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Posts posted by EverCurious

  1. Do you mind posting the specs of your experminet, and your process, i want to create your experiment at home. It also may be possible that the shape of the bottle of the angle placement is affecting the location of your "plasma" ball.


    It seems much more sci-fi than reality, but then again, the frontier of science is the beginning of sci-fi.

  2. good point but i think its possible to calculate the amount of heat generated upon the tip of the needle, i wouldn't mind showing you the mathematics but i'm swamped with work right now


    Does anyone think high frequency radio waves can generate 2000 degrees C?

  3. my mistake, i am well aware of the amount of temperature that a common household bulb can genearte. I was seeking knowledge that I did not know about.


    Does anyone think high frequency radio waves could be capable of generating 1500 or more C?

  4. It's possible to count to sixty at a measured interval. I did tell you my method would be the weakest, yet it is still rough, and probably barely counts as an answer.

  5. I understand that there are blast furnaces and electric arc furnaces, but is it possible to generate an incredibly intense amount of heat (1500 degrees C) within a short period of time? Flash heating?


    I've considered the usage of thermite, but I have no other idea.

  6. If anyone's been following up on my latest threads, one can come to a conclusion that I'm building something. I recently just formed a research group, currently very small, yet working on expansion. We are planning something big, a big project, and we'll be unveiling our end product sometime around May 2007. BUT THAT IS ONLY IF WE CAN GET FUNDED. We need grant money to operate on this. We need the money for a lab set-up including temendous computing capability as well as production of the product. We may incorporate the research group in order to quallify for NEA's research grants. So if anyone has connections to a firm that supports scientific endeavors, we will thank you with everything we've got.

  7. Well today is answer day, and so far all I received was that pendulum. But anyway, here I go.


    I decided to use the paper clip and connect a fiber, or length of string to the base of the light fixture, on the string, I thought that you can place a slip knot with a slight portrusion, on that extra portruding fiber, tie some coins as weights and the slip knot will slide ever so slowly. Now you can mark the amount the slip knot has slid for one minute and from there use the measurement to time any other length of time.


    Its a rough sketch, but then again, I did say my answer would be the worst. :)

  8. I will need to set up a minimalistic Robotics Lab, for about a year and a half or research/development of a complex automaton. Can anyone list the items I should invest in, or give me an estimate of the net cost?


    It will be much more a machine than a conventional robot, by that I mean that it will stay stationary and run processes, such as calculations, and dilations, and decantations, and seperation of earth materials.


    I'm guessing I'll need a powerful computer, does that mean I should invest in dual-core?


    Let's pretend money isn't an issue.

  9. This doesn't seem plausible, singularities such as this in the universe are mathematically calculated, seems like this guy is concocting a superficial theory with a weak mathematical constitution. He may be right, but if he is, then unless he has some mathematical support, none of the credit will go to him. Plus, there are people that develop their own thesi on an everyday basis, I believe this guy is one of the few that was lucky enough to be interviewed by the news. The non-existence of black holes or singularities is challenging general relativities foundations. Basically, he's calling Einstein an idiot. Until I see mathematical evidence of his claims, I'm going to consider him just a mediocre theorist.

  10. I prefer PC's as well [open system?]. The fact that I have the power to mod the system to do what I desire, seems just a lot better than a standard Console system which is meant for only one type of thing. Though the console system maybe tweaked for performance in its area, if one was to have one console for every job that was necessary, it would sum up to a good deal of money.

  11. I see. I used the WLAN and accessed my science departments wireless internet, but I tried again and couldn't access it. They must have found out that they had a breach, and then put up more security.

  12. Brilliant. I did consider a pendulum but I had no knowledge of its schematics so I tried a less accurate approach. My approach is plausible but not very possible, too many things can go wrong.

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