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Everything posted by Commie_Pinko

  1. I do liek some of the aspects of Technocracy, but their version at Technocracy.ca is extremely flawed, and the people there are of very low caliber. I used to be a member, because I thought some of the ideas were interesting, but others were a bit out there. Not that their natures makes their science wrong, but I came to realize that most of the posters were die-hard racists, nazis, and former communists. If you go to their "graphics" page, their flags and emblems are nothing more than amalgamations of Swastikas and Hammer&Sickels. They got this one guy on their that everyone bows down before, as if he's some science God. The guy is basically a moon-landing conspiracy-theorist who thinks that all American Science is bunk, and that Russian Soviet Science is "correct." The other half of the nuts think that Communist and "eastern" science is far better than western. They're morons. Everything "liberal" they didn't agree with they belittled and called something. It began with a G, or something. They only thought 'their opinions' were scientific and rational. I had to explain to them what fraking evolution was---it was that bad. They thought the 2nd law of thermodynamics precluded evolution. Further, some of them there actually think "logic" is totally subjective. One of the modreators who praises himself as a scientist says logic is overrated, and that organic empiricism is the only valuable method. THis is simply direct empiricism, because I looked up it. It's nothing more than a type of Logical Positivism. Moreoever, if you look at the FAQ provided there, you can match it up exactly with the entire Communist Manifesto, yet they claim not to be communist. They are "philosophical," antagonists, yet they think Science itself isn't Philosophy, which it is. Nothing you say can ever get through to them there. I tried--I failed. They just ban you when you disagree with them enough to the point at which you become what they call "a problem." Even if one were to assume they are "scientific," their science is also questionable, since I have yet to see it in any academic-peer review. Those who have seen it state outright that it's inaccurate, yet none of the people on their forum gives the slightest frak about it. Their Wikipedia article is written BY one of the members of that forum, so that's hardly reliable. All you are getting is the same propaganda they spew on their forums. I used to belong to the organization. They are messed the hell up. I like Technocracy, but not their fantasy wet-dream version of it. There are some merits, but most is impossible and simply unacceptable to implement. They are exactly the same as something called The Venus Project. Just google it. The guy who came up with the idea was a former member of the organization as well. They are both crazy. Don't point out a fallacy in their insane arguments, or you will get banned.
  2. Well, I am not a scientist or even a Science Major, but I first got interested in Science when I was studying at University in my History curriculum. My frist Enlightenment exposure really made Science interesting.
  3. They should be able to keep profits, but there should be a way to help people who cannot afford to pay it, get it.
  4. I think a new life begins at conception, but I don't think moral personhood begins there.
  5. Basically, this means: (not literally, of course). Also, does anyone here know german? I know a bit, and I think I understand it pretty well.
  6. I know one of the huge battlecries of the Americans during the revolultionary period was taxation w/out representation, but I personaly feel that was a bit disengenuous. There're some historians and texts which indicate that the Americans weren't really in the mindset to pay any taxes at all, whether they had representation or not. Even that if they had representation, they would most likely have tried to vote it down. However, a problem that I think people of the time realized was that they woudl have had little chance to strike down the tax measures anyway. People were refusing to pay taxes, such as the Stamp Tax, but even if they had representation, they would likely pay it anyway. As someone mentioned above, AMericans didn't like the fact that the mother goose came back to take care of her young. THey had been left alone in the nest for so long, that they resented any authority from above, while the British felt it was necessary to tax due to the costs spent in North America supposedly "defending" Americans, or so my texts say. The entire idea of taxation leads to some interesting conclusions when you relate it to slavery. Many Americans concluded that they were slaves---more specifically, the most abject form of slaves. They kept complaining about paying taxes, comparing themselves to those in bondage, yet they willingly put their fellow man into slavery and thought nothing of it. Poor them for having to pay taxes. Very hypocritical.
  7. I had taken german in college and highschool. I think I had it for roughly 5 years, but I forget lots of it, especially since I do not use it. It's sad. I liked learning it, and I did pretty well. However, german isn't really a language that I use often, so it's easy to forget.
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