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Everything posted by TonyMcC

  1. I didn't realise the avatar had not been changed. It is a fact that I was recalled early from honeymoon for training on the missile system. This meant that the first four years of married life were shared between Jennie and the Bloodhound missile system. However I was never confused about which I preferred to spend time with - lol.

  2. If the attachment seems relevant then the following from Microsoft might be useful:- http://support.microsoft.com/kb/822219
  3. Don't know much about it but found this which may be helpful :- http://www.virtualobjectives.com.au/sqlserver/ssms_slow.htm
  4. Just out of interest this is something I posted a couple of years ago which uses the same argument to show that the square root of 2 must be infinitely long. Many years ago I was shown a simple check for multiplication. The check can indicate a definite mistake; but cannot indicate definite accuracy. The check is performed by adding the individual digits of each part of the calculation. If this results in a number with more than one digit then add the digits of the new number and repeat as necessary until you have a single digit representing each part of the calculation. Example:- 39 leads to 3+9=12, and 1+2=3 58 leads to 5+8=13, and 1+3=4 39 x 58=2262 leads to 2+2+6+2=12, and 1+2=3 If the single digit representing 39 (i.e.3) is multiplied by the single digit representing 58 (i.e.4) we get 12 which leads to 1+2=3. The fact that this agrees with the single digit representing the answer indicates that the calculation might be correct, but more importantly if the single digit representing the answer had been any other number the calculation would have been performed incorrectly. Another example:- 58764 (5+8+7+6+4=30 ; 3+0=3) 3271 (3+2+7+1=13 ; 1+3=4) ------------ 192217044 (1+9+2+2+1+7+0+4+4=30 ; 3+0=3) Performing the check, 3 x 4=12 and 1+2=3 since this agrees with the answers single digit no error has been detected. Although this description might seem complicated it is really very simple and can be done "in your head" with very little practice. Examining the square root 0f 2 _________________________ Think of the calculation A x A= 2 So A must be the square root of 2 Someone suggests that the square root of 2 is 1.4 If they are correct then 14 x 14 =200 So using the test 14 (1+4=5) 14 ( 1+4=5) and 5x5 = 25, and 2+5=7 ---- 200 (2+0+0=2) Since "7" and "2" do not have the same value this calculation must be incorrect. Someone then suggests 1.41 So using the test 141 (1+4+1=6) 141 (1+4+1=6) and 6x6=36, and 3+6=9 --------- 20000 (2+0+0+0+0 =2) Since"9" is not "2" this calculation is incorrect. My calculator gives the square root of 2 as 1.414213562 therefore 1414213562^2=2 x 10^18. If you do the test the two relevant digits are "4" and "2" indicating an error. The fact is you can add digits beyond 1.414213562 all the way to infinity without getting a "correct" indication! This argument holds good for many (probably most) numbers. Perhaps any whole number falls in to one of two categories. Perhaps it either has an easily found whole number square root or it is an infinitely long decimal number. Perhaps this is true of any number base you might use (octal, hexadecimal etc.)?? This post has been edited by TonyMcC: 22 February 2010 - 10:30 PM
  5. Just checked your age - change "50" to "40"!

  6. The sweet looking young gentleman in my photo is husband of the sweet looking young lady in my avatar! Don't tell me that I was born 50 years too early - lol.

  7. You might be surprised to know how little the speed of sound is affected bt altitude:- http://www.fighter-planes.com/jetmach1.htm
  8. Terminal velocity depends on air density. As he is going to jump from the edge of space he is expecting almost no air resistance at first. Joseph Kittinger was the man with a faulty glove, his injury wasn't too bad. In fact the glove failed on the ascent, but he decided to jump anyway. For more info you can google Project Excelsior. No doubt he will try to maximise his speed by reducing his air resistance by remaining as vertical as possible (quite likely a head down dive).
  9. One aspect not considered is centrifugal force. If a straight bridge was built at a pole this would increase with distance. At something over 2 million miles anyone at the end of the bridge would be travelling at the speed of light (but I'm not too sure what this would be relative to). By comparison, if the bridge was built at the equator the end of the bridge would only describe a circle the same diameter as the earth however long the bridge was, but this lower speed would still throw you off the bridge at approximately 90 degrees to the bridge surface if the bridge was very long.
  10. You will have to bear in mind that you might invalidate either/or the vehicle's warranty and your insurance. the attachment is from the following link:- http://www.chiptuners.co.uk/CHIP_TUNING_FAQ.HTM
  11. There seems to be an argument about whether simple nutritious food can be cheaper than fast food. This Sunday my wife prepared a meal for six of us. We don't bother with a starter so we had roast chicken, stuffing, potatoes, cauliflower, leeks, gravy, and cranberry sauce. To follow we had apple and blackberry crumble with custard. When we added up the cost of the ingredients it came to about £9.50, which is about $2.50 each. When, before Christmas, my daughter asked the partner of one of my grandchildren who is about 26 years old whether she had bought her turkey the answer was "No because I wouldn't know how to cook it"! In my school days most girls learnt to budget for and cook meals and the boys learnt woodwork. I think the girls got the better bargain because not many of us boys became carpenters! Also, my wife made sure our daughters could cook before letting them loose in the world.
  12. As a man in his 70's who is hoping for quite a few more years can I ask you to change "50" to something a bit higher? lol.
  13. I left school at 16 so my maths is pretty basic. I believe that the parallel postulate is only applicable to Euclidean geometry (i.e. applicable to a plane). It seems to me that if you draw a right angled triangle and place three dots at different distances from each of the sides and draw lines parallel to the sides you will draw another right angled triangle. The basic proof of the addition of areas will apply to the triangle you have just drawn. I'm probably missing something, if so I apologise.
  14. Used spoiler because OP seems to ask if we can work out what he knows.
  15. It seems on present evidence that over time the distance between the moon and earth will increase. It is presently increasing at a rate of approximately 4cm per year. http://www.physlink.com/education/askexperts/ae429.cfm
  16. Thank you. My computer had detail differences - e.g."Under the bonnet" instead of "Under the hood" and some differences re. page layout, but sufficient information to achieve my purpose - thanks again.
  17. There seems to be quite a delay between changing your photo or Avatar and the time it takes for them to take effect. In particular the two places the photo appears in can be separated by some days. How long should you wait before deciding something has gone wrong? Should you remove a photo or Avatar that "hasn't taken" after a certain period and try again?
  18. I've known girls who "reached for the moon", but perhaps the whole solar system in one go is a bit much - lol. Can't really buy chocolates for my wife as she is diabetic. Hope you know someone who can take a hint!
  19. In another topic several members were moaning about what a waste of money buying a valentines card would be. I haven't been able to find that topic. If a moderator wants to add this to that topic that would be fine by me. I see in today's press that Asda, a subsidiary of Walmart, is selling a Valentine's card for 7p.( about 11 cents). Come on lads, surely a smile from your beloved would be worth that amount? Think of the pleasure such a gesture would give her. I don't think I'll try it with my wife however - she would probably hit me with something hard and metallic from the kitchen! What do the girls on the forum think, I wonder? Would an 11c card be better than no card at all?
  20. I think that the problem of sustainability within a democracy goes well beyond a lack of scientific knowledge. I think that selfishness and a lack of altruism is a major, perhaps the major, factor. For example in a democracy we vote for our leaders. But when we make our choices we selfishly think "who will do most for me in the short term?" We don't worry about the thought that the promises can't be met without the government borrowing or printing money. The result (IMO) can be seen in the present state of the global economy. I don't know how it is to be achieved, but we need to think "What is best for the world?". Some of the best educated people are among the most selfish.
  21. A sign that conjures up rather an unfortunate image is "Disabled Toilet". I'm sure that disabled people need and expect a fully functioning toilet.
  22. A common sign near building sites that I often see is "Heavy Plant Crossing". I always get a picture in my mind of a 15ft cabbage shuffling across the road.
  23. The explorer doesn't claim his own eyes are blue (he could have been talking about a shipmate, perhaps the only one on his ship with blue eyes. Alternatively he could have been on a ship where nobody had blue eyes and he was thinking of the blue eyed wife he left behind). He doesn't inform any particular person of their eye colour, although everyone might wonder "does he mean me"?. It seems the only action the islanders will take is to punish the explorer in a way not described for his faux pas (maybe excommunication) . I feel instinctively that "nothing really" can't be the answer - or can it? OK looked at the answer - I see that it is not assumed the explorer is not giving information about his own eye colour. Sorry!
  24. I suppose you would have to break things down a bit. i.e. be clear in your own mind on what the various terms mean. 4 bit register: tri-state: data sheet for 74LS173: data sheet for ALU 74LS181: 4 bit data systems and pathways. If you haven't text book information then you could use google. This would give you a firm basis for considering what you need to do to achieve your aim. You could then submit your idea(s) in the form of a diagram(s) for comment on the forum.
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