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Posts posted by pacman9090

  1. On 10/31/2023 at 11:07 PM, iNow said:

    Only up until some threshold, though. The return on the gain follows an inverted U-shape as wages grow progressively higher.

    Workers can also be motivated to work harder via cattle prods or at the tip of a gun, but that obviously decreases morale.

    Yes, it is all about balance, if that is what you mean. If you have to motivate your employees with brute force something about your business model is wrong.

    On 10/31/2023 at 11:32 PM, Sensei said:

    ..or they can cause company to go bankrupt..

    ..or wipe out entire sectors of the economy.. like Detroit.. or communism (people took to the streets not to fight communism, but to get higher wages).

    High wages that make up a significant portion of the product price = expensive end product that can discourage customers from buying (especially in tough years, during the economic crisis). Add to that strong labor unions that refuse to restructure the company (by lowering wages and/or reducing the number of employees), and disaster is ready.


    There must be a healthy balance between wages and company productivity and employee productivity.

    Yes, wages should be fair on both ends, to both lower operating costs and properly compensate employees.

  2. Practice computer programming frequently and work on real-world projects to gain experience and improve your skills. A good way to do this is to contribute to the open-source community. Contributing to open-source projects can help you learn new skills, build your portfolio, and network with other developers.

  3. Here is my opinion:

    JavaScript: For Full-Stack Web Development, Front-End Web Development, Back-End Web Development with Node.js, and Game Development.

    Python: Back-End Web Development, Data Science, Data Analysis, Machine Learning, Automation, and Game Development.

    Java: Platform-Independent Desktop Development, Back-End Web Development, Full-Stack Android Development, Game Development.

    C#: Windows Desktop Development, Cross-Platform Desktop Development with MAUI, Mobile Development with MAUI, Back-End Web Development, Unity Game Development.

  4. On 6/13/2023 at 5:14 PM, noobinmath said:

    Go for C if you want to become an electrical engineer, to learn basics or create operating systems. C++ is best for game development. C# is best for enterprise applications. 

    My advice is to don't develop games in unreal engine, gamemaker or godot, instead use a rpg maker when making a game, it is more rewarding and more fun. 

    C and C++ are well established in the game development community. Many game development frameworks are compatible with C and C++. Rust and Go are newer languages but are also well supported for game development and have memory safety features that make them better choices for beginner game developers than C or C++. Go Is also considered high-level while C, C++, and Rust are considered low-level. Game engines will save you time in building a game, because you can focus on the game and not the game engine, but building a game engine from scratch will give you full control over your game engine and game.

  5. On 3/23/2023 at 8:40 AM, Bunty12 said:

    No, HTML is not a software like Python. HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language and is a markup language used to create webpages. It is not a programming language and cannot be used to write code. You can edit HTML directly, but you need to use a text editor (like Notepad) or a web development tool (like Dreamweaver) in order to do this.

    Yes, HTML is not a programming language, but you can use it to write software that runs on web browsers, and use it alongside a stylesheet languages like CSS, or a computer programming languages like JavaScript, Python, Ruby, and other computer programming languages. Some popular text editors for writing HTML code include Sublime Text, Visual Studio Code, and Notepad++.

  6. Visual Studio, IntelliJ IDEA, Aptana Studio 3, PyCharm, PhpStorm, WebStorm, Eclipse, RubyMine, Komodo IDE, and Brackets are also great for web development.

  7. On 3/3/2023 at 6:05 AM, JohnathanSpike said:

    I think C would be the best one to start with. But then maybe it would be cooler to continue with Rust. 

    C, C++, Rust, and Go are all high-performance middle-level languages. JavaScript, Python, Java, and C# are high-level languages. C and C++ are more mature than Rust and Go. C++, Rust, and Go are more modern than C. C is probably easier and quicker to learn than C++, Rust, and Go. C++, Rust, and Go have more modern features than C. Because C lacks these features it may be higher-performance and lower-level than C++, Rust, and Go.

  8. On 2/7/2023 at 11:32 PM, gulshan212 said:

    Examples of text editors that support HTML include Notepad, Sublime Text, and Visual Studio Code. 

    NetBeans and Notepad++ are great too.

  9. On 2/1/2023 at 9:50 AM, gulshan212 said:

    Hi this is Gulshan Negi 

    Well, I will recommend you to start with C, then move to C++, Go, or Rust depending on the type of development you want to do and your specific interests.


    Thanks. I know C is quicker and easier to learn than C++, but I am unsure if C is quicker or easier to learn than Rust or Go. C is a popular computer language for systems programmers, but I it is great for application development too. C++, Rust, and Go can be used for systems programming, if I am correct, but they are more popular for application development. I am interested in game programming so I believe either C, C++, Rust, or Go would be perfect for that because they are high-performance. JavaScript, Python, Java, and C# are not as high-performance as C, C++, Rust, or Go but they are great computer languages that are great for developing applications and games quickly and easily.

  10. Thanks for the info, and C# calculator coding tutorial, Sensei. Unreal and Unity are great game engines, but they are not completely free. Godot would be better for me. I was interested in coding a game engine and games in C, C++, and Raylib. C and C++ are fast and efficient, so they are perfect for coding games. JavaScript, Python, Java, and C# are slower and less efficient than C and C++, but they are easier to work with when coding games. I was also interested in eventually creating my own game engine and games in C, C++, OpenGL, and Vulkan, but that goal is a bit ambitious for me, at this stage in my coding development.

  11. Thanks, rathlin and Sensei. I was leaning more towards C and C++ to start because they are fast, efficient, and mature, meaning they are well documented and supported across platforms, which would make them perfect languages for creating games. Rust and Go both seemed like more modern choices, C++ is also modern, but C is not, but I was afraid all those modern features would slow down C++, Rust, and Go. I also have an interest in learning about technologies like Raylib, SDL2, OpenGL, Vulkan, and DirectX 12. C is an easier language to learn than C++, so I would normally prefer beginning with C, over C++, but C++ is considered better for game development, while C is better for OS kernel development than game development. There is just so much to consider.

  12. 6 hours ago, Sensei said:

    ..only if you have a dedicated server.. but on a dedicated server, you can use any language to dynamically generate HTML/CSS/JS on the fly..

    Java applets are no longer supported by web browsers (client-side).


    I did some research and had discovered you can create websites in Python using Django or Flask. I had also read you can create Java servlets that can run in webpages.

  13. HTML is the foundation of a webpage, CSS is the design aspect of a webpage, JavaScript or Python is what adds functionality to a webpage. You can write web applications for a website in computer languages like Java or C#.

  14. I know C and C++ are two fast, efficient, and mature computer languages that can be used to create operating systems, applications, and games. Are Go and Rust, two fast and efficient computer languages, that are also less mature than C and C++, good, if not better, alternatives, when it comes to speed and efficiency, for programming operating systems, applications, and games? I also know C++, Go, and Rust are considered modern computer languages, while C is not.

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