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Everything posted by gene

  1. i agree on the eastern culture and western culture. Good Point. THat is mainly the problem. OUr exposure. The culture that we live in greatly contributes to the building of oour character. Besides, the eastern culture has been greatly influenced by the western culture. THat's is why now, we notice this shift. Asian do not necessarily respect that parents that much any more because in through western influence, we are thought of the thing called freedom. the will to do anything we want. Direspecting in this case. Education had boosted our ego in us. many think he/she is smarter. therefore, refusing to heed advice. It all boils to to character. And how our environment has caused us to become what we are.
  2. well, i find it very werid that a have a consecutive series of dreams for certain period of time. Then, after that for a long time, i have no dreams. then i have dreams in series again. THat is so WERID. it is like becoming a pattern. But somehow my dreams aren't connected. isn't dreams caused but the workings of the conscious mind in subscious state? Is that how you put it???
  3. well, i find it very werid that a have a consecutive series of dreams for certain period of time. Then, after that for a long time, i have no dreams. then i have dreams in series again. THat is so WERID. it is like becoming a pattern. But somehow my dreams aren't connected. isn't dreams caused but the workings of the conscious mind in subscious state? Is that how you put it???
  4. Here, i wan to address two things. First is a addiction. Situation: you become deeply absorbed in playing a computer and for long hours. the next day, you are desperate to continue playing. There is this "URGE" that forces you to play. Does that having something to do with the brain? Or has the type of game have a part to play in your addiction? Like the way drug addicts are addicted? Although i know it is due to the chemicals produced that indirectly results that addiction. Second one: Memory. Is it made of only the explicit and implicit memory? What causes our explicit memory to lose its function? eg. you enter a room but you suddenly forgot what your purpose of entering the room is. Is memory stored using nueral connections? or is it like stored up as a molecule? eg. ATP??? (not that it is stored as energy, but similar to how things are stored.) Thanks in advance to anyone who can help.
  5. Here, i wan to address two things. First is a addiction. Situation: you become deeply absorbed in playing a computer and for long hours. the next day, you are desperate to continue playing. There is this "URGE" that forces you to play. Does that having something to do with the brain? Or has the type of game have a part to play in your addiction? Like the way drug addicts are addicted? Although i know it is due to the chemicals produced that indirectly results that addiction. Second one: Memory. Is it made of only the explicit and implicit memory? What causes our explicit memory to lose its function? eg. you enter a room but you suddenly forgot what your purpose of entering the room is. Is memory stored using nueral connections? or is it like stored up as a molecule? eg. ATP??? (not that it is stored as energy, but similar to how things are stored.) Thanks in advance to anyone who can help.
  6. very disturbing music and pictures.
  7. very disturbing music and pictures.
  8. You really got me this time.
  9. You really got me this time.
  10. ANti-monkey and lance got it right. Man, Lance. It was bull's eye. Sayo: i can't find what is the meaning of a collimator though...
  11. ANti-monkey and lance got it right. Man, Lance. It was bull's eye. Sayo: i can't find what is the meaning of a collimator though...
  12. what i mean by saying they have the right to smoke, i imply that they have the freedom of choice, to choose to smoke.
  13. what i mean by saying they have the right to smoke, i imply that they have the freedom of choice, to choose to smoke.
  14. gene

    Down Syndrome

    So the 2 'chromosome 21' can come from EITHER the male sperm, or female ova. Right? Not entirely the old female fault, is it?
  15. gene

    Down Syndrome

    So the 2 'chromosome 21' can come from EITHER the male sperm, or female ova. Right? Not entirely the old female fault, is it?
  16. gene

    What Can YOu DO?

    Hypothroidism? From what i know, thyroid is a hormone for the growth of the body. Hypo would suggests excess secretion of this hormone. So, maybe is it like metamorphsis? So, did you like shrunk because of this symdrone?
  17. gene

    What Can YOu DO?

    Hypothroidism? From what i know, thyroid is a hormone for the growth of the body. Hypo would suggests excess secretion of this hormone. So, maybe is it like metamorphsis? So, did you like shrunk because of this symdrone?
  18. but, i can't remember. there are a specific name for bacteria that has photosynthsising abilities.
  19. but, i can't remember. there are a specific name for bacteria that has photosynthsising abilities.
  20. I think you can smoke all you want. But just don't smoke when there is a crowd, or smoke into somebody's face or most irritatingly when someone is talking or eating. It is outright rude. Fine, they have the right to smoke. But, they do not have the right to cause harm to other people (passive smoking.) Besides, they are polluting the environment that everyone is living in. Isn't exactly fair, is it?
  21. I think you can smoke all you want. But just don't smoke when there is a crowd, or smoke into somebody's face or most irritatingly when someone is talking or eating. It is outright rude. Fine, they have the right to smoke. But, they do not have the right to cause harm to other people (passive smoking.) Besides, they are polluting the environment that everyone is living in. Isn't exactly fair, is it?
  22. gene

    Down Syndrome

    Ok, so Down's sydrome is because the chromosome can't divide properly. Let's say, an old age man and a normal-aged woman mates. Would that increases the chances of get DOwn's because of the age of the men? The post mention only about the age of women affecting the chances of getting Down's, so what about male? I'm not sure. Although the zygote is the result of the fertilistion of the sperm and the egg. And technically i assume that the zygote is made up mostly from the ova? I kind of confused here. Maybe a hereditary disease could be albinoism?
  23. gene

    Down Syndrome

    Ok, so Down's sydrome is because the chromosome can't divide properly. Let's say, an old age man and a normal-aged woman mates. Would that increases the chances of get DOwn's because of the age of the men? The post mention only about the age of women affecting the chances of getting Down's, so what about male? I'm not sure. Although the zygote is the result of the fertilistion of the sperm and the egg. And technically i assume that the zygote is made up mostly from the ova? I kind of confused here. Maybe a hereditary disease could be albinoism?
  24. you mean the collumator? or your guess?
  25. gene

    What Can YOu DO?

    Btw, may i ask. Does stress led to depression? Because i read something about a hormone produced when you are stress and that hormone results in you getting depression? Cortisol was it?
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