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Posts posted by coffeesippin
1 hour ago, beecee said:
Sure we are! So I suggest that we all keep up to date with the research from reputable science agencies and such. It will be extremely unlikely that any ground breaking discovery will be discovered on forums such as this.
There is no animosity on my part. I sleep very peacefully at night.
I think there was plenty of animosity in your "blatant liar."
And if the negative gravity fluid is reality it was 'discovered' by me seven years ago while on a forum similar to this one, NASA APOD Asterix, where I was labelled lunatic for suggesting it.
Unfortunately BeeCee, if you had been around in Aristarchus' day your definition of "reputable science agencies" would have almost certainly put you among those who had him exiled for declaring the earth went around the sun. I trust you have heard of Aristarchus?
I don't understand why you aren't now on ignore, I thought it was done. But it gives me the opportunity to apologize for saying it was you who posted my message on the board when it was Zapatos, who said he is a sock puppet of iNow. No messages between you and I appear in my messages. But with Zapatos statement I really can't know who is who around here. And I am certain you jumped into the discussion between Zapatos and me, though I might be wrong about that. I was also suspended for 10 days, 7 of them for Zapatos action, and it's difficult under those circumstances to keep things straight.
Nope, that was me, another one of iNow's sock puppets.
Appearing on page 3 of On my way out the door.
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33 minutes ago, beecee said:
Hmmm, interesting, and here's poor old me thinking you were just one of the blokes!
I've let you proceed without comment on this thread, actually because I started feeling sorry for you and hoped that you would calm down.But now another blatant lie from you has changed that. I have never messaged have never messaged are a blatant liar.
Okay .. I had taken you off ignore. I don't have time right now to look into your claim that we never messaged. But IF I was in error it's no reason to call me a blatant liar. So .. unfortunately .. I HAVE to put you back on ignore to avoid hard feelings that interfere with my relationship with others around me, as your comment is typical of your entire relationship with several others on this forum, seemingly all in fact but mods and admins. You may think my putting you on ignore is not compliant with my personal faith, but as you are not of that faith you don't know the intricacies.
3 hours ago, DrP said:but you'd 'correct' them with quoted scripture from the book in question rather than real world evidences, which is what people get frustrated about. I'd probably enjoy the debate... but if you just quote the bible as your sole argument then no one will be interested. You cannot use the bible as evidence or support for what is written in the same book. The argument is that the book has errors.. find ONE error and the whole thing falls apart as god is supposed to be perfect and wouldn't allow this mess to happen.
The numinous I feel for how science describes the way the universe and life evolved is amazing - greater even than if it were made by a magic word from a supernatural being (which only draws the question - where did that come from anyway?).... when I see a new blue supermoon low on the horizon I still find myself looking to praise whatever set such a beautiful thing there - it is only natural... but proves nothing... nothing 'put' it there. Just because an old book says certain things proves nothing - there are many old books and many other religions in which people feel as strongly as you do about your faith and if you were bought up somewhere else in the world you'd have a different religion by your upbringing.
I have 'reference' books and 'science' books from childhood that are WAYYY out of date - lol. They aren't fiction.... but reading my encyclopedia of astronomy and science that I got from MY granddad when I was very young it shows it's age for sure, lol. Some things in it are plain wrong... although they were 'right' at the time as far as they could be with what they knew then.
Just to let you know - I gave you a couple of neg reps when you started trying to push HI around. The mods do a good job of trying to keep some sense and order in these discussions (it is a science site.... and we are discussing a supernatural all powerful magical being that has no evidence for its existence, how do expect these discussions to go? lol).
Push someone around? By convincing posts you mean? Dr.P if you want to start a topic about accuracy of the bible please start one, and I'll do my best to avoid using it as a source of proof IF you substantiate your claims. But know one thing, the bible has been translated by the best minds of today and yesterday. You might totally believe the 'truth' of what are said to be clay tablets from Babylon without ever having held one in your hand, without ever having known anyone personally who has held one in his hand, with no knowledge of the language inscribed on the tablet, with no way of knowing if the proposed tablet is genuine or fake. YOU are in the exact same position with your clay tablets as I am with the bible except for the reality of the Holy Ghost .. something you can't measure or know until he comes to you. So open your discussion and notify me .. we might have fun if we aren't told we're going OT with this OT with that and OT with the other thing.
Also .. statements like I was 'pushing someone around' should be evidenced. I don't care if anyone negative reps me, I expect it, but accusations are unpleasant. I have to check to see if one of mine concerning BeeCee was in error.
Okay .. I can find no BeeCee in my message box, Zapatos said it was him I was mistaking for BeeCee .. zapatos also said he is a sock puppet of iNow .. what's to be believed?
4 hours ago, zapatos said:Nope, that was me, another one of iNow's sock puppets.
Just plain weird eh, zapatos saying he is an iNow sock puppet? What is he NOT saying. Do I owe BeeCee an apology. I really don't know at this point .. but the 'BeeCee' and I never messaged. There was such nastiness from him for so long I had to put him on ignore, took him off, put him back on for the same nastiness (blatant liar.) I was put on suspension for 10 days .. am I supposed to remember who's who around here under those circumstances? I hope we can do better.
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1 hour ago, Strange said:!
Moderator Note
@coffeesippin As this has already been mentioned in this thread (and seems very relevant) I have merged your post into it.
Annoyingly, that deleted the original title. I have had to guess what it was.
Thank you Strange, and I apologize if I went overboard in any way earlier.
I have no objection to your move, and I had thought of doing what you did, but it was a slightly different scenario, though I haven't had time to look closely or investigate further, a friend sent it to me. The new theory appears to suggest that Galaxies etc actually float in this stuff, which is what I suggested to Mark and all on NASA APOD forum (Mark says seven years ago) .. of course I was declared a lunatic, and even Mark was incredulous that I could actually believe such a thing. The new theory actually upsets my anti-gravity bubbles Voids, because if the anti gravity is outside the voids, what's now inside? Aren't we in for a lot of new possibilities and surprises, with our new technologies?
Scientists Say Dark Matter Is A Fluid Which Possesses Negative Gravity
7 minutes ago, beecee said:As per your OP....technically, this isn't a is only an hypothesis, one that other scientists can think on, research on, and either validate or otherwise. There are literally hundreds of hypothetical scientific papers out every day....that's how science advances...some are lost forever in dusty archives and lost in cyber space[as probably this will be] others are found to be evidenced and validated, like GR and the BB.....that's science, that's the scientific method.
BeeCee I hope we can go forward with a lack of animosity.
I hadn't had time to look into the theory/hypothesis, as I saw it in my Facebook just before I posted it, and I posted it quickly because I didn't know how long I'd be on the forum. I thought it was very important to get out though.
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"Recent scientific developments have perhaps revealed a unifying of dark energy and dark matter into a single and distinct phenomenon. This phenomenon is theorized to be a fluid which has negative mass. This negative mass would move towards you if pushed. This new theory is representative of Einstein’s predictions made roughly one hundred years ago.
Current models of the universe reveal nothing regarding the physical nature of dark matter and dark energy. Dark matter and dark energy are only known in regard to the gravitational effects they have on other matter.
This new theory states that dark matter and dark energy contain negative gravity, which consists of repelling all other material around it."
Mucker Mark who may even be on this forum for all I know in another guise tells me I predicted this seven years ago.
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25 minutes ago, Strange said:
No. This is your paranoia. It is quite OK to mention god or religion. Even in discussions of science. If you can't see the difference between that and repeatedly dragging threads off topic with your rants about religion, then there is probably no hope for you.
Except in this case, it is entirely in your imagination.
And it is an insulting attitude. To use misogyny when trying to claim you are not being insulting is self-defeating.
Arguably. But a discussion about whether he forced the hand of the Romans in order to be martyred, while interesting, would be off topic! So let's not.
dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women."she felt she was struggling against thinly disguised misogyny"So you're saying I have contempt and prejudice against all women, instead of simply knowing a fault common among SOME women? That's quite a stretch.But again .. if I mention God it's a crime .. if you mention God you're a hero. You're "repeatedly dragging threads off topic" is an accusation which you repeat and repeat and repeat .. with no examples. But you don't need examples Strange because you have the button. It's unfortunate you mods have got carried away as a pack of pirrhana in this .. you were all making such great progress.
8 minutes ago, zapatos said:And now I've reported this post for the personal attack.
Good. You deserve that the mods know about it too. And yes, it was personal .. and suits you completely. But attack? Did it hurt? Do you carry a bruise? Are you bleeding? Poor, poor baby.
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50 minutes ago, swansont said:
Completely irrelevant to the discussion, and just more preaching on your part. This is why you're in trouble. You apparently just can't not bring this into a discussion.
I was responding to a specific comments (below,) Swan with a comment specifically relevant to that comment. If you can't see that YOU need some rest. You also need to ditch what appears to be hatred towards the Word as well as your love for tyranny.
I think it was only me that said you (and the other guy) were deluded for believing the bible in light of the world of evidence against it.... It wasn't the mods. It wasn't meant as an insult, I was in the same boat myself for many years. Even when ALL the evidence pointed against what I believed - I still CHOSE to believe it.... I was deluded. It is just a word that defines such a state of mind.
No - MOST of them are fiction (depends on the bookshop) - no-one is saying that because the bible is fiction then all other books are or are not fiction.... each gets it's own assessment individually.
2 minutes ago, zapatos said:Nope, that was me, another one of iNow's sock puppets.
BeeCee was involved. Why would you act in such a devious, dirty way that lacked morals or ethics?
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41 minutes ago, Strange said:
"He's just this guy, you know" (Hitchhiker's Guide reference).
He is in Australia, according to his profile. I assume his username is based on his initials. He has no relationship as far as I know to any of the mods. He is (I think he has said) a little younger than you - I cannot remember now if he is older or younger than me. Maybe a year or two older, I think.
(This is all based on information disclosed on the forum; not anything visible only to moderators.)
Either because he doesn't get reported (or noticed by a mod) or because the reports have no substance. He has had no formal warnings but he has been the target of modnotes in threads that have got heated.
Yup I've seen examples of BeeCee luring people into discussion (including myself) then when the discussion doesn't go his way he reports to the mods so that the other person gets severe warnings and he gets off almost with a 'thanks for tipping us about this person BeeCee.' Two other participants have messaged me about BeeCee, and I think it was the day I joined here I get a message about how biased the moderation is.
Just because other people try to be forgiving (as I'm told I should be by a mod) and not report BeeCee is that a reason the mods simply take his word for what's going on and not read the discussion to establish what is going on?
Here's what earned my 7 day suspension .. BeeCee initiated a talk about God and religion, I reminded him it was against the rules, we exchanged messages, he took one of my messages and posted it and reported it. I get the suspension for keeping the discussion off the pages. BeeCee earns the respect of the mods and Iodine. Nice. Very, very nice. Who wouldn't think he's a child relative of the Admin? He's a wayward spoiled rotten lewd and thoughtless child, regardless of his age. Why should members NOT be able to exchange messages, that's what the message function is there for. Just another example of tyranny.
But .. let's all read the Revelation. We're all on the same sinking planet. We all need to reach up and grab ahold before it sinks.
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2 minutes ago, Phi for All said:
Misogyny is a horrible poison. I'm sorry your life is filled with such pettiness and hatred. It shouldn't happen to anyone, and affects so many around you, but it's worse when it's self-inflicted.
I don't mean to get too personal, but I've always thought negative behavior was a magnet for negative thoughts. I hope you aren't attracting the bad to yourself with your attitude.
I hope you can find some forgiveness in your religion. I feel really sorry for you, and I wish you well even though you were invited in to our home and decided to be THAT kind of guest. Merry Christmas.
Sadism is even worse, Phi. Sadism inflicts pain. Misogyny is just an attitude. Funny that my three daughters and three granddaughters haven't recognized my hatred for all women everywhere, Phi, even with their educations.
Negative behaviour? Einstein said Jesus was 'luminous .. no one can read the gospels without feeling his presence.' I posted that with the url, somewhere. Maybe that's when the bad stuff hit the fan last night. EINSTEIN HIMSELF saying that about a man who was crucified. Was it his negative behaviour that was a magnet for his crucifixion? And no, I don't have a Messiah complex, I can hear that one grinding rustily away in a few brains. Rustilly .. not rustically.
Forgiveness? Let's not forget, "Rebuke the unfruitful works of darkness." That's in there too. If free discussion were allowed on religion and the bible .. ah .. what a Christmas gift that would be.
Thanks for the Merry Christmas. Same to you and yours.
6 minutes ago, DrP said:I think it was only me that said you (and the other guy) were deluded for believing the bible in light of the world of evidence against it.... It wasn't the mods. It wasn't meant as an insult, I was in the same boat myself for many years. Even when ALL the evidence pointed against what I believed - I still CHOSE to believe it.... I was deluded. It is just a word that defines such a state of mind.
No - MOST of them are fiction (depends on the bookshop) - no-one is saying that because the bible is fiction then all other books are or are not fiction.... each gets it's own assessment individually.
You're good at what you do, I'll give you that. If free discussion were allowed on the site you could present your evidence of the bible's error and I could correct your errors.
You still CHOOSE to believe something that all the evidence points against? That's cause to re-examine what you think is evidence against it.
Didn't I identify those 10,000 books as non-fiction. I apologize. The novels and comic books are down the street. But even there you'll find comic books about Jesus.
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3 hours ago, DrP said:
It was a natural progression of the conversation that the OP started.... if what I said was off topic then the whole thread is. - She pm'd me - it was about the assumed insult of me using the word deluded to describe a believer of the bible as a factual document - nothing about being off topic. I am not sure what other word to use - how do you describe someone who chooses to believe something that goes against the reality that is before them? Deluded. I used to believe it too... I personally don't think that makes me stupid - I was certainly deluded though.... it isn't an insult, just a fact. I will try not to use the word again in the future although I think using these kind of kid glove to protect people's feelings is why we don't discuss important things.... and why we end up with things like brexit and Trump. I've said it before - if you can't discuss these thing for fear of upsetting people then they don't get discussed and people stay deluded.
I don't mind the word 'deluded' P. The bible uses it to describe what can happen to those who turn away from God's direction. 2 Timothy 2:11 "God shall send them strong delusions." A very interesting scripture.
One of those delusions is that of ten thousand and one books in a bookstore 10,000 are correct but the one bible is wrong.
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9 minutes ago, iNow said:
I'm right here. I'm also Iodine. I'm also the mods. And, Luke... I am your father.
Everyone here wishes you well. Everyone here also wishes you'd just stop.
Stop what? Responding to the same accusations and abuse? Why not stop the accusations and abuse instead? Luke? If your Luke was the gospel writer you'd be far less combative, but you worship the violence of Star Wars rather than desire the peace of the bright and morning star. Well, you have your violence on earth, and if you read the Revelation you'll see a lot more coming from the Euphrates River, Syria, Iran, Iraq, crude oil, fire, smoke, brimstone "HAHAHAHAHA Where could the Brimstone come from?" people laughed before the nuclear bomb? "HAHAHAHAHA One third of earth's population killed in one hour!" they laughed before the hydrogen bomb."
4 minutes ago, Strange said:1. You didn't "explain", you invented.
2. This sentence is appalling. If you can't see how insulting it is you need to reconsider your attitudes. (Take some time off for meditation and prayer.)
Who's preaching now, Strange? If I had said at any time on this forum I'd get the severest criticism and ALL the mods and Iodine would agree that I was Off Topic Out of Place Out of my Mind and Deluded for believing in prayer and God. But it was nice to see.
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9 minutes ago, Phi for All said:
Really? I was very insulted by your comment about hypervalent_iodine's mental status, insisting she was lashing out at you because someone kicked sand at her as a child. That's a horrible thing for anyone to say, much less someone who purports to be a good Christian. Do you demean everyone psychologically who doesn't agree with you? It's clear you want everyone to be flawed.
That said, the real reason it's been hyper dealing out the punishment is because the rest of the staff is always busy being involved in your threads. The amount of Reported Posts, misinformation that needs to be corrected, and frustration with poor reasoning associated with your threads is very large. Hyper is often the only staff member who can officially respond, since our policy is to avoid moderating threads we're involved in.
Your paranoia is truly breathtaking. You've become a caricature of a blindfolded crusader with cotton in his ears who insists there's monsters everywhere.
I never insulted Iodine I explained a reason for her behaviour, and it's very common, and accounts for bad behaviour among many women who have the least authority over men.
Everyone on earth IS flawed. I never said Iodine deals most correction (punishment is your word but indicates an wrong direction recognized even by most penal institutions) I said Swanson deals 45% of suspensions/bans out among 8 mods. With BeeCee complaining about every post I make it's no wonder there are so many reports.
You mods had been typical internet forum monsters (poor reasoning associated with my threads baloney that's a normal mod reaction to a difference of opinion on any subject) but you had begun to act much more fairly .. then Iodine stepped into the breach because, I think, she became aware that maybe she needed to change, especially with the BeeCee thing, but she wasn't willing to accept that because this is HER show and NO one's going to tell her how to run it. However, she opened herself to discussion rather than just permanently banning me, which I was surprised at.
My reactions are a DIRECT result of what has been monstrous oppression on this site, and what prevents more participants from telling you mods about it is the power you have with the button, but I've heard from them. Talk about reputations.
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2 hours ago, swansont said:
It's off-topic for this discussion, for one thing. The is coffeesippin's thread, and it's about clarifying how and when he has crossed the line, and (I hope) about how he can avoid doing so in the future.
Then there is the issue of pontificating about the existence of a supreme being.
"Define God" needed to be interpreted in the context pf the thread. It's not an excuse to go off in a different direction.
As far as "the BeeCee thing" goes, you really need to drop your fixation, and also your "teacher hates me" attitude. Contributions to your reputation have come from a wide variety of sources.
It's not helpful for anyone to take the position that all problems are due to outside influences, and none from themselves. A person needs to determine what they are doing that might be contributing, or nothing ever gets fixed. Nothing improves.
Here it is morning, and nothing changes .. BeeCee's faults are my fixation even though I've had him on ignore to ignore him .. it's not Mods fault .. it's not Iodine's fault .. everyone is faultless on the 'we have the button' side .. everyone is faulted on the non button side. In the present condition this forum is a typical internet forum with a facade of open mindedness because there is a facade of talking about God, but only under the dictates of the button. Who IS BeeCee and what is his relationship to Iodine or mods? Can we have an answer to tha
Why does he get away with lewdness, insults, accusations, lies, luring. You say contributions to my reputation come from a wide variety of sources but you sure won't be able to show examples. Your whole post, Swan, is another example of why you have 45% of all suspensions/bans out of eight mods. Like Iodine, a personal playground for sadism.
4 minutes ago, DrP said:It makes sense in the way that I've got my head around it to a point... but no -one knows what happened before BB or how Abiogenesis was triggered for example - there are many explanations and speculations but no-one knows at all what happened before that, what was there and for how long.... I don't think we ever will (not in our life times anyway)... so I guess it DOES make sense... I just have to claim unknowns. In that sense then maybe I was wrong - it DOES make sense - thanks for the correction and making me think about it. It makes sense entirely that I do not and will not know the how or why we came about. - But does that matter? was my point I suppose. Some who believe the bible seem to fear not knowing if they concede that their book is not accurate - because without the book they have absolutely nothing, the book is the sole basis of and the reason for their faith... if that is wrong then then what do they have left? I am past being scared of not knowing. It doesn't matter that we do not know everything - it's understandable.
... although on further thought it is off topic according to Swans, so I don't think I'll participate further -- shame - I quite like talking to coffeesipin and the others of faith about their beliefs and would like to discuss it more, but don't feel I am allowed to now in this thread.
Because science doesn't claim and nor do scientists that science is an all knowing omnipresent being with the super power to interact and change whatever it wants. It isn't the same at all. It hasn't got any sentience to care what happens let alone do anything - it isn't a being.... the god of the bible is supposed to be in charge of the universe and everything - if that was true then why wouldn't he care if his message to the world was understood or not? It would be simple to appear and let the world know what the right way was. Again - we are off topic though - this thread is for discussing coffespin's soon departure and any natural progression of that discussion because of why he thinks this is now off topic apparently according to swans.... so I think I better just find a different site to participate on for the rest of the day... (or get on with my work before I get fired).
God is not doing the interpretation, mankind does that when the bible says it is NOT to be interpreted, but believed. We who know the KJV is true and accurate can only know that by the Holy Ghost, so we have more than the bible, we have the Spirit. God DID appear and let the world know the right way, but he was crucified and a murderer/insurrectionist was set free.
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3 minutes ago, hypervalent_iodine said:
We don't like members simply posting verses for the same reason we don't like members posting videos or links with no commentary - it lacks the context necessary to continue discussion. We have a Religion section for the general discussion of theological matters, but as a general rule we still prefer that threads there are approached scientifically in as much as is possible. "Is God real?" or threads that aim simply to proselytise do not really have a place here. With some restrictions, thought experiments where the bounds of discussion are framed clearly and correctly are fine, and we don't mind people talking about the bible, or even presenting its contents. This should always be from an objective standpoint, and should always be accompanied with some explanation as to why it pertains to the thread and / or supports the points you are trying to get across.
My friend, I strongly suggest you take a break, have some tea, and consider whether this small corner of the internet is really worth getting so worked up over, or if it warrants so much melodramatic prose. I have done nothing to offend you personally, merely asked that you comply with the rules. If you wish that I clarify my warnings, you are welcome to contact me and I will do so.
DrP, I am actively participating in this thread so I do not have my staff cap on, but this post is out of line.
Absolutely .. I need to rest .. to go to sleep. But why is Dr. P's post out of line? That's another clear example of why the forum needs better moderation .. 'it is out of line because ...' 'This is what you said that was against the rules ...." 'This is how you went OT .....' Nothing like that though .. just SLAM down the hammer and discourage the discussion. Topics on God you see as proselytizing instead of asking for discussion. I open a topic on the Bible Revelation and how science today proves it .. it gets closed. If someone opened a topic on how science proves a grapefruit has vitamin C it would remain open. I gotta go. Believe in God. Time IS short. If I'm gone from here I'm gone. Will see you in heaven.
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1 minute ago, Silvestru said:
Hey coffeesippin, this is a science forum. Why are you preaching these things here? You are more than welcome to stay as long as you abide by the forum rules.
I am a bit confused on why you feel victimised. Frankly you posts might disturb some who follow a different faith or even the ones who follow the same one.
Please think where you are before posting if you react in such a way to criticism.
Sil .. I've been the enemy here since I said I have doubts about BB .. that made me retarded in some minds here, then when I said I believe the bible that sealed the retarded label. Why am I preaching here? Because it appears my time is done on the forum even though I tried to obey the rules .. but I also asked for improvement in moderation because one member especially was running amok like a loose canon .. a relative of someone it seems .. lewd, obnoxious, insulting, obscene .. but scot free to do whatever BeeCee wants BeeCee gets. So .. I was being shown the door .. I'll go out preaching thank you.
Different faith? People who have faith in God don't mind preaching at all. Consensus scientists who believe it's their way or the high way are the ones who hate new ideas here.
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3 minutes ago, Eise said:
And virtual all New Testament scholars are convinced that:
- Peter could not write, so surely not Greek
- the gospel of Luke was not written by Luke 'the physician'
- the gospel of John and Revelation were not written by the apostle John (but very probable were written by the same person)
You see, the bible itself has a history, and a lot that historians agree on, does not agree with your naive believe in the bible as factual truth. E.g. Was Jesus just born in Bethlehem because Joseph and Maria lived there (Matthew); or was he born there because they had to travel to Bethlehem because of the Roman census (Luke). All historians agree that such a census never took place. And Luke makes even false propositions about the time that that supposed census should have taken place (Herod the great and Quirinius did not reign at the same time, as Luke suggests).
You go right ahead and believe all the book selling bookstores you want Eise, they make a LOT of money off you and others like you who reject the Holy Ghost. WHY do you think Peter could not read or write. Peter was a Jew, the BOOK was their LIFE. "Hear, O Israel, the Lord is One God." They learned to read and write as children. The sign above Jesus'head was in THREE languages. If you know many Europeans you know how many languages many European children can read and write, and Israel was the Europe of that day, a crossroads, a main highway liking Egypt and Rome, seaports. The Israel of King Solomon's day was the envy of the world, the Queen of Sheba came to see its glory. It wasn't some backwards little outpost. Do you think Peter couldn't read because he was a Fisherman? Do you know how many modern fishermen become multi-millionaires? Get your head out of those books, and into the bible.
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11 minutes ago, hypervalent_iodine said:
Do you know, that in all our correspondence, I am not sure I have ever brought my gender - and certainly not my opinion on a woman's right to abortion - into discussion? You say you don't condemn women, but you certainly do bring up the fact that I am one a lot in a post where you attempt to deride my character and my ability to moderate this forum. Why? What possible bearing does it have on this conversation?
Deride my character? Is pointing out your faults as you so love to point out what you perceive are the faults of others deriding your character? Are you and your mods deriding characters when you enforce your rules that you adopt to situations suiting yourselves? I have no button to push on this side, Iodine, just words.
"you certainly do bring up the fact that I am one a lot" Those are your words, Iodine. A GREAT exaggeration.
"Your reaction is that of a bad mother who has been offended that another person has tried to correct her wayward son..." That identifies your gender I suppose. But so does, Empress of Everything .. plus Empress declares your attitude too, I AM THE BOSS and you bring down the hammer too on the innocent and let the guilty go free .. But 'don't you dare tell me how to moderate this forum.' OH the button of banishment .. that great authority of the tyrant.
Iodine .. what preaching did you see in the biology post in the topic about God and the afterlife? I strongly suspected you saw the part about keeping transplant organs warm, and thought I was talking pro life or something. And no, I didn't deride women in any way. I didn't deride you. But I'm not going to allow you to enjoy a sadistic little entertainment either, POWER OVER OTHERS!!!! EMPRESS OF EVERYTHING!!!!!!
Time is short, Empress, the kingdom of God is at hand.
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8 minutes ago, DrP said:
That's classic delusion though. Everyone believes that when they are Christian and they come up with different interpretations and meanings. If the holy ghost really guided our readings the we wouldn't have dozens of denomination all split and arguing over interpretations of scriptures. It's utter nonsense unfortunately and you have been sucked into it and conditioned to follow it all your life - like I was too once.
Because historical evidence supports this whereas the bible has lots of historical evidence showing it to be wrong about much of history and creation.
it's in the new testament... but where else? Just because it is written there why should it be true? What evidence is there to support it beyond what is in the book.
I was 30 years old when I became a believer Doctor P. You must be born again .. though you went to a denominational church .. you must be born again .. for flesh and blood cannot see the kingdom of heaven.
If people were allowed to discuss the bible on this forum your questions might be answered. But were not. I'm being kicked out very soon, 99.9999% sure. But the Holy Ghost will lead you into all truth.
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Yes. I posted part of a chapter of the bible book of Revelation. That's called looking for trouble. The Revelation contains all the troubles of the world right now, with more to come, all the poison lakes and rivers and oceans .. the scorching and firey deaths of Global Warming .. the coming nuclear war from the angels in the Euphrates River running through Syria, Iraq, Iran .. one third of men killed in one hour by fire and smoke and brimstone. It's there in the Revelation. But satan doesn't want it talked about because 'fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.' Someone might repent, get their soul saved, go to heaven when the missile fly and the bombs fall. Satan doesn't want us in heaven. Well, Jesus "died for the sins of the whole world, not just those who believe." So satan fails. We'll all be in heaven. That would sure take fear away, wouldn't it. Let the bombs fall .. I'm going to heaven because of Jesus Christ. (Though I won't be around this forum much longer if some people have their way, which they probably will.) See you here, there, or in the air. Behave yourself Strange. Nice to have known you Swan. Cheerio Phi. And to all the rest including HyperValent I say a Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.
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1 minute ago, DrP said:
....and the very next sentence:-
....which is preaching.
I don't care personally - I like discussion about such things. It is against the forum rules though to just assert what you believe as a fact without supporting evidence. The bible is not supporting evidence of itself - it can't be. So by trying to discuss revelation with the only provided evidence is from revelation then that is just going to go in circles if it was allowed.... so they shut it down before it does. Revelations was a book written by (supposedly John?) a man who was hallucinating after been locked away in a prison for years on an island. Why would any suspect there is any sense in it 2000 years on after it was written. There are always wars and rumours of wars... there have been for 1000s of years.
After 35 years or so of living with that fear.... get the truth - the truth will set you free (from the fear). Fuck that backward barbaric religion and live you life in love and peace, caring for you fellow man and yourself.... not living in fear because of some book of fairy tales written 2000 years ago.
I feel we could have a really interesting conversation, but it probably won't be allowed if you claim victory after every post by insisting that 'the scripture say x,y,z,' so x, y ,z is true regardless of whatever evidence we have for or against it.
The scientific evidence to support the book of Revelation is all around you. Poison air. Poison oceans and lakes. Global Warming power given to the sun to scorch men with heat. The U.S. and rest of the world about to go to war over Persian Gulf oil )1/3 of men killed in one hour .. nuclear war .. from the angels in the Euphrates River .. Syria, Iraq, Iran. That is evidence. Who told you John was hallucinating? The disciples weren't dope fiends. Satan told you John was hallucinating. God tells you it was a vision, as the other prophets had visions. Yes, the truth will set us free, and perfect love casteth out all fear. Yes, I'm preaching, but I had to be pushed into it .. I tried doing it there way but that wasn't good enough either .. I was being pushed out the door no matter which way I turned, so yes, goodbye, fear the Lord, repent and believe on Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. The time is short. The kingdom of God is at hand. "My kingdom is not of this world." Jesus Christ
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19 minutes ago, DrP said:
How would Paul have carried the gospels? His journey started just after Jesus died no? The gospels weren't even written until years later. Is this some new holy ghost revelation you've been given or something? Please explain. If the god was real and alive in side of you then why would he allow this kind of statement from you. Please correct me if I am wrong.
Paul, as Saul the Pharisee, held the coats of the men who stoned the apostle Stephen to death. He had Christians rounded up and killed. Then he was converted and began preaching Christ right away. He met the other apostles including Peter. Peter was writing his books of the bible. He knew Luke the beloved physician and writer of the book of Luke personally. He knew Mathew and John the apostle. John wrote his gospel then, and his other books, and the Revelation but he wrote the Revelation late in life when he was in exile. This stuff is all in the New Testament.
Why do you believe accounts of when the books of the bible were written but not the bible itself? Who do you think is telling you the bible is a bunch of lies written by men who never met Jesus?
Yes, the Holy Ghost reveals these things through the bible. But I almost certainly won't be around this forum much longer because I'm told I don't obey the rules.
As a scientist why would you believe a translation of Herodotus's books, or Plato, or the clay tablets of Babylon, but not the translation of the bible into English?
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6 minutes ago, nevim said:
The Fear of the Lord - is it available on amazon? Or where, being as it’s selling out so fast?
Merry Christmas, Nevim.
2 minutes ago, Strange said:Yes you did. The responses you get from moderators (usually prompter's by complaints from members) are entirely due to your behaviour. Fix that and the problem goes away. And by "fix that" I mean start following the rules.
The only reason you posted that was to try and justify your previous irrelevant little rant about god and love.
I fear your time may be short if you insist on carrying on like this.
Yup time IS short Strange and you know it .. the whole world knows it. Grab some Love and share it before the fire falls.
Obey the rules? That topic was about God, Strange. I didn't open it. I just joined it. Someone said define God. I said God is Love. Someone said define Love. I tried that not using scripture .. 'Love leads to life.' Prompters from complaints by members .. BeeCee, the wayward child, someone's pet, following me around pushing the report button and the 'down' count button at every post. Other people here saw the BeeCee thing, what a shame to have such a case on a forum. But all things work for our good.
Ditch the sadism you've picked up here Strange.
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12 minutes ago, Eise said:
I pick one too:
So God's kingdom would happen in at most one generation.
So what is true? Don't we know when the Kingdom of God will come, or do we not know it precisely? Jesus estimated it would happen in at most one generation. But it still did not happen... How many generations have passed since? About 60? (Taking a generation to be about 30 years).
No, John the baptist, Jesus and Paul all expected the apocalypse in a lifetime. They differed however on the question how to prepare for it: Jesus proclaimed to keep to the Jewish law; for Paul the only thing really needed was to accept Jesus as saviour.
What you do is preaching, not arguing.
NOW I'm preaching. I posted the Revelation in the Lounge. Read it and fear.
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1 minute ago, Strange said:
What is absurd about that? It is very important to distinguish science from the opinions of scientists (which are just as likely to be sensible or crazy as anyone else’s views).
You just can’t stop, can you.
Not now Strange. I didn't ask for this, it was put on me. Now Valent has it, and you have it. YOU show me the preaching in the post about biological life after death. It was ALL science from a Scientist, except the little introduction which was to answer a question posed in that topic CAN SCIENCE PROVE GOD? Don't miss that very important fact, Strange. Did Valent think I was talking about fetuses or something when the author mentioned transplant organs? Does it look to you like I was protesting abortion? WHAT is going on in this forum except lack of people with the button actually READING what is written!! But I'm glad it came to this .. because now I AM PREACHING. READ the Revelation. GET the fear of the Lord. Time is short. ALL of you reading this. GET the fear of the Lord. The time IS SHORT!
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The bible Book of Revelation contains prophecies of great destruction on the Earth and its population, those prophecies coming true in our day, this day, and the days to come.
Scientific observations and predictions prove the accuracy of those prophecies. Destruction of the rivers, lakes, oceans through pollution, death of many people through Global Warming, a cataclysmic world war. What is your opinion? What should our reaction be? Is there hope for nations or individuals?
King James Bible Par ▾ The First Six Bowls of Wrath
1And I heard a great voice out of the temple saying to the seven angels, Go your ways, and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth.
2And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image.
3And the second angel poured out his vial upon the sea; and it became as the blood of a dead man: and every living soul died in the sea.
4And the third angel poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountains of waters; and they became blood. 5And I heard the angel of the waters say, Thou art righteous, O Lord, which art, and wast, and shalt be, because thou hast judged thus. 6For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets, and thou hast given them blood to drink; for they are worthy. 7And I heard another out of the altar say, Even so, Lord God Almighty, true and righteous are thy judgments.
8And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire. 9And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory.
10And the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the seat of the beast; and his kingdom was full of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues for pain, 11And blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, and repented not of their deeds.
12And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared.
13And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. 14For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty. 15Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame. 16And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.
The Seventh Bowl of Wrath
17And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done. 18And there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great. 19And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell: and great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath. 20And every island fled away, and the mountains were not found. 21And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, every stone about the weight of a talent: and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail; for the plague thereof was exceeding great.
"Fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom." Get some today. Tomorrow may not get here for you and me. But heaven is waiting. The blood of Jesus cleanses from all sin.
I appear to be on the way out the door .....
in Suggestions, Comments and Support
"Rebuke the unfruitful works of darkness."