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Everything posted by LabRat1

  1. No nation would have any doubts doing that but its best to look at the consequences. The fact that North Korea's main ally is China is what stops other nations. China being a permanent member in the security council has the power to dismiss many such attempts. Also China currently controls world trade, and it wont hesitate to use its powers to manipulate economically as well politically. There can be rise in disputes and can also escalate to a full fledged war. And PLA being the military of the most populated country can try to impose its will.
  2. The universe as we know wouldn't exist if it weren't for all the elements and compounds reacting with each other, trying to achieve a stable state. But why the hassle? How does it benefit them by attaining a stable state? Thanks in advance.
  3. So a few days ago I was randomly solving some inverse trigonometric problems, and obviously I wasn't paying attention, and this question came on to me. Any clue why? Never really got it. Thanks in advance.
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