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Posts posted by Roadstar

  1. I'm a middle school science teacher and I'm looking for ways to creatively use the web for my students. I currently have a site http://MrGScience.com which is mainly one way communication --- me to them. What I'd rather have is a collaborative site which better engages the students, allowing them to post and comment similar to a forum.


    If anyone has experience in this area or knows of some good sites please reply.

  2. I think the challenge for you is to find the way to see something "familiar" with a set of new eyes, as you said the last time you read the book was 8th grade. I would hope that the ensuing years has led to greater intellectual development and that you can apply this to your current analysis of the work (even if not required by your teacher).


    I can relate this to my students when given pond water to look at under a microscope, they will often quit after 30 seconds saying "I've done this before". There is just so much more to observe and learn for those willing to put the time and effort into something they have done before.


    Challenge yourself to find those new insights, to see things unobserved before, and you'll find your classes and life much more interesting.


    Good Luck

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