dies out, and all dead bodies decay, in 100 years would it be a true statement to say “No human bodies exist now as in there form 100 years ago”. It would only be a true statement if time is real. Which means anything that is real, can be destroyed only if time is real.

    What if time is not real? If time is not real, then creation and destruction would not exist because nothing could be destroyed which would mean creation could not be created. If time is not real, nothing can be real, because creation and destruction would never exist. But if time exists, it would have always had to exist. God could not create time, because time would have to be present for the cycle of creation and destruction to exist. So my theory is that God is time also. God is time, and the cycle of creation and destruction.

  7. Well i dont give the world 20 more years to live anyway.


    I think that we will overpopulate from cloning, and have nuclear warfare, also our environment will be destroyed, and we will just die out...


    I dont give us 20 more years. We're living at the end of times.


    So the ice sheet is probably going to be nuked sometime in the future anyway.

  8. Chapter One: Creation and Destruction, Time and God

    Is this world real? That has been a question asked by many before and never answered. Before we get to this question, let us look at the definition of real which is “Existing objectively in the world regardless of subjectivity or conventions of thought or language.” Before we get into what is real and what is not real, where do we get the idea of real? The mind created the idea. So, did the idea of real ‘exist’ before the mind created it? The definition of exist is To have actual being; be real. So something cannot exist unless it is real. The definition of create is To cause to exist; bring into being. So creation causes to exist, and to exist something must be real. This proves the idea of ‘real’ had to of existed before the mind created it. But if it did exist before the mind created it, when was the idea of ‘real’ created.

    So what is exactly is an idea then? An idea is according to Kant: a concept of reason that is being beyond the limits of experience and hence unknowable but not relying on or derived from observation or experiment. So can an idea be created? An idea exists, but does everything that exists have to be created? If perhaps everything that exists must be created, than the idea of ‘creation’ must be created. The idea of creation could not be created because creation could not have existent before it was created. Therefore, this proves the idea of creation cannot be created if time is real and ideas are real. This does not prove that ideas cannot be created.

    So ideas cannot be created if ideas are real and time is real, can ideas be destroyed? A definition of destroy is To put an end to the existence. If ideas are real they must exist as the first word in its definition of real proves. But if time is real then the idea could of existed and then stopped existence. Therefore, this proves: If ideas and time are real, then ideas can be created (except for the idea of creation) and ideas can be destroyed.

    Assume that the human race’s bodies are real. This means that if they exist, if the human race dies out, and all dead bodies decay, in 100 years would it be a true statement to say “No human bodies exist now as in there form 100 years ago”. It would only be a true statement if time is real. Which means anything that is real, can be destroyed only if time is real.

    What if time is not real? If time is not real, and ideas are real then no ideas can be created or destroyed. All ideas would have to coexist with each other, which means the idea of creation could not be created, and the idea of destruction could not be destroyed. Which would mean no ideas could exist if time was not real. If time was not real, nothing could exist because the idea of creation would not exist and therefore mean nothing could be created. So if we do exist, then time is real.

    What about God? The definition of God is a being conceived as the perfect, omnipotent, omniscient originator and ruler of the universe. If God does exist, he created everything other than himself. In my research I asked many religous experts about God’s attributes and I was told that God cannot destroy himself, and the only things that God cannot create are objects that he cannot control (for example God cannot create a stone that God cannot move). So if God created the universe, are we real or not? If God created the universe, then it is real, because all created things are existent so they are real. If this is true than time must be real, because without time, nothing can exist.

    Note that all created things are real, but to be real things do not have to be created. So if time is real and God is not real, time is not created. If God is real then God is not created and time was created by God (because God has no equals). If God is real and time is not real, then our universe does not exist.

  9. Originally posted by Adam

    it's impossible for time not to exist.



    Well i don't believe in time at all , Everything goes in cycles

    Your soul is created , you incarnate , You die , you are reborn, you die, you are reborn, (prove me wrong)


    People judge time based on their aging.


    I cant prove you wrong i know it. And you cannot prove yourself right either.

  10. So can an idea be created? An idea exists, but does everything that exists have to be created? If perhaps everything that exists must be created, than the idea of ‘creation’ must be created. The idea of creation could not be created because creation could not have existent before it was created. Therefore, this proves Ideas cannot be created or destroyed.


    But does this prove creation cannot exist?

  11. Originally posted by Matzi

    I do totally agree with you (eventhough I think Nietsche's quotation might be mostly refering to philosophy). Additionally, there are certainly more arguements against Adam claim. I mean, where did "the first human" live? Can we answer this question yet (will we ever?)? Certainly not. Besides, I think it is now widely accepted than man evolved from primates. Most of thm have dark skin (now), haven't they? They have this dark skin because it's of advantage for them. So why shouldn't the first human which, since we believe it evolved from primates, must have lived in some geographical neighbourhod to these primates have also adapted this kind of protection (why should he have gotten rid of it?)?

    Many questions to be answered...


    I think philosophy and science go hand in hand. As for Nietzsche's quotation, i have commented on it before, here is a little slice of what i said:


    Nietzsche said “There are no facts, just interpretations.” A fact is defined as “Something demonstrated to exist or known to have existed, something believed to be true or real”. So if there are no facts, nothing exists or is believed to exist or, is true or is real. The definition of nothing is “Something that has no existence, not anything.” The first word of the definition is ‘something’. The word ‘something’ indicates that ‘nothing’ is a thing. And a ‘thing’ is of existence. So logically this evidence would prove that ‘nothing’ exists, but there is a contradiction when it has ‘no existence’. So we have a paradox, a logical contradiction. The evidence that nothing exists is the ‘something’. And the evidence that it has no existence is the ‘no existence’. So it is impossible to prove or disprove that “There are no facts, just interpretations,” but in the second part of the definition it says “not anything”. Anything is defined as “Any object, occurrence, or matter whatever.” So if nothing exists, than no object, occurrence or matter exits. This proves that if there are no facts this world is not real.


    This proves that it is logically possible for nothing to exist. If we look back at the definition of a fact it says “something believed to be true or real”. The definition of belief is “to accept as true or real” and real is “Existing objectively in the world regardless of subjectivity or conventions of thought or language.” This proves that if there are no facts, nothing is believed to be true or real. Therefore, a fact does not have to be true, just believed to be true. This means that in order for there to be no facts, no one must believe in anything. People do believe in things though, this proves Nietzsche’s statement wrong.

  12. Originally posted by liljohnak

    why would you want to prove something that is impossible to prove. for it is disproving your exsistance and you have an exsistance dont you? im alive to reply to your letter. you can try but dont get your hopes up on that one:D


    Prove that you are real then. I mean really sit down and think of real and unreal and existence and you will end up seeing that the concept of 'real' is illogical in alot of ways, and the same with 'unreal'. It is probably beyond the minds comprehention, so i may never prove anything and i may prove something.

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