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Status Updates posted by HamsterPower

  1. Physics vs Engineering

    1. ajb


      I like physics. Then I like engineering. But which one is better? Only one way to find out....FIGHT!

  2. I don't know if i should go for money or what i want to study and become extremely poor

  3. but isn't that something!!

    you are amazing :)

  4. Hey if you are 19 years old and started this forum in 2004, you must have been a genuine genius kid!!!

  5. I haz an exam on monday and wednesday, But i shall not complain ...i am only high schooler :S

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. jerryyu


      dragonstar57, u must been homeschooled back when u were still in high school, cause high school is more than just about knowing how to spell

    3. dragonstar57


      what i said was a comment about the spelling of "haz" lol

    4. HamsterPower
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