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Everything posted by Neurocomp2003

  1. umm interesting post navajoeverclear... KH info how much more gaming can you know then me? If you really know alot about gaming then you would really know where to look about how to make mods for games. Because as a gamer you would know where to look for sprays and skins and from there know where to find and how to making levels and AI. And eventually finding your way to source code to make a mod. if you really want to make your own mods you gotta find open source code. Unreal Engine is open source code...but good luck reading through it.
  2. nothing....CANADA doesn't require you to take anything other than the TOEFL.(which you need to take if your planning to go to the states) if you've taken the SAT for the states then you can use that for canadian schools but all they look for are your grades and extra-curricular stuff
  3. well you reallly can't get interested in calculus unless you plan to be a math major... however it really depends on what you nee dthe calculus for.
  4. my bad i should read the question better...i was thinking of coins.
  5. a 13 year old kid should not be introduced to that many hours of games.
  6. and it depends on what form of biology you take.... mathematical biology is fun...you model populations...cell formation...biological potentials...neuronal growth the ladder i think is the hardest because its got really complicated DE equations.
  7. BRAINMAN um....how do you get the values 2,5,6,7,8,11.....it says not the values but how many weights for 2 if you need 2 1's then your list will be 1,1,3,9,27,81...to make 8 you would need 1,1,3,3 ,9,27,81 to make 18 you need 9,9 so you list just keeps growing...i think you miss understood the question.
  8. Oh I forgot to mention how it explains the fundamental particle: you have a "closed loop" and these closed loops resonate or oscillate at different frequency and have different number of folds therefore you get the different particles.
  9. astrophysic..quantum... sorry it shouhld be relativity and quantum. but AP holds alot of relativity concepts
  10. cloning is a moral issue. Its like harvesting organs in animals...should that be allowed? The issue has its good points and bad point and frm a nonscientific standpoint most people think its bad.
  11. 1) 3 moves 2) 3-4 moves (all the branches were 3 except one 4 branch) 3) 8 coins 4).. 5 and 5 and just keep lifting bags.
  12. Come to CANADA...cheaper. uft ubc and mcgill and dalhousie all have good bio chem, biopharm programs
  13. if your in physics how do you not know calculus? Its one of the principal foundations of modern physics.
  14. the fundamental particle physics theory is that there is like 30+, i (can't remember exact number, but include 4 force particles and half are antiparticles). Each exists at "point" particle. However there is no explanation for why there exists so many. Now string theory exists to explain this idea amongst other relations in QM and AP. The idea is that they look deeper into this so called "point" structure and say that no its not a point structure but rather a fundamental "string"(closed string) structure. The term fundamental is important because this means that there is no structure smaller and the string cannot break up(which I think is a load of crock). With in this string structure there exists 7+ dimensions (i'm not sure what N-D number their up to now) along with the standard 3 +"1". NOTE: to date this theory is still a mathematical tool but has made some pretty neat experimental links between(sorry I don't have references at hand) QM and AP. Why is it mathematical? there is no equipment currently that could actually see at the scale of the string size.
  15. its all about cellular automatons and dynamical systems
  16. its hard to argue such a question...becuase if everything was deterministic you really couldn't argue otherwise...you think you'd have free will but could it be that the region that embodies your body and self just be following laws of nature?
  17. no that just gives you the x and y relation... to find the equation of the plane have you learned about normals?? specifically this equation Ax+By+Cz+D = 0? thats what you should be looking for
  18. what science are you in? and why do you want to learn calculus?? there really isn't a non textbook that will interest you in calc
  19. oh ok...well then, you have 2 eq'n, an xz and an yz equation and you found your coordinates...you should be able to draw out a 3D image as I suggested above to find an xy relation because your volume has a y dependent on x. (I hope you know how to draw 3D-diagrams cuz theyare very essential in visualizing integration). Next you'll have to find teh plane equation that results in the positive quadrant that relates x,y,z then your integral will int(int(int 1 dz)dy)dx... your x limits are 0:1 your y limits are 0:i'll let you figure out dependent on x your z limits are 0:the plane equation z dependent on x and y. OR you can do int(int(int 1 dy)dz)dx your x limits are 0:1 your z limits are 0:one of the two given equations your y lmits are 0:the plane equation rearranged for y dependent on z,x
  20. you seem to have problems with integration I suggest talking to a TA about it because even though forums give you the fast answer you should really learn to do it properly. Anyhoo: work out the relational eq'n b/w x and y. This should be easy since you already have the coordinates. Draw it out if your having problems. Then your x integral should be values in this case 0:1 the y integral has one limit dependent on x and teh z integral will have both limits dependent on x or one on x and one on y.
  21. ah i see...the problem is that the first term is actaully 0 R^2-r^2--->(r = R) ----> R^2-R^2 = 0 not -2R^2.... and then the 2nd term (R^2)^(3/2) reduces to R^3...read up on your exponential equations. but the 2nd term should also be (2/3)*(R^2)^(3/2)...if your not very table with integration...always differentiate to see if you get the integrall you started with.
  22. psi20 "Thus all four are of the form x a (1-x-a) = 1...let us choose x,y,z,w to represent each of..." are you adding or multiplying? Take a guess.
  23. The inside R^2-r^2 should get rid of the 1/2 in 3/2 to leave you with 3...when you sub in 0:R
  24. forgot to mention that somewhere you should get the term (R^2-r^2)^(3/2) hopefully that will give you hit.
  25. oh and where your getting confused is that you lost the r on the first term.... it should look like ([ that big junk you got there ]) *( r ) dr and then you should be able to simplify and work from there its important to keep your brackets...
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