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Doc. Josh

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Everything posted by Doc. Josh

  1. Yes, the pink pony terrorist. Armed with heart shaped hay!
  2. Very nice, Will i have to pay for new spiritual enlightenment classes? Or do we get a free trial? :lol:hahahah very nice touch....... I like i like....
  3. I think cloning would in fact be a great idea to do in such a way of donor body parts. somthing on the lines of at birth you clone a body but somehow make it (empty) lifeless so as not to disrupt or affect a living human. And if you ever needed a kidney, heart, lung, brain, or a whole body it would be at your disposal. A perfect unused 21 year old body. Giving someone a chance to live another 70 years. Limits are only in place so as not to be abused, every one who wants to can and will abuse anything to their advantage. So even if limits are put into place would it even matter.
  4. I was triying to figure out why diet coke and mentos mints have a chemical reaction, and if you eat a mentos then drink diet coke will it have the same reaction? And what is it that its only diet and mentos and not other pops? Thanks for my amature question.
  5. ( realist) The world will probably be here in another thousand years, The quality of life depends on how we as a race choose to treat it. If pollution and other things we tend to be slow at getting to continue then ( cough cough) its not going to be to pleasent walking around with air masks. But i have faith in humanity that we will presevere and in man's darkest hour we shall triumph proudly! And nukes well.... I doubt america is just sitting around letting communist have them without close supervision of our ranger's to supress any or all nuculear attacks. a big IMO>
  6. possibly add a page to record logs members may be keeping at the time. Like a collection of data so others can follow and imput.
  7. Somthing like subliminal message's indirectly influencing someones thoughts speech or acts. Happens every waking moment im sure.
  8. Thats my rule in the house, everybody shoes off PERIOD! WHITE CARPET+SHOES=DIRTY CARPET. If your guest does not comply with your request then a guest they shall not be.
  9. Doc. Josh


    I was pondering earlier in regards to magic, Their seems to be ( some ) evidence supporting the unexplainable. But most is proven illusions i know, However is it possible for levitation, disappearing whatever else is out there? Just a thought any comments or points of view would be helpful thanks.
  10. I may be wrong here, correct me if i am. If the iraqi dinar was indeed true and it revalued at whatever amount, it would make a ton of millionairs here and in iraq? Wouldn't that cause hyperinflation? To my understanding if this was the biggest investment ever with the highest return wouldnt the (real) billionairs come up and put a considerable amount of money in this? But if that happend wouldnt it create to many billionairs or even trillionairs? This just seems impossible to me, people having enough wealth to pay off the deficit? My main point is these dinar investors are putting 2-3-4 thousand dollars and expecting a return or 500 million or better. This is not possible correct?
  11. Doc. Josh

    iraq dinar

    I have been having a major dispute for over two years in regards to the iraqi dinar. Im not a political person but i do know how money works and that theres no magical anything to become an over night millionair. Can someone anyone please let me know what this is all about? EX: some people say the iraqi dinar is going to revalue and their going to become instant millionairs and IMO i call this a complete waste of time and money. Along with all information ive read seems uneasy and non credible. Thanks in advance.
  12. I have a red tailed boa, and a ball python both are great pets and easy to care for. Now that you mentioned the glass snake that does seem to be a closer cousin of lizards than most. But however it is still a (new) species altogether? Or same school of thought as far as apes and humans?
  13. nice, well i have snakes and they have (spurs) ive heard that is the remnants of ancient (legs) on snakes. But never looked up weather or not it was true, from what i found out it's used to mate somehow. But if the snake was so altered in evolution then can it be classified as a lizard? Or snake?
  14. Well im al most 23 and getting married in march, Ive been with my fiance for 3 1/2 years and things have gone ok for now. So ill keep you all updated on my status and we can make a statistic later on.
  15. People swallow swords, So its very possible. Besides these are only reports herd about think of the ones not reported.
  16. internet chatting? verbal chatting? specify
  17. It is sold in plastic mainly the cheap of the heap besides well branded products have nice glass bottles to make the experience that much memerable or unmemerble???
  18. Im not a big fan of airports however i have quite a funny story in relation, Long story short i was hunting on a weekend used my main suitcase etc... Got home my wife cleaned out my bag washed clothes etc... Well that following week i had to fly in to NJ for my wifes 80 yr great aunts birthday. Well first i get to Tampa international forgot my wallet on the night stand due to our flight being at 5am and i worked all night and just forgot so 21.0 miles back home then back now im running late i look like a madman sprinting through the airport with my bag. As i approch the security officer to check me and my luggage he stops me tells me to put my hands behind my back and face the wall, Well im by no means a criminal so im freaking out asking why. Well the lady behind the desk pulls out my hunting hatchet and starts to accuse me of being a criminal etc.. n ow i have a huge crowd around me a ton of police and my flights almost done boarding. End result was a very understanding police officer that hunts and has a dingy wife so he takes the axe and tells me to hall A** to the plane. So i made my flight and had a very interesting story to tell. plus got back to hear that my name made the local paper. Never found the article tho.
  19. A science is any discipline in which the fool of this generation can go beyond the point reached by the genius of the last generation. ~Max Gluckman one of my favorites
  20. I have been watching the disclosure project and was wondering what the scientific community's thoughts were on the topic. This collabarative evidence gathered by army-air force-marines and high goverment officials coming forth stating the events pretaining to extraterrestrial life and the impact on us as world. do you believe these people? Is this just the beginning of the next generation of earth? Opinions, thoughts, concerns please post. Thanks. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7vyVe-6YdUk link is the entire public disclosure quite long 1hr 55min
  21. Ive never jumped from an airplane but have a similar event happen to me. I was a teenager and had built a big rope swing in the mountins of blue ridge (where im from) And it was over a cliff with a atleast 80ft drop below when you swung out but had a slope. So i was being a stupid kid and climbed up higer and the swung out the impact of the rope snapping threw me off and i fell straight down in a slant and it was full of snow at the bottom. It hurt from the ice packing under me and scraped me up pretty good but fortunatly WALKED away with nothing broken. so as to my discovery yes it's very possible. Now being an airplane is quite diffrent than my measly 80ft rope swing but with the right pitch and angle yes i believe its very fesible.
  22. If someone is going off the (wall) constantly then medication should be required for the personal safety of those around him or her. If meds don't work yes an institution should be the next level. these people have the ability to severly hurt or even kill people, i dont see the reason not to protect society on behalf of morality.
  23. Because most children are still developing, they are not mentaly or physicaly prepared to take on responsibility's of an adult. They need adult supervision so they dont hurt themselves or others and learn from the parents's to be a productive citizen. That requires time just like school does K-12 + college to be fully prepared for the work force. Same goes for children they need that time to grow develop and mature.
  24. I say untrue, i play chess daily atleast 5 games a day on my laptop and math has always been a struggle for me. I rate myself being a good player based on the level of hardness i can achieve, but i am also very good at logical problem solving, planning stratagy, and deep thinking etc...
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