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Posts posted by jlowe22

  1. The problem is 5-5 part d.  As worded is:

    "One radar gun used by the Massachusetts Highway Patrol operates at a frequency of 10.525 X 109 cycles/second. By how many cycles/second is the reflected beam shifted in frequency when reflected from a car approaching at 100 kilometers/ hour?"

    The book gives the answer 3136, and I can't for the life of me get this answer.  I've done this multiple ways and get the same wrong answer every time.  Doing similar problems elsewhere I'm getting right answers, so I can only conclude that either I'm overlooking something really, really silly, or there's a typo somewhere in the book.  If someone can confirm that 3136 is indeed the right answer, I'll go on trying to figure out where I screwed up.


    The link to the full problem is here:


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