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Everything posted by alpha2cen

  1. If there were other Universe, could we find it? It is not easy to find out a highly red shifted Super cluster. If a light left before our Universe was born, could we find it in the night sky? Before Herschel, no one can notice the tiny spot is the galaxy similar to our Milky way.
  2. Are there any other theory to explain the big difference of the generated heat flux of the two planets?
  3. When the gas density varies, the kinetic energy is changed differently. At the high temperature the kinetic energy is largely changed with the gas density variation. Low molecular interacting gas or low molecular weight gas also have the large kinetic energy change with the gas density veriation.
  4. Does this model have any problems? Uranus and Neptune have a similar internal structure. However, inside temperature difference is very high. Two planets big difference seems that they have different rotation direction to their moving direction. This Figure is the internal structure of the two planets. Interacting ice area is a special part of ice which is made at the ultra high pressure. The contacting area is in the next picture. Therefore we can imagine that the temperature difference between the two planet might be the result of interactions between Dark Matter and special ice solid. This is the Uranus image. Why behind part is so bright? http://astrosun2.astro.cornell.edu/research/projects/PHARO//science.html http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn10181-first-dark-spot-discovered-on-uranus.html To get the exact conclusion, I think, more research is needed. More quantitative results are required.
  5. Is it a difference of the molecular kinetic energy when a gas density is varied?
  6. The thermal diffusivity is calculated at the average temperature region? Is it too high? Thermal diffusivity is a temperature dependent parameter.
  7. heating source = radioactive decay energy + a small quantity of the tidal heating energy (the distance form the sun or the moon is shorter than the present)+ others ?
  8. The earth orbit has been constant from the beginning? Air temperature was higher than the used value, or the rest heat was generated from the other sources.
  9. I do not know the surround environmental condition of the current solar system well, but all particles do not come into the solar system. Solar wind restricts some of them coming into the solar system.
  10. Acccording to my calculation, the size of universe at that time is about 2/3 of it in the present. Model for calculation
  11. In practice, I have not found any reference about these questions. How to explain the incorrectness of one point expansion model, and the inequity of the steady state Universe? I only explain it is difficult to find incorrectness in the main stream theory . I have no intention of advertising my blog. At any rate, I will not do it again.
  12. Is this method have any problems? There are many theories about Dark-Matter existance. But we have not found it around us yet. So, I think about a new method using a hydrogen planet. Metalic hydrogen has many nucleus per unit volume. But, making a lot of metalic hydrogen is practically not easy. So, Observing the metalic hydrogen planet is , I think, more easy to find that material. The finding method is explained in the next Figure. If Dark Matter exists in the solar system, the particles will collide with the moving planet. Jupiter is a large planet. Most of it's components are the highly compressed metalic hydrogen. When Dark Matter collide with the planet, the region which is not far from the equator is the most long interacting path than others. So, the region temperature is, I suppose, slightly above than them of other areas. And, expected phenomena is represented in these sites. http://www2.ifa.hawaii.edu/newsletters/images/fall01/jupiterInfo.jpg http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/cassini/multimedia/ESOSaturnstorm.html http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S001910350800122X Seasonal change model is in the next Figure. The position "A" is the most low speed area, and the position "B" is the most high speed area. If Dark Matter exists, "B" area temperature intensity is more high than them of other area.
  13. How do we think about the high energy density of fast moving object? Is it only the difference of speed?
  14. This is a calculated result from the one point expansion model. At that model, we can see the supercluster moving speed exceeds the speed of light. http://blogs.scienceforums.net/alpha2cen/2012/12/16/one-point-accelerating-universe-calculated-results/ And, This is a calculated result from the steady state theory by using the modified Leer-Lambert law. We can see the model does not match well up with the red shift data. http://blogs.scienceforums.net/alpha2cen/2012/12/27/modified-beer-lambert-law-and-steady-state-universe-model/
  15. More detail Figure when the Jupiter revolves arond the sun. We can compare the brightest point intensity according to the season.
  16. At first, we set the system as the Universe. Then, the universe time can go by the periodical difference of the Universe entropy. But, the local time flow can be changed with the state of local space-time.
  17. This is a calculated result from the contant accelerating universe model. http://blogs.scienceforums.net/alpha2cen/2012/12/13/constant-accelerating-universe-mathematical-solution-for-the-telescope-observer/
  18. This is an another example of the hydrogen planet. http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/cassini/multimedia/ESOSaturnstorm.html To probe the connectivity to the DM, more research is needed. I do not know what is the truth, but... If solar radiation effect is large, the high temperature region must be the equator.
  19. I make a hypotesis about that problem. Later, much more proving will be required about that problem. This is a hidden particles interacting model on the Jupiter. http://www2.ifa.hawaii.edu/newsletters/images/fall01/jupiterInfo.jpg
  20. Fg=mrelative g is uncertain. We do not know a real collapse phenomena happening. But we can see a fast moving Black Hole. When the people in the space craft look at us, they only see a fast moving Black Hole.
  21. Quantum object, i.e., proton is increasing the position uncertainty at that high speed. So, energy density(energy/ volume) is not so high.
  22. Time is a property of the whole universe. It obeys the theory of relativity.
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