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Everything posted by Crash

  1. Crash

    Covalent bond

    maybe that was the point of stating that? pfft Any way would you like to inform us of your level of schooling xroxybabix so we could help you alittle better?
  2. Crash

    Covalent bond

    The electrons forming the sigma bond are shared along the inter nuclear access whereas the unhybridised 2p electrons are overlapping along the top and/or the bottom of the inter nuclear access, thats why double/triple bonded molecules cannot rotate because it would weaken the pi bond which would break, another important point is sigma bonds are also stronger than pi bonds. if youre not up to here yet in school, then just ignore the fact that the bonds are different and consider them the same for all intense and purposes untill you come to them, a covalent bond is where electrons a distrubuted/shared roughly uniformly between two (or more) atoms, corrosponding to minimal electronegativity difference, polar bonds are wher due to the different electronegative values one (the more electronegative atom attracts the electrons alot closer to itself rather than sharing them evenly.hope that helps http://www.chemguide.co.uk/basicorg/bonding/ethene.html
  3. If there was a hole straight through the earth and (neglecting all other effects that would prohibit doing this) and someone jumped into it, would you after passing through the centre point start to bungy back and forth untill coming to a rest right at the centre due to gravity? What would happen?
  4. Crash

    Couple of Q's

    the s2p3 the 2 was subtextd not supertextd, thanks so much for the help, so the reason orbitals hybridise is to be able to bond to the maximumm state e.g. 4 for carbon? do they do this to abtain nobel gas structure? like why is 1s2,2s2,2p4 with coordinated bonds not suitable surely the mechanics of forming hybrid orbitals is greater for hybridising than to form coordinqate bonds?
  5. lol, morning glory! id like to know the awnser to this, all ive heard is that people are more esaily stimulated and enter a state of arousal during REM sleep
  6. Crash

    Couple of Q's

    Is the double bond indicated on an alkene one sigma bond and one pi bond? Alkyenes two pi bonds and one sigma bond? Another q, how a hybrid orbitals named? like sp^3 or sp^2 what dinotes the 3 or two and what about s^2p^3? Cheers
  7. Its definaltey a Bong, and the left one looks like a condenser to me
  8. yea, i just borwse all the new posts. I occasionally search for topics i can remember and am really interested in
  9. can you word that alittle better for me, you mean 2^2(sqrt(-1))? how much do you know in complex numbers? do you now "de moivres" theorm? conjugates etc.?
  10. indeed..........it seems it should
  11. What temp is it at? your on the right track..........
  12. neither have i but thanks to where i work i they get 20L to put in the new batteries that come in! which in other words means that i get quite a large H2SO4 (pretty conc) supply..............as long as they dont catch me lol. now to find some old old nails or screws.....
  13. There are many different theorys to suggest what sleep is for but there is no actual 'reason' for it that we know of, it could be a collection of all the ideas people have put foward or it could none. I suggest a read of time magazines article on sleep it is very interesting and goes into quite alot of detail, like how neurons are weakened during sleep (supposed to reduce the energy expendeture of your body as they dont have to maintain supporting unused neurons) for example, well worth the read.
  14. Usually assymetric molecules rotate plane polarized light, so they are refered to as "optically active"
  15. cheer cheer, ill try it! wheres the best place to buy helium or argon from?
  16. w00t, i got a smoke detector today and it had 0.9 microcurie of Np. yesss the element collection grows to 37!
  17. neat-o, ill go with the pee method. oxygen free enviroment you say? whats the easiest way of doing this? trap a hole heap of smoke in a hood?
  18. Crash

    Beta Decay.

    longer than 10^35 as shown by the experiment carrieed out in the salt mines of ohio (to reduce the amount of background raditation detected, so it was more accurate) with tonnes and tonnes of water, although i dont exactly know what the figure is sorry.
  19. still better than using iron as samples considering the availability of the substances, well if i had a wal-mart here in NZ id be there, but i guess K-Mart or the fire brigade will do.....
  20. Nah, you good at physics? they have sent data into the future (by very small times though) by using lasers, if you could put a person into a beam of light you could time travel but other than that no you cant. i dont really know the advanced stuff behind it. try looking at the newscientist.com website, i think thats where i seen it in there magazine. luck
  21. The Monkees, Slipknot, Cradle of filth, Metillica, Ment at work......i like most actually just not rap. Mostly heavy-dark though
  22. Hydrofluoric acid laying around on some back benches in teh chem room is probably my worst,
  23. Once they do get addicted (and it would be stupid to say no one will) what do you think theyll do for the rest of the week once they run out of the 1g in a couple of days. Go find a drug dealer or break into the chemist people on drugs get pretty desperate
  24. yip, sounds like the best name to me. and i will
  25. already got chlorine gas, can i electrolyse ZnCl? to form Zn(s) and Cl(g) graphite still the best and most affordable electrodes here? side note, what would be a good catalyst for lowering the activation energy for Zn + S?
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