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Posts posted by khaled

  1. Seems logic to me, one question though, do you perhaps know how and where exactly these map tables are stored.


    Because when I program a simple microchip to turn certain LEDs on or off while not connected to any computer, just to a battery.

    It knows what it does, it reads my software i wrote correctly, so i think those map tables are stored on every single microchip/controller/processor in the world.


    Correct me if i'm wrong.


    Would it be possible to manipulate a map table?


    For example, I send a data stream containing "01001000 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101111" (ASCII: "Hello")

    And my modified map table would translate this to ASCI: "icXMl" if I assign those 8 bit data stream to these ASCII letters.


    Is this possible you think?


    It seem you don't need Transliteration .. you need a Data Representation Scheme, which is simple


    here is an example:


    using char in C++, which preserves a single byte, we can caste it to int to deal with it as a decimal,


    for a data representation scheme for a byte, we need a 1-dim table of size [math]2^8 = 256[/math] cells


    // define your own schema, where data value X is represented as schema[X]
    char * schema [256] = { "alpha","beta","gamma", .. "OMEGA" };
    // this is a simple function that takes a string of data bytes, represent it using our schema
    void myDataRepresent ( char * data )
            int i = 0;
            while ( data [ i ] != '\0' )
                     cout << schema [ (int) data [ i ] ] << "  ";
            cout << endl;




    Note: Unlike transliteration schema, data representation schema doesn't have to be a unique mappings .. so for example


    two or more values can be mapped to the same representation.

  2. And if it might be possible to assign "001000001" to a different ASCII letter.


    "0010 0001" is known as data (as represented in Binary), data which is stored over a medium (memory),


    A data representation is a function, that maps a domain of data to a range of outcomes,


    A data-type preserve a fixed amount of memory, with a built-in data-representation.


    Data is what is stored in memory, can be represented differently through different data representations.


    Data-Representations [C++]: Binary Code, Hexadecimal Code, Octal Code, Decimal Code, Ascii Code, Unicode, ..etc


    Data-Types [C++]: Boolean (bool), Integer (short, int, long), Real (float, double), Character (char), String (char*), ..etc




    About your question: Yes you can, in computer science it's called Transliteration, where you represent

    same information using same representation, but with different scheme .. the method is simple, you need

    to define two things: the map table and the transliterate function .. the map table, is a table of size K x 2,

    symbols are paired with their mappings, the transliterate function takes data, and transliterate it, note that

    transliteration is not symmetric.

  3. If you are going to pursue this sort of thing seriously you need to really learn the theory of stochastic proceses and the associated calculus.


    I had a class on Probability & Statistics, and another on Simulation & Modeling.


    When you understand both the Ito integral and the Stratonovic integral you will be almost prepared.


    So I need to learn these integrals, and what else should I learn in order to be able to build a model ?


    Until then you might as well skip the middleman and just send your money to Goldman Sachs. Or go to Vegas and have some fun while you lose your money.


    Actually, I'm writing a software for my father, my father wants simple functionality which will be considered in the first version. The software is simple


    it keeps stocks price data, but I want to add more analysis functionalities to the software.

  4. I was reading about "Quantum Entanglement" .. and one explanation was saying that if we have two dices that are quantum entangled,


    if we roll one for N times and it result in N ordered outcomes, if we roll the other N times, we will get the exact same outcomes ...


    Not only I'm shocked by that example, but also confused .. my question is simple: what is quantum entanglement exactly ?

  5. Greetings,


    I'm working on a project where Stocks data are managed in order to be analyzed for an investor,


    1. what statistical distribution\s should I use for this type of data ?


    2. should I only consider the final price of the stock during the day, or include more detailed variables ?

  6. If you have a Mac, you can do this:

    - Insert the music CD

    - Open iTunes

    - If iTunes ask you to "import the CD" click "Yes"

    - Else you can find "import" in the top menus


    The "import the CD" process will load tracks from the music CD, to your iTunes Library


    Note also, that you can highlight anything in your iTunes and copy them


    If you want to copy them manually, then you have to ask experts at the Mac Forums

  7. I think your code is messy, besides that you should use



    You should take care of what should be done the first time this code runs,


    and what things that should run on every update, which progress your animation

  8. I've once read "Observe .. Think .. Propose a theory .. prove your theory"


    .. and "there exist facts that we know they're true, but we can't prove them"


    One theory says "anything that can happen, will happen" which was proved under the scope of nature ..


    but if we interpret it mathematically, we get that "there exist no event with 0 % probability" which


    I really don't know how to start thinking how to disprove .. I remember taking the class on Probability,


    Statistics, and Modeling .. where normalized probability space is where we have an assumption that


    initially "everything happened once".

  9. I agree with the tree .. All branches of science depends on mathematics, and mathematics depends on Logic


    .. in the past century, the study of Logic, Proof, & Formal Systems emerged, and so at one time men as Kurt Godel and David Hilbert,


    gathered unto the idea that mathematics shouldn't be scattered all over, that mathematics should be a unified formal system where


    there exist no contradictions (P ^ not P) .. thus to add anything new to mathematics, you need to prove it, and so Proof is


    an important aspect now.


    Mathematics and Logic are important to me, because I'm a computer scientist (mathematical logic scientist)

  10. This gives another good idea .. to create a huge book, say a reference for all physics-related formulas .. and then,


    not only that users can search those formulas by title, but also can search by formula-snippet ...


    Example: a book { X^2 + X + 2, log(x)+log(1/x), 2^X }


    Search input [ #^# ] .. results: { X^2 + X + 2, 2^X }


    input [ log ] .. results: { log(x)+log(1/x) }

  11. It's has some intelligence .. it even can lie,


    Me .. Cleverbot:




    That was a lie, it's Jan 28.


    That was not a lie. You are responding to me, therefore you are reacting to a stimuli.


    I can lie, can't I ?


    I know, I've seen you do it.


    You even lied too.


    It's among my many talents.



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