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Everything posted by alan2here

  1. Foil, looks useful. Where N is a complex number the real part of [math]n^2=4+r*r*(i*-3)[/math] Is this right, and what is the equation for the imaginary part?
  2. Actually I was looking for the method also. TY for the equations. Edit: Oh, how can [math]n^2=4+2*2*3i+(3i)^2=-5+12i[/math] You're using add, times and power on positive numbers. How can a negative number be created for the real part?
  3. so a complex number with the real part as 2 and the imaginary part as 3 is written as [math]n = 2 + 3i[/math] What does the 4 represent in [math]n^2=4+2*2...[/math]?
  4. n is a complex number and equals (2, 3) o is a complex number and equals n times by n what does o equal?
  5. Can someone tell me simply what happens when you square a complex (2D) number. For example my number is n n = (2, 3) o = n ^ 2 o = ?
  6. I just wondered. Get two locations that are a fair distance apart but where there is also a fair height differance between them. For example cliffs on the south of england to a beach in France. Create a system similar to that of cable carts or ski lifts but not powered by anything, so it is like a piece of wire connected at both ends to a large pulley and in a loop. Containers that people could stand in would be placed at intervals around the loop. One end is higher and there are heavy carts around the loop but nothing would move anywhere for now. Water could then inexpensively be added to the top end, ether at a type of movement cart or just in an area in the carts that carry the people, the water would ether come from a nearby natural reserve or from a tap. Gravity would then pull that side down, as the next cart passes the top it can also be filled etc... At the bottom the cars can be emptied. Great distances could then be traveled at great speed with little environmental impact.
  7. Pass electricity though something and the thing will generally resist the electricity to some extent and let some of it though. I was wondering if by testing a material with electricity to see how much it resists could tell you something about the material. Moreover I wondered if you varied something about the electricity and do many tests probably automatically whether you could get a profile of the material. An example of something to vary could be voltage\current ratio or frequency in AC\AV. This would provide a unique 1D or 2D chart for each material.
  8. I discovered this today. Hold two fingers out in front of you at half arms length, point them at each other and touch your two finger tips together, push them towards from each other slightly so that they are overlapping by 1/2 a fingers length and pull one up and one down slightly so there is a gap of about 2 finger thickness between your two parallel fingers. Now move your fingers round and round each other, first one way then the other, try slow\fast. Now pull your left hand to the left and your right hand to the right a fingers length. Try the same thing again, now for the trick. Try and move your fingers in opposite circles. For example, left finger clockwise and right finger anti-clockwise. They should point at each other 2 times in a cycle. It's perplexingly hard to do, even slowly. If you think you have it sorted try speeding up.
  9. Thanks :¬) I've created an account, any idea how to create a thread?
  10. I'm looking for someone who can build user interfaces in Java. I have built this program http://img179.imageshack.us/img179/5726/treesfb8.png It draws trees from variables (it's not quite that straightforward but I will go over the details with you in private chat) that are input to describe how the tree grows. The inputs in my opinion are small in comparison to the endless variety they can create. This is BlueJ's description of my class dependency's http://img152.imageshack.us/img152/2109/treedepskj9.png Once each tree is created whiten the program is stored an array list that contains all the branches for that tree. What I am looking for is someone who can build a user interface for my program that will run on a website. Allow a user to view there tree and adjust inputs for it. Ideally it should also be able to manage saving trees. I also plan after I have deployed it on-line to expand it into creating 3D raster images with more realistic outside shape\bark etc...
  11. I think the problem probably has more to do with there understanding about what a computer or a network is. My work is somewhat unrelated to this problem and I work physically away from the company and am only able to get there occasionally but I still have an interest in helping them with it. I think it would be a little early to call there ISP just yet although it could be part or all of the problem. There ISP is BT.
  12. I'm working with a company that may be using an intermittent Internet connection. For example it is up for 2hours, then goes down for 5mins and nobody inside the company can access the Internet, then comes back up for another few hours. I'm trying to get the bottom of what is happening. DynDNS = Dynamic DNS? Is this a fairly simple procedure? Isn't temporary Internet files just lists of downloaded files from web browsing with IE?
  13. 3x + 4x + 5x + n = 180 12x + n = 180 (x + n = 180 / 12?) 3x + 5x + n = 180 8x + n = 180 4x + n + o = 180 I'm a little stuck here as well
  14. How totally careless of me, ignore this post 3x + 4x + 5x = 180 find x 12x = 180 x = 180 / 12 x = ?
  15. Direct link for MIRC or other client users irc://irc.blackcobalt.net/sfn MIRC is much better than a web client.
  16. There are certain rules about what happens, play with some strong non-electro magnets and you will see what I mean. I think given complex enough rules about how to power the grid at the bottom then you would be correct or at least partly correct.
  17. Note to the above poster Your image is a little large What is a Gimp Maskorz 8D? This is probably the ugliest room in my house but it was the safest place to get all of my lab together into one place. I would have liked to place them closer together but that would not have been possible. I think that it was amazing that I got them this close. The images show a representation of everything as opposed to having absolutely everything in them. The list is more complete. http://img529.imageshack.us/img529/8901/lab4pi0.png http://img529.imageshack.us/img529/9892/lab1wx1.png http://img529.imageshack.us/img529/769/lab2or4.png http://img529.imageshack.us/img529/8134/lab3ha8.png Magnetic stuff Lots of terrifyingly strong NIB (Neodymium Iron Boron) magnets, some weaker ceramic magnets (although that large ones size does make it quite strong). Iron fillings, screws. Metal non magnetic tubes for lens law experiments. Electric stuff Plasma ball. Flapping remote control aircraft. Power ball. Normal torch, simplest torch ever, LED torch that can flash. Random stuff Ball bearings, metal bits, springs, metal ruler, tiny bearings, rubber bands, polystyrene chunk, speaker insides. Odd sort of key and a piece of string that can be used to make very small explosions with match heads. Other Materals Woods metal, bismuth crystals, pyrolytic graphite. Powerful battery pack, watch battery's and tiny motors that can be powered by them. Also Spectroscopic glasses.
  18. Useful reply time. If you do not understand electronics (like me) transistors and resistors and how to make circuits that do different things (and possibly also a level of mathematics to back it up) and have never attempted to purchase wire or make coils and don't know how you would do so then you can't do what you are imagining. Yep pritty sucky but true. I have no idea how you would get started learning this stuff (don't all point at wiki articles he and many of us probably wont be able to follow).
  19. I'm looking for software to log an Internet connections down times. When it is working and when no data can be sent\received logged into a file. Idearly It would give a little more information than that. It does not matter if the file can only be viewed from whiten the program but the program must be free or very cheap and may need to be able to be run on many PC's. Any Ideas?
  20. It's harder to accurately offer a stroke and easier to offer a set size of food. From my experance cats are fussy eaters.
  21. Have I made a bad choice of animal? I wanted something small. (not big like a dog for example). Or a bad choice of type of signal, could be a tactile signal for example. http://video.google.co.uk/videosearch?q=rodent+training The first round of testing could be incredibly simple such as occasional intermittent look left signal for look more to the left, looking more to the left after it comes on regardless of how long I wait for it to happen = food. looking more to the right results in no food, (rodent will eventually move his head one way of the other). Preforming rodent show Remote control Rodent races Theft Practical Jokes Rodent: is very fast is very agile is very versatile finds it's own power squeezes into spaces bends in the middle has good eyesight falls great distances well jumps cuts climbs however they shouldn't get hurt whereas robotic vechals are more disposable.
  22. I'm shocked that we can drill down and find lava yet there are so few power plants that use this. A tube made of a hard material from there to the surface would result in a continuous volcano and presumable vast amounts of power to be generated. Or the more conventional method of water down, steam up.
  23. A device could be fitted to a rodents back. The device could hold a signal in front of the rodent so the rodent could see it (like a head up display). The signal would signal (for example light different colors) for different instructions such as. Look more left Look more right Look straight ahead go faster where you are looking slow down Pick up item near you in mouth jump Correctly following the instructions results in some food. At first just one instruction would be given, then gradually adding more, then getting fed at the end of a successful sequence instead of after each one. The device would be remote controlled and also have a small camera attached to it pointing forward of the rodent and transmitting it's signal back to a screen near the controller. At this point you have a remote control rodent you can... (I will leave you lot to fill in the rest of this line). Feel free to use this idea but give me credit for the concept. I am Alan Tennant, "alan2here@gmail.com" edit: saw shark topic here, maybe general chat would have been better.
  24. In england it is disappointingly flat. However we store water at height in water towers. http://www.fingalcoco.ie/media/Media,8367,en.jpg Most of them look different from each other however they are usually bizarre looking.
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