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Posts posted by WhataBohr

  1. I was watching Stars Wars over the weekend and the death star got me thinking


    Could a gamma ray burst from outer space which generates about10^47 J aimed at earth destroy the planet.. I think it would be enough to at least destroy the atmosphere... any thoughts out there...

  2. some say motion is an illusion... however a good book to start with is motion mountain a physics textbook it is well written for the beginner.. You can download it in pdf format and free as well. They discuss what is motion is depth

  3. my point was that complex analysis deals with many different topics that the poster ignoring and is worth learning more about. ie residues , poles etc

    Merged post follows:

    Consecutive posts merged

    f(z) = u(x,y) + iv(x,y) for those math guys so apply Cauchy riemann equations to that....

  4. i prefer to think of gravity in a GR way. Our universe has a distinct geometry and its this geometry that determines gravity and its matter(mass) that determines the geometry,,,.. like the dips on an apple..

  5. use the following identites


    sin2x = 2sinxcosx

    cos2x = 1-2sin^2x


    cos3x = 4cos^3x - 3cosx

    sin3x = 3sinx -4sin^3x - sinx


    i did the proof its actually pretty simple.. good luck

  6. I think one needs to look at when light hits a medium part is reflected and some is transmitted.. snell laws. I believe we need to look at propagation of light from a Electrodynamic way (maxwell equations) and Poynting theorem ( conservation of energy) Any thoughts

  7. At first I would say no, and that this is the same type of flawed logic that leads people to believe that when a ball is being swung in circular motion on a string, and that string is cut, that the ball will go in a an arc.

    But instead it flies off tangential to the point at which it was cut.


    But then someone pointed out to me that you can put english on a cue ball to make it spin. They then said that if you were to twist the gun so that the barrel was moving faster (in a curved motion) than the bullet inside the barrel (as most guns typically make their bullets spin as part of the design) the bullet would be essentally the same as a cue ball that was hit with an angular force or whatever, and that the bullet would curve.


    If it was physically possible to spin the gun that fast, would the bullet curve? Or his logic fallacious in some way? I believe it is, but I can't think of how to put Newtons law into words to explain his error. Heck, I may be wrong.


    What do you all think?




    In a local frame of reference, I would agree. However in the larger scale our universe is not quite that simple. Riemann Geometry it can be mathematically proven that parallel lines do intersect and straight lines are curves ones ( geodesics) hence the great theory of GR emerges. Physics locally is simple.

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