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Posts posted by VedekPako

  1. Me too I believe that despite the moon receeding from us and earth slowing.

    however the catastrophic problem will be when the sun dies off. otherwise, we can still learn how to deal with the rest as long as we have energy.


    Do you honestly think human beings will be around 5 billion years from now?



    Humans have only existed for about 150K years. I would venture to guess that in a million years, humans will be extinct.


    Will we be replaced by another species of human? Who knows.


    Also, due to the evolution of the Sun, in about one billion years from now, the Earth will resemble Venus.

  2. Well,of course I dont have one answer to that but many or a long one.


    It's a propaganda bcoz 'it is an idea that is false or exaggerated ,used to gain support from a political leader'; do you thing GW is not fit within that definition? What was the aim of the copenhaguen and all these other meetings about global warming? do you think any leader can maybe say that he is not interested in GW business and still be considered 'normal'( I can't find the right term). any world leader MUST support the idea.Is it the case for other sientific issues? I think of let say leader X decides there will be no more space exploration projects funded by the gov't, no matter the importance, it won't be such an issue except in the scientific community but politically, who cares? It's not a 'MUST support' issue!


    '"the essence of the Greens’ theory of global warming—has about as much basis in science as Marxism and Freudianism. Global warming, like Marxism, is a political theory of actions, demanding compliance with its rules.


    Marxism, Freudianism, global warming. These are proof—of which history offers so many examples—that people can be suckers on a grand scale. To their fanatical followers they are a substitute for religion. Global warming, in particular, is a creed, a faith, a dogma that has little to do with science. If people are in need of religion, why don’t they just turn to the genuine article?


    —Paul Johnson

    do you think Paul is absolutely wrong! I don't think so.


    "Global warming is a topic that sprawls in a thousand directions. There is no such thing as an ‘expert’ on global warming, because no one can master all the relevant subjects. On the subject of climate change everyone is an amateur on many if not most of the relevant topics.”


    True or not?

    I can't tell all the facts WHY, but here are some people, who,in their respective areas and with their respective abilities, have done some studies and researches about the 'untold' side of the issue.

    Prof Bob carter(Reaserch prof ,Australia),Willie soon(astrophysicist,harvard). Google them, there are related articles about their assertions. Then u can compare and make your conclusion.(some articles will be against them of course but it's suprising to observe how some people don't want to look at the other side of the issue!why?!!)


    Again thanx for all the advices .They are welcome.


    Your argument is fallacious. Just because it's used by politicians, doesn't negate it. You have to prove that global warming at the hands of man is false; not that it's used politically so therefore it's false.

  3. Why do we need to increase the gravity on Mars? Why not genetically alter man so that he can function perfectly on a terra-formed Mars?


    To genetically alter a man so he can survive on Mars presently, will require the use of lots of cybernetics; it would be human only in mind and in form.


    Additionally, there had better be no military value in sending people into space. There is a specific international treaty against this.


    There's always going to be military value in anything man touches.


    And treaties are only good as the paper they are written on.

  4. Yeah seriously... people are actually complaining that Obama has said he will not threaten nations without nukes with nukes? Is there something wrong with you? Do you really think that's a bad thing? If so, I think you either don't understand the effects of nuclear weapons, or you're morally deficient in some manner.


    Are you saying I'm morally deficient because I posted US policy regarding nukes and non-nuclear nations or the people complaining about that?

  5. Armageddon has happened many, many times in human history. The fall of Rome and the collapse of the Mayan civilization are but a few examples. When ever Armageddon comes, there are always survivors. Even in a full scale nuclear war between the United States and the Soviet Union; it would be a nuclear Armageddon for both countries; but there would be survivors that would start over.



    Yeah. I read about the possibility of Earth escaping, but apparently tidal interactions between the sun and Earth will cause it to fall back in anyways.



    Still, we can avoid this fate by using the slingshot effect to accelerate Earth. All we got to do is nudge asteroids so that they come close to Earth and transfer energy to it (just be sure not to miss!).


    Besides the fact that in about 500MY to 1000MY, due to solar evolution, Earth will be a green house world like Venus and the fact that the human species has only been around for 150,000 years and it unlikely to be around 5 billion years from now when the your sun goes red giant.

  6. We know that, due to the presences of granite on the Venusian surface that there were oceans on Venus. Now, how deep were they? It it possible, from the mass of the atmosphere, to determine how much water was on Venus before it evaporated away two billion years ago?

  7. A lot of these ideas are unwise; we only have them because we are members of the species being designed. There's no base to the ID being human; therefore, if it did design our human body, it designed it in this fashion for whatever purpose it had when it designed it.

  8. One problem with nanobot planetary explorers is that they may contaminate a planet; especially self-replicating ones. Eventually, they may malfunction and turn "Cancerous" and start self-replicating using any and all materials available.


    I think "Mirco-Probes" will be the way forward. If, from your own backyard, you could launch a small probe to Mars or any planet you wished, then that will be the peak of space probe exploration.

  9. So a week ago, I was day dreaming while listening to music that I had some sort of Psychic-Kinetic power to create storms over the ocean and send them to my town.


    Wednesday, I checked to forecast and it said no rain; so I watered my garden and latter on that night, a storm blew in and it rained.


    Do I have psychic powers...or is God just messing with me?

  10. There's a large concentration of Methane gas in various places on Mars.


    Or perhaps, 4 billion years ago, a meteorite impacted Mars and contaminated the Earth.


    Maybe Astrobiologists can put a few extremophiles in a vacuum chamber and simulate the effects of space.

  11. Well, if that Tsunami is 10 inches tall, but it also has the mass of a very big ocean, then you`re doomed, my friend. A Tsunami is not necessarily tall to produce damage, it is its mass the one that can kill you. In the recent event last Saturday we suffered, the most destructive and probably deadlyest part of it, was the Tsunami that affected our coasts, that came after the 8.8 of magnitud earthquake, and it was in most of the parts, only a couple of feet tall, that entered in the land with such speed and mass, that nothing was able to resist against it. :-(


    It wasn't that bad.

  12. The conditions here on Earth seem so unlikely that we simply won the cosmic lottery.


    So, are you suggesting intelligent design? (just kidding).



    I don't think we won a cosmic lottery based on factors such as calculating the odds a world would be in the HZ with the probably masses (too small, Hot Mars; too big, Jupiter(the moons too small to host liquid water and not magnetic field to protect their atmospheres from solar wind, unless Jupiter's can) etc. ) with other factors such as stellar life span.


    I'm not advocating every system will have an Earth-like world with advanced life. If fact, I think it's just the opposite. Tau Ceti is probably full of Marses and E. Eridandi probably has Venuses, but a world resembling Early Earth and Mars, is at least probable if it's in the HZ and in a system not too old, like Tau Ceti or too young, like E. Eridandi.

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