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Posts posted by Cloud

  1. "Frankly speaking, what would YOU pick? Aerospace or Nanotechnology?"


    Well, I would go with aerospace, since I know jack about nanotechnology.

    In general terms, I would want to work on something big, not something miniscule. But then again, something miniscule could have big implications. Hope I've been of some influence. Most likely not:embarass:


    PS: Why is aerospace under general. Isn't that a very specific field.

    Nanotechnology is more general, I would say, since it has applications in chemistry, computing, electronics, foods . . .

  2. There are steps given on how to act upon and initialize this practice.

    1. Make a list of what you're grateful for. Every morning think about it and FEEL it.

    2. Dwell upon the end result. Visualization=Materialization. The emotion associated with the goal opens the door to the law of attraction.


    useless, PMA placebo-effect crap

  3. I visited India in January and I must admit my overwhelming reaction was shock at the poverty.


    Yeah, something needs to be done about that. These people just keep having children (some have 6-8+) which really doesn't do any good for the country. There are birth control measures taking place but there are just too many people living in poverty already - its a nightmare. I really hope things improve.

  4. That is exactly what i am looking for!!! :o) BUT then, the size of something is not actually the size of what we see, is it? Its how we see it, right?


    So what you're saying is that what we see could not be the actual size of the object in reality


    e.g. this computer screen I'm looking at right now: its 45cm in length. Thats what we humans see but that isn't how big it is in reality. Let's say its actually 90cm in length.


    Well, when I touch the two sides and get person X to measure the distance from one side to the other of the monitor - guess what - its still 45 cm !!! I have physically touched both sides and person X has measured it to be 45 cm. It HAS to be 45cm!!! It cannot possibly be 90cm in length.


    And even if things are 2x what we see in this so called actuality - who cares. The measurements are set to quantify our navigation around space successfully.


    If that makes sense? I think others have already explained it more successfully than I have.

  5. There seems to be a mis-match of information. Your profile says you find chemistry boring but your post says you find it interesting and that you want to take forensic science / research.


    Since you pretty much like all sciences you might as well pick your favourite and do a degree in it e.g. BSc chemistry or BSc biology or combine as you already have said and do BSc biochemistry. You can always specialise later and if you get to Phd level you can teach it. Do a complementray law course and that would cover forensics. And that pretty much is everything.

  6. I tried teaching myself guitar for about a week before I decided my time --and this is just specific to myself-- would be better spent practicing martial arts, reading math books, and coding.


    Same here. I guess the fact that I couldn't even work out, on my own, how to play a note on the guitar indicated that this wasn't my thing. I lasted about 3 months before I thought "why am I still on page 3"


    Weird that we have the same alternative interests.

  7. Wow, everyone is trying to learn to play music. There are a lot of bored people out there!!!


    Could you atleasr give us a versus at least. E.g. Guitar Vs keyboard.

    I made a really big mistake by buying a steel stringed guitar as a beginner. If you're going for guitar get a classical/nylon string one or even better, an electric. Do NOT start will a full sized folk guitar that most country and rock singers have. You'll lose interest and get bored really easily because its too damn difficult and it kills your fingers too.


    I t also depends on what type of music you like. I hate singing so I REALLY made a wrong decision as the folk guitar is made for that purpose as an accompainment of chords. Easier to fingerpick with a nylon sting to get a melody and some bass going.


    I play it! You can get a nice starting wood oboe for like $3000 dollars too.


    :eek: You can get a pretty good piano for that price. Have you ever had to replace it? (it broke . . . new one).

  8. Is norton that reliable (even after a decade of experience) -


    I ran a scan and its picked up over 100 viruses and 20 spyware and quarantined them automatically.


    Is it safe to delete all 100+ items from the quarantine log? Most have been classifed as viruses. Some of them are of type "unknown."


    Not too sure. Also, I think these viruses have been dormant on the system and have just been activated . . .:-(

  9. In some cultures status is intertwined with cast and they don’t marry into other casts although they follow the same culture! How stupid??


    That is stupid. On a more practical scale: Two families having fueds just because a daughter wants to marry a blacksmith instead of a doctor.


    What is your opinion on this matter? Would you fall for someone whose status is low? What are the qualities you look for? Your honest opinion please


    Definitely, although in my case it would be the other way. Hope some girl takes pity on me:D

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