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Posts posted by GoofyMD

  1. 1 hour ago, John Cuthber said:


    Exactly, thank you.    Now has anyone looked to see how comparable burning sugar  or even 4 Kcal/g for carbohydrates is to the breaking down of chemical bonds?  

    I was just thinking about how inaccurate the food calorie system seems to be, especially since so many people judge what to eat or how to loose weight based on calories. 

    yes, conservation of energy makes sense. But, If heat energy if being measures in a calorimeter to raise 1 cl of water 1 degree, are we missing the energy expense in light and sound?  And  are metabolized calories entirely different?  What if measured by chemical potential energy, we could eat five times as much licorice for half the calories as we now think?


  2. Thanks,

    I understand glycolysis and remember with fondness memorizing the Kreb's cycle and energy production.  But what I am asking is although we can measure the energy released of  burning food in Joules and we can measure the energy stored in Phosphate bonds in the same units.  It seems to me burning a piece of bread to measure the heat released should not equate to how a human metabolizes that same piece of bread.  no?

  3. Hi all, Looking for a bit of help finding articles to show how Calories related to bodily processes.  I know a Calorie (kcal) is the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of water 1 degree Celsius.  I understand the Atwater  system uses the average values of 4 Kcal/g for protein, 4 Kcal/g for carbohydrate, and 9 Kcal/g for fat. But how does the burning of food translate into ATP bonds that we use for energy in vivo? 

     just curious


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