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Everything posted by jsaldea12
Please read, I was referring to actual most fundamental atom, hydrogen atom: is the mass of proton in equilibrium with the mass of electron? jsaldea`12 6.30.09
I was referring to ATTRACTION kind of gravity, in keeping with the unerring existing law of opposite. This is the gravity of Newton. You mentioned that (the raising of sea water on earth is explained by Einstein theories. Please disclose how?. Even the predict (light will bend on passing through sun can be also explained by attraction gravity. Even extra perihelion of Mercury may be explained by attraction gravity of Newton. But both the attraction gravity of Newton and spacetime gravity of Eintein are involved, both are like two sides in one coin) Jsaldea12 6.30.09
Man-made nuclear bomb: ONE best evidence of Big Bang
jsaldea12 replied to jsaldea12's topic in Speculations
But permit to repeat because I want an answer: Do you believe that inflation? of Big Bang can cause CMBR in outer space, that blackbody radiation, evidenced of nuclear explosion.? Now, what causes Big Bang? Regards. jsaldea12 6.30.09 -
H! Genius, you are not insane. Just brilliant. In answer to your recent reply, please permit me to refer you to latest post in Physics, entitled, "Equilibrium of positive to negative of atom. I have to post it there because I feel it is real. My concept of positive and negative of atom differ with long-tradition generally accepted concept. That, whatever is that that is involved in nucleus of atom is simply positive and negative equilibrum. the making of unerring law of opposite, right inside the nucleus shell, and separate from the equilibrium of electrons's shell. That recent post would interest the vast armory of your mind. Regards. jsaldea12 6.30.09
Equilibrum of Positive to Negative of Atom The Law of Opposite states that there should be equilibrium of positive to negative, meaning the mass of positive to negative should be in equilibrium, just like water seeking its own level. That requirement of equilibrium is applicable to micro as it is in macro. In macro solar system, the sun, as nucleus, has equilibrium positive and negative property, in like manner, earth and all other satellites, re- mars, venus, etc., each satellite , has equal mass of positive and negative property, in keeping with the Law of Opposite.. In micro atom solar system, the nucleus and electrons, should, each should have equilibrium mass of positive and negative property, just like in macro. solar system, in keeping with Law of Opposite.. Thus, inside the shell of atom, re-nucleus, proton, neutron, quarks, and electron, each, should have equilibrium equal mass of positive and negative. That .neutrons, quarks, electrons mutate/decay implicate that each has inherent positive and negative, that such decays/mutations occur implicate that the nucleus and electrons seek equilibrium of mass of positive and negative in their respective nucleus shell and electron shell. The law of opposite states that positive and negative property are two sides of same coin.. As a matter of fact, proton steal electron to seek equilibrium.. Thus, the enduring, existing concept of the most fundamental hydrogen atom, the proton mass is equal electron mass, appears not in conformity with the Law of Opposite, because the mass of proton is 1,672 while the mass of electron is.00091..that the mass relationship of nucleus to electron appears loop-sided.. The mass of nucleus to itself, and mass of electron to itself, in equilibrium.. Modern progress of science is fast, now, there is tendency to seek equalizing positive to negative of same mass, re-electron to positron, positive neutrinos to negative neutrinos, + quarks has -quark, matter to anti-matter. Speaking of anti-matter, it is stated that when matter and anti-matter meet, both annihilate one another, it appears correct to state that both convert themselves to energy, a positive to negative attraction. What happen when anti-matter meet anti-matter? What happen when electron meets electron? Repulsion but not conversion to energy, just like in electrical bulb which converts such meeting of live positive and negative to energy, resulting in lighted bulb..Thus, the question is: is electron all negative?: Electrical bulb lights up as connected to pair of live electrical wires, positive and negative.. Roll the live electrical wires around a nail, and magnetism is created with positive and negative. In nucleus, the proton quarks, 2 up and 1 down is equalized by neutron quark 1 up and 2 down, to sum up to equilibrium positive = negative.. Several centuries ago, the old scientific schools were looking for most basic particle that is indivisible.. It was thought that atom was the most basic and indestructible. Now, it is found that atom is just a shell and inside said atom shell is inner shell, the nucleus, and the nucleus is just a shell, inside said nucleus shell are smaller shells on which curled proton quarks having positive and negative, and neutron quarks having positive and negative. adding these two kind of quarks arrive at equal positive and negative. Thus, evidences that there are positive and negative properties in nucleus shell and electron’s shell. By the way, an atom is 99.999999999999% space.. Thus, the electrons, the protons, neutrons, quarks are just. .000000000001%.content of the atom. The stated puzzling matter, re-the imbalance mass relationship of nucleus to electrons, is brought up, not to question but to seek satisfactory explanation. Does anybody know the explanation? . Jsaldea Cc DOST, CSIS Philippine Copyright 2009 sfn 6.30.09
Salty water is good conductor of electro-magnetism than fresh water. We cannot feel how sea water is raised, but in gargantuan scale like the earth and the moon, both bodies feel it! the raising of tide…though gravity is trillion times weaker than magnetism. Thus, though the moon gravitational field is weak, it is strong enough to raise ocean on earth.. Gravity (attraction gravity?) alone cannot explain the ocean tide? What other phenomenon can raise ocean on earth, which we know only happens when the moon is overhead. It cannot be the spacetime of Dr. Einstein. Now it is concrete and clear what is this ATTRACTION is all about. It is the action of the law of opposite which states UNLIKE ATTRACT. A lengthy explanation is embodied in the article, and reasons why gravity of Newton is all attraction toward earth. Jsaldea12 6.30.09. ..
Man-made nuclear bomb: ONE best evidence of Big Bang
jsaldea12 replied to jsaldea12's topic in Speculations
Reiterating, Big Bang was nuclear explosion, not inflation. How can you explain the presence of fission andfusion at the present, if both were none during Big bang> the fact that both are here implicates both are inherited from Big Bang. All that are present today havetheir origin, the mother Big Bang. This is inkeeping with law of conservation that nothing is lost nor destroyed, they just change form but basically, the same ingredient. Inflation? Big bang was not inflation, making no noise, like a balloon. Here is a clinger: how can you explain the presence of CMBR. blackbody radiation, in all outer space. this evidence that it was the biggest nuclear explosion that scattered the galaxies all over the outer space. jsaldea12 6.30.09 -
Salty water is conductor of electro-magnetism, that is why liquid salty ocean is raised more than solid matter. This proves that the locked gravitational field of earth and moon has electro-magnetic property. .generated by orbit of moon around earth and rotation of earth. Motion generates electro-magnetism, like in generator.. Gravity and magnetism fundamentally have something in common: both are the making of the opposite law which states, like repulse, unlike attracts. Attraction gravity of Newton is real. What is that that raises millions of tons of sea water on earth…that is attraction, re-the positive and negative property of earth is attracted/bind with the negative and positive property, respectively, of moon. That raising is not the no-force spacetime gravity of Dr. Einstein, although such attraction gravity utilizes, rides on the spacetime gravity to bind and lock both gravitational fields. Regards. Jsaldea12 6.29.09
I never mention gravitational force does not follow inverse law. You are making double talk!! You said “It gets stronger with distance, rather than weaker” are you referring to gravitational force getting stronger with distance? In the same breath, you end up, “This is not how gravity works on any scale”. Now you correct yourself. Do you agree or disagree that the strong nuclear force in nucleus of atom is the same strong gravitational force of black hole? Do you know that proton does not decay, uncannily, in like manner, black hole does not decay…black hole sucks even energy and light that try to escape. This could also be the reason why proton does not decay (life of proton is some billion, trillion, trillion years) because of compact strong gravitational attraction of the proton that its suck is stronger than the most powerful accelerator strive to make proton decay. Jsaldea12 6.29.09.
All the four forces are unified and linked inseparably to one another inside the atom. As explained in the article, strong nuclear force is nothing but gravity. Like strong gravitation force of black hole which is concentrated, compact that prevents even light from escaping, but before it became black hole, it was ordinary gravity. see? In like manner, strong nuclear force inside the nucleus is nothing but gravity if it were not concentrated, compact. Gravity’s arms, re-the extended locked gravitational fields of spinning nucleus and hi-speed orbiting electrons, generate electro-magnetism and weak electric force. Thus, how all forces are linked, unified .inside each atom. Jsaldea `12 6.29.09.
Do you agree that the four fundamental forces, re-gravity, electro-magnetism, strong nuclear force, and weak nuclear force, are all in each atom, UNIFIED AS ONE?
When the moon raises millions of tons of salty sea water on earth, that is electro-magnetic attraction, binding of gravitational fields of moon and earth. Thus, ATTRACTION, re- Newton attraction gravity, is real. Jsaldea12 6.27.09
Man-made nuclear bomb: ONE best evidence of Big Bang
jsaldea12 replied to jsaldea12's topic in Speculations
That is a very honest article. If you have some doubt, please let me know. Regards. jsaldea12 6.27.09 -
WHY IS GRAVITY ALL ATTRACTION TOWARD EARTH? (Ever since that momentous time Adam’s apple fell on the lap of napping Newton, “simpleton” gravity has become intriguing, more intriguing, that up to now, gravity is ranked one of the eleven greatest (if not the greatest) unanswered questions in physics, according to Dr. Michael Turner, Ph. D. and many other physicists. Yes, why does the apple falls downward toward the center of Earth and not up to outer space? The following almost four decades of sleuthing finally dissects, like surgical knife, and unlocks the true nature and behavior of gravity). Two phenomena, working together as one, are responsible “why gravity is all attraction toward earth?”, namely: (a)The attraction gravity of Newton, and the “no-force” space-time gravity of Dr. Einstein The attraction gravity of Newton is the making of the unerring Opposite Law, re-like repulse, UNLIKE ATTRACT, and is manifested in all matters in the universe. All matters, from largest to smallest, have opposite properties, re-positive and negative; north pole and south pole; protons and electrons , male and female, name it, and there are always two opposites. The space-time gravity of Dr. Einstein is the skein or fabric of just the whole outer space, and such spacetime is simply making itself felt by effortlessly weighing, pressing all over such suspended ball, called, earth, and other suspended bodies in the universe. It appears strongly that both the attraction gravity of Newton and spacetime gravity of Einstein work together, inseparably, as one, like two sides of a coin. There is not one slice of the spacetime wherein there is no attraction gravity, and neither is there one iota of attraction gravity, (re- particularly the extension gravitational field of earth), not completely enveloped by spacetime. How was earth and gravity on earth created? It appears that from the beginning, re-the primordial emanation of dust, clouds of dust in outer space, the inherent Law of Opposite operated, re-the UNLIKE ATTRACT property wiggled, re-positive to negative, aligning, and bonding the emanated mass of dust which had inherent positive and negative property, such “unlike attract” property winning over the “like repulse” property. This is the attraction gravity of Newton.. The attraction, alignment and bonding were from all directions toward the center of the gathering mass, contracting, heating, and condensing, until a circular lump was shaped and solidified, called earth, formed some forgotten five billion years ago. Earth was shaped like a ball, just like other suspended bodies in outer space, because the tendency of suspended matter to solidify in outer space is circular. Because earth is ball-shaped, slightly spherical, the strongest attraction gravity of Newton, re- unlike-attract alignment, is a straight line from one surface through the center of earth to the opposite surface, thus any surface of earth has strongest attraction gravity of Newton all downward bound toward the center of earth. But before, during, and after such Law of Opposite operated, space was there already existing, the space-time of Dr. Einstein whose matrix was curved as it caught earth in the making.. The ever presence of space-time, the whole outer space, has skein/matrix which weighs involuntarily, all over suspended bodies, like earth.. The effect is like this: at bottom of ocean , 2-kilometer deep, lives unearthly-looking fishes, unaware of the pressure of the deep ocean; at the bottom of earth’s atmosphere is home to human beings who cannot feel the several kilometers altitude atmosphere; in like manner, over all suspended earth and other suspended bodies in space, is simply the whole wide outer space, the space-time of Dr. Einstein, hanging with nothing to hang, freely weighing all over earth, the direction of the effortless weight was all toward the center .of earth. Thus, the over-all combined effect of Newton attraction gravity and spacetime gravity of Dr. Einstein is what is experienced on surface of earth , called “gravity”, all such combined gravity pulling and pressing evenly, toward the interior center of earth . Some notes about the similarity of behaviors between Newton gravity and magnetism. Newton’s gravity , the weakest of the four fundamental forces of nature, is trillion times weaker than a magnet, but attraction gravity and magnetism have fundamentally the same positive and negative property of the unerring Law of Opposite.. By observing a magnet, the behavior of attraction gravity of Newton is unveiled: Cut, for instance, a bar magnet into half and cut further into smaller cuts, and each cut bar has positive and negative. Throw the cut magnet bars together and each cut bar will SEEK the opposite, re-positive attracts, aligns the negative, negative to positive. Arrange the cut-bars, one after another, the positive to negative to positive to negative to form one aligned cut bars, and always one end of the arranged aligned cut-bars is positive and opposite end is negative, and the aligned cut-bars is divided at the middle equally into positive and negative! Such, too, are the versatile behaviors of attraction gravity, with same inherent built-in intersecting positive and negative property of matter, the making of the governing Opposite Law of the universe.. When billions of tons of sea water on earth is being raised whenever the moon is overhead, this is the making of the attraction gravity of Newton, re-the gravitational fields of both moon and the earth locks, re-the positive-negative property of the moon, attracted, aligned and locked with the negative-positive property, respectively, of earth, (it also means that in that lock, there is electro-magnetism created that binds the two gravitational fields), but without the space-time gravity of Dr. Einstein, its unbreakable fabric, acting like super string, on which Newton’s attraction gravity tugs the earth and moon, there would have been no raising of sea water on earth, neither would the honeymoon between moon and earth last for long. When debates had prolonged whether the expansion of the universe can be halted and be pulled back to “big Crunch”, the concept is the attraction gravity of |Newton, the gravitational FORCE to hold and pull back the galaxies, but it is the unbreakable skein of space-time of Dr. Einstein that is being stretched and pulled. When light cannot escape in black hole because the infinitely contracted gravitational FORCE is so strong, the attraction gravity of Newton is referred, but it is the unbreakable spacetime of Einstein that catches and holds, like a bottomless hole-in-one trampoline, the super-heavyweight pint-size blackhole. Do the gravitational fields of earth and moon have electro-magnetic property? The attraction binding of gravitational fields of moon and earth implicates the existence of electro-magnetism, for only such electro-magnetic property can PULL and TUG the gravitational field earth and make ocean raised. In other words, the positive and negative property of moon binds the negative and positive property, respectively, of earth. It further implies that the universal gravitational fields created by the galaxies have electro-magnetic property too. What can invoke/generate electro-magnetism? Motion, the hi-speed orbit and rotation of earth and the super-super speed rotation (2 million miles per/hr., more or less) of galaxies generate electro-magnetism on the local and universal gravitational fields, which is intrinsic on the skein of space-time. Rotation makes generator create electro-magnetism. The presence of Van Allen Belt around earth, the millions of lightning that strike on earth almost daily, are evidences of the electro-magnetic property of rotating earth, a magnet, itself, with north and south poles. Further implication, electro-magnetic light has now a n electro-magnetic medium: electro-magnetic pure light waves, emanating from distant galaxy, travels, propagates on equally electro-magnetic universal and local gravitational fields, to contact electro-magnetic human eyes and brain, as preserved, intact, whole, with all colors, sounds and movements (just like receptions in radios and TVs). ..Here is further proof: why locked gravitational fields of earth and moon generate electro-magnetism, and why there exists locked gravitational fields between electron and nucleus of atom. As in macro so in micro: In micro-solar system of atom, electro-magnetism is generated by orbiting electrons around spinning nucleus, such electro-magnetism generated implies the existence of locked gravitational fields in the spacious micro-atom solar system which is 99.999999999999% space. In like manner, in macro-solar system, electro-magnetism, on gravitational level, is generated on the locked gravitational fields of earth orbiting around the spinning sun. Will electro-magnetic light from a distant star bend when passing by an equally electro- gravitational field of the sun? Yes. electro-magnetic light has mass, can be bent by electro-magnetic gravitational field of the sun, bent together with the spacetime curvature of Dr. Einstein. Here is the nail to the coffin: electromagnetic light is not only bent, but even can be sucked back by the same but strong electro-gravitational field of the black hole... Why does a man falls down to Earth, like the famous “apple”, and not flies up to outer space? The immense joint gravity of Newton and Dr Einstein complement one another and work, as follows: The whole wide spacetime of Dr. Einstein freely crowding, flexing its weight on itself, involuntarily pushes its size all over earth while the gravity attraction of Newton pulls man (who has positive and negative, himself) downward, thus, both gravities work as one over earth and makes minuscular man all downward toward the center of earth. Thus, the familiar, off-repeated saying, “Gravity is all attraction toward Earth!”. Without both gravity of Newton and Dr. Einstein, no planet, nor star, nor galaxy would have solidified in the universe, neither would there have been existing living beings on Earth. It appears the mystery that cloaks, for several centuries, simpleton gravity is finally torn and gravity, with all its glory, is at last laid naked.... Jose S. Aldea Chairman - Capiz Scientists & Inventors Society – Philippines e-mail: *** EMAIL REMOVED (AGAIN!) BY MODERATOR *** Cc: Dr. Estrella F. Alabastro, Ph. D. – Hon. Secretary – DOST (efa@dos.gov.ph) Dr. Graciano P. Yumul, Jr. - Hon. Undersecretary – DOST (gpyumul@dost.gov.ph) Mr. Roy Donato – President, Capiz Scientists & Inventors Society (donato_roya@yahoo.com) 3rd. revised Philippine Copyright 2009 By: Jose S. Aldea With Philippine Copyrights 2004, 2007, 2008 posted sfn 6. 26.09
Man-made nuclear bomb: ONE best evidence of Big Bang. (In 1964, radio astronomers Amo Penzias and Robert Wilson detected cosmic microwave background radiation covering entire outer space, believed remnant of Big Bang, below another d iscovery appears exceptionally good) . Atom is 99.999999999999% space., meaning its components, re-electrons, protons, neutrons, quarks, are all that spacious. If atom is the size of 20 basketballs rolled into one, the size of its nucleus is like a grain of sand, and if the size of the nucleus is 20 basketballs rolled into one, the size of the innermost quark is like a grain of sand. From such hollow nucleus, particularly, its innermost hollow quarks, originates the mind-boggling nuclear bomb explosion, unbelievable several million times greater than conventional bomb. Such nuclear bomb release uncannily is similar to the first and biggest nuclear explosion of all time, the Big Bang. Big Bang originated from incredible proton-size ( roughly, size 10-18 meters or miles?, but, naturally, no one knows) that exploded into the biggest nuclear explosion of all time and made up the whole universe, re- the stars, planets, galaxies. Two formidable evidences support Big Bang , re-. the detected CMBR or comic microwave background radiation all over outer space, and the red-shifting of all galaxies, indicating expansion of the universe.. There is now another evidence, right here on earth, before our very eyes . The man-made nuclear bomb explosion, fusion or fission, is uncanny a likeness, a reminder, of the mother Big Bang.. Where does such unconceivable point mass of nucleus (.mass of .000000000001%, more or less, of total area of nucleus) get its mind-boggling energy release? Nuclear release is E=MC2 but how and why such incredible micro-micro point mass of nucleus (pre-Designed) account for massive destructions unless it is like Big Bang.. As a matter of fact, all nuclear explosions/generations, re- supernova explosion, meteor nuclear collision, nuclear generating plant, nuclear generated sun, stars, all nuclears inherent of Big Bang, in keeping with law of conservation that nothing is lost nor destroyed. From proton-sized mass, Big Bang incredibly exploded and made up the total matters of the universe, such Big Bang expanded by itself, inflating by itself, infinitely, yet nothing added, nothing reduced, than its original proton-size... Like Big Bang, from a 99.999999999999% vacuum atom, a modern nuclear bomb, with gross weight of a THOUSAND kilograms can produce a mind-boggling BILLION kilograms of conventional explosive, the nuclear release expands by itself, inflates by itself, unlimitedly, nothing added, nothing reduced, than its net weight.. Man-made nuclear bomb is the best evidence that nuclear Big Bang did occur... . Why man-made nuclear bomb is best evidence?: As we see, before our very eyes, how man-made nuclear bomb is, before and after explosion, …. we are seeing, too,, the making of nuclear Big Bang, before and after. Jose s. Aldea Chairman – Capiz Scientists & Inventors Society Philippine Copyright 2009 By: jose s. aldea Cc: DOST, CSIS 6.26.09
GRAND UNIFIED THEORY (For some thirty years, Eminent Scientist, Dr. Albert Einstein had tried to unify the four fundamental forces of the universe, namely: gravity, electro-magnetism, Strong nuclear force, and weak nuclear force. Dr. Stephen Hawking and many other prominent scientists have followed, went further to conceive version, “Theory of Everything”. But, so far, all attempts to unify the four fundamental forces have been unsuccessful.. The treatise below appears strongly, finally, to have the four forces unified into one... Please read particularly the second paragraph of revised article). This article has been posted in physforum, category – physics general.. since month of May, 2009. See sample posting of revision below. . jsaldea12) Two common threads run through and link all matter in the universe. One is the immutable opposite law, which states “like repulse, unlike attract”, such as positive-negative, north pole -south pole, proton-electron, quark up-down, male-female, right-wrong, matter-anti-matter, electron- positron, name it, and always, there are two opposite sides. All matters, from largest to smallest, are wired to the opposite law, re- galaxies, stars, planets, atoms, proton, neutron, electron, quarks. Thus, by dissecting atom, the basic building block, the natures and behaviors of matter is revealed. Atom has nucleus, re- proton& neutron, and electron, and said nucleus is further dissected to consist of smaller fundamental particle, called quarks. Proton is positive and electron is negative, a concept in conformity with the law of opposite. Neutron, bedfellow of proton, on the other hand, decays to proton or to electron, called positron. Electron, on the other hand, mutate to positron., to neutron.. Even protons steal electron to make up lack of neutron in nucleus.. What do all these changing partners mean, these switching decays/mutations?.. But what is more revealing is that there are dwellers huddled inside the hollow nucleus, re-the smaller fundamental particles, called quarks, as unearthed by particle accelerators.. Quarks have three families, re- up-down, top-bottom, and charm-strange, (perhaps to hide their identity), the family features are actually positive (up, top, charm) and negative (down, bottom, strange), the positive and negative properties of the governing opposite law. In short, even in the very fundamental quarks, there is positive-negative property, not just positive-neutron nucleus as thought before. That shows just how incisively intrinsic is the opposite law that runs through in all atoms, and thereby, in all the make-ups of structures in the universe. It is the opposite law, re-unlike-attract property, that made up the attraction, re-positive to negative formations of primordial massing dusts, the alignment, binding, the eventual molding of galaxies, stars, planets, and all other suspended bodies in outer space.. (This may explain why there is dire lack of anti-matter in the universe now, because from the beginning, the unlike-attract property won over the like-repulse property)… It is stated that energy is never lost nor destroyed, it just changes form: whether in low temperature like the present conducive to life or in high temperature (100GeV up), as in Big Bang which altered the symmetries of particles (example: ice to water to gaseous), the opposite law is not lost or destroyed. The natures and behaviors of the opposite law is characterized as follows: cut and cut a bar magnet to slimmer and slimmer sizes and always, in each cut, there is positive and negative. .Bring and align the cut bars back together and always the reconstructed bar magnet is divided into versatile two equal: positive and negative. The opposite law has unwritten compulsion to divide into two equal opposite sides. The changing partners, the switching mutations/decays of neutrons, electrons, and protons mean the positive and negative in outer and inner shells seek equality and stability, just like water seeks its own level, with the equilibrium mass of nucleus separate from the equilibrium mass of electrons.. The opposite law is like one coin, with intrinsically two opposite sides, It appears further the direction or tilt determine whether it is positive or negative: directed/tilted toward one side, it becomes positive, directed the opposite side, it becomes negative. Thus, whether it is proton, neutron, quarks, electron, etc., each has intrinsic equal positive and negative properties. Positive and negative can even be reversed (earth).. Why is there this opposite law that works tirelessly and never sleeps? Don’t ask this author, but if you see two lovers of opposite sex who cannot help kissing each other, then know, without knowing why.... A common thread, a common bond runs through and unifies the four fundamental forces of the universe, namely, gravity, electro-magnetism, weak nuclear force and strong nuclear force. The law of conservation states that nothing is destroyed nor lost, things just change form, re-matter to energy, energy to matter: whether the temperature is low as conducive to life or temperature is high as (100GeV up) to breakup formation of atoms, the basic substance of the atoms is not lost nor destroyed, the four fundamental forces reappear, reassert their territories in each atom.. Atom is found out to be 99.999999999999% empty space! If atom were the size of 20 basketballs rolled into one, proportionately, the size of nucleus would be like a grain of sand inside, and if the nucleus were the size of 20 basketballs rolled into one, the size of a quark would be like a grain of sand. . That is how spacious is the atom, concept of atom as patterned after the solar system, only appears even more spacious. (what would happen to the established law of science if a more fundamental particle or simply pure energy is detected by a super-super accelerator, vibrating inside the hollow quarks?). The gravity of the nucleus is like the gravity experienced on surface of earth but is made strong, re-strong nuclear force, due to intense accumulation/ concentration of gravitational force in such extra-ordinary compact tiny area of the nucleus, thus, basically, strong nuclear force is one and the same substance with fundamental base gravity., It is like black hole, macro-strong nuclear force, in outer space, whose gravitational force is so concentrated in small area of compacted black hole but the strong concentrated gravitational force is the same gravity before the object became a black hole. In like manner, strong nuclear force is concentrated gravity in that extraordinary compact area of nucleus but it is the same gravity if it were not concentrated.. Here is a clinger: Proton does not decay, black hole, also, does not decay, implicating that both are uncannily the same.. Gravity and magnetism are fundamentally one: both are the making of the opposite law, with positive an negative property,. magnetism being natural concentrated gravity.. Such concentrated gravitational, magnetic nucleus exudes extension concentrated gravitational field which binds with the, could be, concentrated gravitational field of electrons in the spacious atom solar system. Electrons rotate and nucleus spin and concentrated electro-magnetism is generated/activated in the bonded micro-gravitational field, as well as electro-weak force is evoked in the nucleus, thus, fundamentally, electro-magnetism and electro-magnetic weak force are one and the same: both are the making of activated/evoked combination of gravity and magnetism, and inherent inactive electrical property. Thus, the four fundamental forces are symbiotically chained to one another inside the atom: gravity and strong nuclear force are one and same, and once activated/evoked, by motion, by rotation, creates, generates electro-magnetism, all four indispensably linked to one another inside the atom, all four unified as one, and altogether with the inseparable, the very fundamental particles themselves, the dwellers, as if pre-Set-up inside the atoms, re-protons, neutrons, electrons, quarks, ALL ARE UNIFIED AS ONE INSIDE THE ATOM... It is stated that the stated fundamental particles and fundamental forces were unified as one at time of Big Bang, and were separated then after. They may have been divorced temporarily by temperatures and through changing time, but all have never been separated permanently, all re-assert their existence, their pre-Set-up, in order, in unison, inside the atoms, in keeping with the law on conservation that nothing is lost nor destroyed.. Proton, for instance, does not decay, has life of a billion, trillion, trillion years!! that baffle many eminent physicists. It could be like its macro proton, black hole, whose strong nuclear force sucks escaping energy and light, perhaps,. there is a reason, a message why proton takes that long to decay... Though time changes, symmetries change, the elementary particles and fundamental forces return, retain their basic substance/form/energy and reassert their places, unified, inside all atoms, the building blocks of all structures in the universe.. In a nutshell, why do all stated fundamental particles and fundamental forces uncannily appear inside all atoms, as if pre-Arranged, pre-Designed, following and obeying an unmistakable, unfathomable Law? Jose S. Aldea Chairman – CSIS *** Email Removed by Moderator *** 3rd Revised Philippine Copyrights 2009 By: jose s. aldea With Philippine Copyrights 2009 posted 6.25.09 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx