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Status Updates posted by StringJunky

  1. BBC website today: "Telescopes detect 'biggest explosion since Big Bang'". If the  BBC calls the BB an "explosion" we've got our work cut out here!

  2. Lesson learned, for the umpteenth time: Buy cheap, pay twice.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. StringJunky


      @Sensei I looked at that series and would have got it if I went for inkjet but felt that this technology doesn't stand idle very well and their cost/page appears not as good as laser. The Lexmark I ordered does double sided printing.

    3. Sensei


      @StringJunky Nice feature to have these days is ability to receive data through WiFi and Bluetooth, and print directly from SD/SDHC. Worth taking it into consideration during ordering of new printer. They will allow printing directly from digital camera, smartphone or tablet, without having to transfer files back and forth to the computer.

    4. StringJunky


      Yes, this one can do wifi and bluetooth. I knew I didn't want cables. I did use an ethernet cable to allow the setup from the supplied dvd. Unless I am diverted by a better suggestion,  I will order another of the same but brand new and unopened.

  3. A copper tried to arrest me by jumping on me and I quickly rolled out the way...onto the bedroom floor... ouch! I thought your body was supposed to be paralysed when you are sleep?

    1. Show previous comments  24 more
    2. DrP


      I know for a fact that I do not remember dreaming much usually   -  when I stop smoking for a few days (yea, OK Prometheus, you got me there - I think you know what) I definitely start dreaming a lot more vividly. Maybe I just remember it more,  but I don't think so - I think I dream more lucidly without smoke.

    3. Prometheus


      I'd be reluctant to go without REM sleep. Not sure what the latest research suggests, but it's thought to have some restorative function. Maybe DrmDoc knows more?

    4. DrmDoc


      REM is how our voracious brain supply its metabolic needs during sleep.  Lack of REM deprives our brain of something it needs during sleep that it can't restore during our physically active waking hours. This is likely because of the energy our brain devotes to our physical activities.  Suppressing REM could be fatal. 

  4. On intelligence:  You can be smart and poor, and no one will likely notice. But dumb and beautiful? People will notice. You can even get famous like that.

  5. Just noticed that both negative and positive rep given is shown now in a post.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. StringJunky


      Isn't there a 'X' to cancel or 'remove your reaction' by the up/down arrows.

      Hover over the rep you just made and 3 icons should slide out. Click the little cross

    3. DrP


      Oh yea - thanks...  ;-)   You done yourself out of an up vote there though...  I removed it. lol.

    4. StringJunky
  6. i noticed you get desktop notifications, if you are not on the same tab as the forum, and a sound.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. imatfaal


      It is a major change.  They still haven't incorporated my feature wish list - including remote electro-shock accompanying negative reputation but beggars  can't be choosers

    3. StringJunky
    4. DrP


      I like the notifications  -  if I haven't been on for a few days it can be hard to look back through everything to see if you have been quoted or asked anything...  now there is a list saying exactly what has happened whilst I was offline. :) 

  7. Just drowned my analogue hearing aid in my coffee. Guess I'm going to have to move into the 21st century and live with my digital one which has been in its box for the last few years. I've been assured this is what things really sound like but it's so alien. Got no choice now but there's far too much information coming at me right now. 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. LabRat1


      He must be paying in installments right?

    3. StringJunky


      He's only 14 :) It'll be his anyway when  my number's up. I'm toying with the idea of having another one made now I understand much more about the design parameters I like. A soundport will be in the next one to direct more sound at me.

    4. StringJunky


      Left it a couple of days and it works now. I think  I was lucky that there was no milk in the coffee and no sugar because i'd run out. I will note though that the digital experience wasn't so bad this time. There's a definite slight hiss in my analogue aid which I missed. The silence of digital was a bit unnerving at first. The sound difference is like the difference between a valve amp and a tranny. I've got used to the noise and expect it.

  8. I saw this thought today. It touched me: You can normally tell the true character of someone, by how they treat those who can do nothing for them.

    1. Raider5678
    2. zapatos


      I agree completely with that thought. I also extend it to evaluate government in general.


    3. koti


      I agree. This works in life really well. In politics there's so much deception that it doesn't have to be necessarily true.

  9. Lesson for 2016: Never underestimate an electorate's capacity for collective stupidity.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. koti
    3. jimmydasaint


      I don't know but I think democracy has a way to balance against extreme politics. Watch and see...

    4. StringJunky


      Yes, Jimmy, it's not easy to change what's already been put in place. The civil servants, if it's the same as here, will no doubt make him aware of the consequences of his policies. To out US members: is that the case?

  10. Coming off Zyban with SAD... happy days

  11. Returned my unused Zyban and signed off from my smoking adviser today. Job done, hopefully..

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. StringJunky


      thanks guys. Yrs, I know, Koti. My brother gave up about 25 years ago and would till ask to roll a cig for me; I told him"No". I'll always be able to smoke but I gave up drugs 15 years ago and theygave mealot more pleasure but I still don't touch them. I've always wanted to be totally drug-free and this it. As good as a drug, if not better tohave taken complete control over myself.

    3. CharonY
    4. StringJunky


      Thanks Charon. It's just hitting me that it is a big deal really. I'd smoked since I was 17. It was harder than I thought it would be, probably wouldn't have done it without the Zyban; the urge was pretty consuming at times.

  12. Returned my unused Zyban today and signed off from my smoking adviser today. Job done, hopefully..

  13. Think I'm free of cigarettes now. Can't see myself smoking in the foreseeable future. Just got to see if I feel the same when the Zyban stops.

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. koti


      It was different but very similar to the one you posted above. I saw it on a bike parked in front of work, didnt take a photo.

    3. Moontanman


      I guess I am lucky, I tried smoking, always made me very sick!

    4. StringJunky


      It's a good job it did Moon.

  14. I'm SAD.

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Moontanman


      I get SAD as well, DST stops tomorrow night, still warm here but the day length messes with me too, make me sleepy and tired all the time..

    3. StringJunky


      Yep, that's it, torpidity sets in... mind ends up like walking through treacle.

    4. Function


      koti, let alone pre-parties ;)

  15. I need a fag.

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. StringJunky


      How did we get from "I need a fag" to discussing viral dimensions?! :D

    3. koti


      I have an answer but I won't give it. I can only say that it's my doing :)

    4. Raider5678
  16. These 18650 lithium ion batteries do like to arc at every opportunity...it's quite worrying

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. StringJunky


      Well, I can't look at it.

    3. koti


      String...drop me a line When you are ready to give MigL REAL reasons for concern ;)

    4. StringJunky


      The hadlight worked a treat at getting drivers to drop their headlights and they must be 1/4 to 1/2 a mile away. Itonly takes a couple seconds of pointing in their direction and they respond. Very pleased. No blinding tonight.

  17. Big fail on the saturated fat reduction exercise so far. Today: Chicken pasty, sausage roll, cheese on toast and chocolate.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. StringJunky


      Learnt something today; smart guy. This just about sums up my approach: "The general who wins the battle makes many calculations in his temple before the battle is fought. The general who loses makes but few calculations beforehand." - Sun Tzu

    3. koti
    4. jimmydasaint


      You are only human. The flesh is weak...This comes from a man who succumbed to two slices of chocolate shortbread without a struggle, or even murmur.

  18. It's hard this healthy eating lark. Everything I eat is killing me. Saturated fat is everywhere.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. StringJunky


      No. Its just that, having got rid of Hep C, I'm using the very positive emotional momentum gained from that to rid myself of two unhealthy aspects of my life; sugar and smoking. The experience from the treatment, which was pretty horrible, makes giving up those two things less of a challenge; that's my theory! Unfortunately, the treatment has left me with high cholesterol, hence my drive against the wrong fats and other contributory factors.

    3. jimmydasaint


      Thank you for sharing that with me mate. And good luck to you, of course. I am pretty much in the same cholesterol boat. However, I don't study my diet with too much scrutiny. Surely exercise and lots of it provide a way out. Eat well and vary it. Take everything you enjoy in small doses. I don't always follow my own advice but I am eating more salad as you suggested.

    4. StringJunky


      I think you and I need to tread the same diet path. Eating crap then running it off is a bit like lacing a bullet with penicillin, don't you think?

  19. Never thought I'd use skimmed milk and analyse the fat types in my diet; how have I lived this long?!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Prometheus


      Why is healthy living considered low on quality? Being fit means you can enjoy your body in more ways.

    3. Moontanman


      Don't use margarine, it's worse than butter! Think of our ancestors, barring disease or accident they lived long lives and they ate stuff you and i would gag at....

    4. StringJunky


      Yeah, Moon, dripping for one

  20. Today is the beginning of the rest of my life without cigs

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. geordief


      Pleased to hear that. After a long period I felt comfortable lighting someone else's cigarette for them (if their hands were not free for example)

      Even so ,I have never thought of myself (since I quit) as a non-smoker.I think we need all the identities we can gather around us.


      I still think old Bogie looks cool and wasn't Marlene Dietrich cut from the same cloth?


      Sadly Bogie suffered for his vice and we are all the poorer for that (even though somethin...

    3. geordief


      Cut off by the text guillotine ;)..... will get us all ,smoking related or not.....



    4. StringJunky


      And John Wayne; 107 a day I think it was.

  21. Start Zyban tomorrow and will cease smoking in two weeks.if not before. If I get mardy, you know why.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. StringJunky


      I'm six days on 1 Zyban a day now and from tomorrow will be on 2 a day. I'm still smoking normally, maybe a bit less. I'm slowly educating my mind into accepting that I can sit without needing to smoke. I tell myself I'm going to be so much better and healthier without it. I will be having my first session with my chemist's stop smoking advisor on Tuesday. Full cessation is planned for next Monday; the Zyban should be at full effect by then. No negatives from the drug so f...

    3. Phi for All

      Phi for All

      Practically a done deal! Congratulations on smelling human again. From now on, if we see you smoking we get to hit you with a shovel, ya mardy bum!

    4. StringJunky


      Yes, Phi it'll be nice not to smell of smoke and have to bleach my fingers; I smoke roll-ups down nearly nothing. "Mardy Bum" ,now, that's what we say in the Midlands when someone's spat their dummy out and gone into a sulk.

  22. It's a shame ones ears doesn't keep the volume high when listening to music loud

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. jimmydasaint


      I am going to buy both after I get a new bike. going to H_lfords in the next few days

    3. StringJunky


      Get a free-version software audio equaliser, if needed, as well for your phone/laptop/PC to balance the sound to your taste and they are a great cheap combo and very well made... I need a strong treble bias to compensate for my deafness in that region.

    4. StringJunky


      I find myself in the "What are you listening to now" thread here more than youtube directly... good mix of sounds to choose from posted by members. :) Go Tina, you're "The best"!

  23. Keep telling myself I need to take a break from here but do the opposite

  24. The kitten in my avatar ia all teeth and pure killer...ouch!

  25. The kitten in my avatar is all teeth and pure killer!

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