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Posts posted by Saiyan300Warrior

  1. As a Christian I am to say no. God has that planned for us in the afterlife.

    Plus as that guy or she or she he said people have different views on utopia ,but can narrow down to the desires of the body, food and water for everyone , maybe AI women who look like models for brothels for sexual desires , maybe virtual world very realistic and it stimulates the mind, exercise for the body, maybe science can HELP in building a realistic uptopia , but through thinking I don't think that will happen, too muxh damage already and it is like snowball gathering snow falling down hill the future is that snow ball

    God bless homie

  2. Put them in psychiatric hospital. I got put in one, forced to take meds and was just away from the world for a bit. Sucked but learnt new habits as well while in there.

    Look, tell your partner how you think and feel and constantly keep reminding them about it. Find a way to get him into a psychiatric hospital involuntarily and then all he will be left with is memories of your repititive thoughts and feelings about him. Then the process begins of him self reflecting on his life ,thinking about the people he loves and cares about and how he can improve based on what you left him with. This is sure way to get him to change to your liking.


    It worked for me, I was locked up in a psychward and couldn't see my family for days and it was involuntary. I self reflected on my life and the future and from there I gained more focus on the things that mattered most in life like family because I have a decent one. If you love him and you wanna get your hands dirty then force him to change. He's an adult now a lifetime of experience and habits is set in him, only thing you can do is like how they do to slaves beat it into them but in a nice way. In other words force him to change ,people be like but that's not right , we'll look my brothers and sisters why do you think people have wars, it's because they using force to change what they wanna see... 


    Good luck 

  3. 6 minutes ago, Area54 said:

    I don't understand the question. To apply scientific principles to develop a solution to a problem that can then be patented surely requires being creative. What does "simply being creative" mean?

    Thanks for replying. I mean like being creative like how even a kid can be creative. Read sometimes kids make stuff that earn them some decent money through creative inventions and they don't really apply scientific principles. Yeah I know being creative takes different forms but just don't want to focus on those kind of "kid like" stuff. Want it to be more like Nikola Tesla stuff...

  4. Do you think there is any novel ideas out there to patent that apply scientific principles opposed to simply being creative?

    There are many people in the world so I assume that there are people with a lot of scientific knowledge already and people who actually get paid to research stuff. Right now I think a lot of research is either being done on large scale stuff like the planets, the universe, dark matter, dark energy etc and also micro-scale stuff like stuff in the standard model....

    It seems as though that if something novel was out there then there would be someone who already found it. I am talking about the hobbyist inventor mostly, so what is left for the hobbyist inventor to discover and invent that applies scientific principles like Nikola Tesla did, did Tesla just pick the low hanging fruit, is that it? People in the past had it easy while people now have to deal with the harder stuff like quantum mechanics and astronomy? I feel like looking at it bigger picture wise, it is either been done or people are working on it, who get paid to do it. There are also many people out there who don't do R&D stuff and already have a large scientific knowledge base and would seem to know if there was something out there.

    Like I said stuff like Nikola Tesla wanted to do and did.... like AC generator (he did), Wireless power transmission at a large scale, vibration thingys (he wanted to do but was either most likely lying, wanted funding to test it out or it would never work with out current scientific knowledge) etc

    This is me a person who did high school physics and math, enjoyed it for the most part, and wanted to turn it into some kind of creative yet scientifically principled hobby. I took a step back and thought about it, millions of other people are out there with this more developed hobby and even as a paid job in research and development, so what can I possibly do as a person. I don't even know if saying "Yes it is possible, science is __________ and so there is always possibility"... Yeah I guess but don't you think I am being realistic based on some thinking?

  5. What if there existed an alien race out there that saw the world and universe in a different way and so to them everything was different. And they had cool super powers to move stuff with  simple a thought or fly at the speed of light or even faster. Some people view aliens as possibly simple creatures similar to humans (have eyes, big green head and green skinny body, ET lookin' mfker" which is understandable because we would most likely want to find relations with such creatures if they existed. Even the way I am describing them now could be even alien to them like them being able to think similarly to humans or describing them as creatures when they could exist in a much more different way we expected. Maybe also take it like this, what if our way of life, our way of thinking, our bodies and earth was like a spec of dust to their existence?

    Another thing I am trying to say is due to the way our bodies are made and how the brain is made and functions are we not limited in that way to how we can comprehend the world around us/universe. The fact that we are built a certain way, we understand some stuff about us through this method and structural system of thinking and communicating called language and mathematics and science etc... that we developed ourselves, does that not make limited in way to everything based on what we decide is true or not? This can get deeper into philosophy if we explain the notion of "Truth" but for me it is simple, man simply decides what is true or not, what exists is a self and to the self is what perception falls to... The only true knowledge one can attain in life is the knowledge of their self don't you think? Philosophical question and ending.


    - Hope you all have a great day :) - 


  6. As Christian I can relate this to the verse Matthew 6:24 "No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money."

    For me I just tell myself that science is mans interpretation of the world/universe and keep my faith in my heart. 

    But a little thinking...

    1. You either conflicted about which one to trust most


    2. You twist one to match the other so you can have both as belief


  7. On 10/6/2020 at 5:38 PM, Kartazion said:

    But you might think that the simplest things are already discovered and that only the complicated things remain to discover.

    Like how some people say in science, all the low hanging fruit has been picked now it's time to pick the other harder to reach fruit that may be out there, or maybe even not out there hmmm.... that is the question

    Thanks for answering my question :)

  8. Is the discovery/innovation/invention of something novel left to those with specialised knowledge given to them through a full time working career?

    I was thinking of becoming an autodidact in the STEM fields and wondering what I could produce through invention/innovation to patent  and make my own/put my name to. Even discover some new kind way of thinking about a scientific problem or mathematics problem (I read there are 5 more million dollar math questions left from Clay University in the US). The invention part I think is more feasible and the scientific discovery is left to those with funding and technology to discover with so they usually have a career in it. Am I correct?

    This has been a childhood dream of mine ever since I did high school physics and maths (Invent or innovate and patent an idea, something novel). Life has its twists and turns though, and oh yeah could be nothing much out there... could always be creative with invention/innovation and patent that but seems like even a child could do that. I want to be creative and apply scientific knowledge, just a dream that stuck with me since high school.


  9. 3 minutes ago, zapatos said:

    What makes you think I'm not a millionaire?

    Hmm... I dunno... makes me wonder... what if those numbers under your name actually represent some higher monetary value that belongs to you? Still you are on the internet and from my experience anyone on the internet who says their a millionaire, has a business, works at home or even implies their one is usually a liar!

  10. 2 hours ago, iNow said:

    Every human has biases and processes information through their own various filters. Being self-centered or egotistical is just one type of filter or bias, but there are scores of others. Seems rather arbitrary to focus solely on this one personality trait as if it's in any way more profound or important than others... one might even suggest you're corrupting your own knowledge or losing your own sense of reality. 

    Hmm so what do you think is a better way to think, or better bunch of guidelines to think with. If you don't focus on any one negative then how do you know what is a more positive trait or which is really a negative bias? No filter is chaotic mess, filter is unique to everyone but collective thinking gives us common guidelines... so... what do you think is like middle ground? Critical thinking? Again I will google it one day just not today 

  11. 1 hour ago, dimreepr said:

    A great answer +1

    I'd just add, it also corrupts one's abillity to be content; imagine only being happy when one is proven better than other's, in a field of 7 billion other's? 

    I agree, being content is hard when you are so self absorbed/narcistic that you try in ways to compete with other people and when you fail it kind of depresses you a bit, reality hits you and when you can't accept reality you sometimes create fairy tales and some of those fairy tales is thinking you are something more than you are. I am not sure if I suffer from this or I am just self reflecting thus becoming more self aware and expanding on minor flaws I may have. I think when a person spends too much time being theoretical rather than gaining practical experience they start losing a sense of reality by thinking too much about possibility than what is realistic and most probable. Through that lost sense of reality they fall inwards and try and build themselves up with those most of the time false fantasies.

    Edit: Better I not mention that online I think lol

  12. How can be self absorbed/egotistical hinder a persons ability to view the world better. Does it corrupt knowledge? Is critical thinking to you the perfect way for a person to think? I don't know what that is exactly but I hear it thrown around on the internet, yes I know google exists and I will search it up later.

    What are the negatives and positives of being egotistical or self absorbed?


  13. 4 hours ago, swansont said:

    It came from the same IP address as another of your accounts, and just a few months after that account was banned. Quite the coincidence.



    Oh is it possible that we both could of been using the same VPN from the same browser. I use to use Opera browser a year ago for my sockpuppet accounts and you could use their free VPN... It was that and/or Chrome VPN, could be wrong on which one I used... Either that or bad memory, never really advertised online, no real purpose for me, seems like sht and cheap pay. Just being honest !

  14. Oh CricStands wasn't me, I can admit a lot of stuff but that wasn't me (Never advertised in my life)... and swansont yes my old account was Achilles even though I miss that unique name, ever since I learnt about Achilles from the Trojan war/Homer's Iliad I became obssessed with him "The Embodiment of Grief of a people/tribe or nation = Achilles". Plus that name is not my kind of taste. My new obssession is the Saiyan race from the Dragon Ball series... that's probably equivalent to someone who is really into star trek/star wars and the races in that show and what not, and so I called myself "Saiyan" from Dragon Ball, "300" from the movie '300' about elite spartan warriors from ancient greece and "Warrior" cause I guess I am in a constant battle with life and inevitable suffering that all humans must 'battle' against, also a warrior is a more dramatic title as opposed to a soldier who are like an obedient servant in some ways, and 'Warrior' you usually remember them as people of great feats of something as opposed to a soldier who is a part in a collective crowd. Blah blah blah sorry for the extra stuff...

    So no definite answer yet.. hmm... hope you guys accept me here still!


  15. I was wondering if I could use these forums again as I will be getting back into teaching myself some STEM subjects and would like to use these forums every time I have a question that is important to ask. Totally up to the staff of this site and hopefully you guys give me a chance, just know that life has taught me lots of stuff while I was away from forums such as this and hope to apply it whilst in the internet world.

    Hope you all have a great day reading this :)

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