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Posts posted by Hamza.Ayub

  1. I’m confused 

    My project title is testing for reducing sugars 

    would testing just for glucose by using a glucose testing strip me enough 

    i need to conduct a quantitative experiment 

    its due tomorrow

  2. 14 minutes ago, Dr_ir0nside said:

    Hi Hamza,

    Benedict's solution will indeed change from aqua blue to yellow in the presence of glucose and up to a 'hotter' red colour if even more glucose is present. You can see this quite clearly but yes a colourimeter may help you quantify the data.

    You may need to consider a few things for this experiment. The solution may need heating up for the reaction to work. If the solutions are too opaque to use the colourimeter (as sometimes the machine neede to 'see through' the solution), then try to add less Benedict's solution to start with and maybe dilute your fruit juice down with water, e.g. 1mL juice plus 9mL water provides a 10x weaker signal.

    For controls you should make sure you test the original value of the fruit juice on its own as this may have a colour itself. You should also consider completing the heating cycle without Benedict's solution for comparison.

    I hope this helps.

    What will the dependent and independent variable be? 

    Could you please help me find this experiment that has been done before to help me with my project perhaps a website or a video

  3. I have chosen to do an experiment on glucose concentration in fruit juices if i use benidicts solution would i be successful? 

    I need to compare the concentration of glucose in different fruit juices how will that be done? I was thinking that a colouromiter would help 

    any advice/tips

    much appreciated Hamza

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