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Everything posted by skuinders

  1. I suggest you use a different distro if you plan to run it from a hdd... the benefit of Knoppix is really only the live CD use. Check out Debian or Fedora. from knoppix.net:
  2. You don't really "install" knoppix... it runs live off a CD. http://www.knoppix.net learn the basics of Linux: http://www.linux.org/lessons/index.html for your internet connection... try going to Kmenu>>system>>network settings and playing around. It might be that there isn't any drivers that support your ethernet card.
  3. Mokele said it. Also, in your reading, it might interest you to check out models of spike-timing dependent plasticity for an example of how neurons "wire together."
  4. Indeed... no one is thinking about probabilities when they are chasing a dubious character around with a gun; there is not even an agreeable way to calculate a probability in that situation. The only objective way to act in or analyze such an event is in a manner such as I mentioned, and that is simply not feasible. That was my point with the last sentence... although, I suppose I could have made that a bit clearer.
  5. To approach this without emotion: If the probability that a given man is a bomber is sufficiently high (given appearance, demeanor, positive ID, etc.), he should be killed simply based on the likelihood that x lives might be lost if no action is taken. If this situation occurs multiple times, the ratio of correct assessments to incorrect ones made by the police should be taken into account and future action should be adjusted appropriately. So, really the question is: can the police effectively measure the relevant probability/threat level?
  6. I have read this also, although I do not know how significant it is. I think research has been done on this at UNC.
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