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Posts posted by klanger

  1. Thank you for clarifying that swansont, as I had already stated I know nothing of science, so I thank you for explaining to me why my theory doesnt apply. I was just so shocked by your reply initially as you totally shot me down and I just didnt understand why.


    Thanks Sayonara, swansont covered it so all is well.


    Reverse? I wasnt talking about trains I used the same terminology as was applied to me, but I can see how you made that assumption.

  2. I clearly offended swansont by using logic, but at least my mind was open to the possiblity. So what if logic left me at the check point at least I was willing to explore in the first place as opposed to self ritchious indignation leaving me stuck firmly at home. Although your comment does leave me with a question: If logic is relativity and that is in the left platform then how can it be at the checkpoint too? Isnt that like being in two places at the same time?

  3. I have never had a brace, but I thought that the dentist removed some back teeth to allow the teeth to straighten up with the use of a brace, and just kinda presumed that once the brace was removed the teeth would be fine. Ya learn something new everyday :)

  4. Originally Posted by quick silver

    i ahev a problem also with my eyes. they're starting to skip letters and making some words look like other words.

    example: miniseries. it looked like mystery and ministry. if any one can explain this. i would greatly appreciate this.


    Could be that you are going too fast, scanning the page rather than reading it, your eyes glance a few letters and your brain second guesses what it is, it is only when the sentence no longer makes sense that you go back and re-read and spot the error.


    I did something similar in my teens, one occassion was when doing a crossword with my Dad, the Q Sugary .. I read it as surgery, had my Dad baffled for ages as to what the 5 letter answer could be till he looked at the question and laughed and gave me the answer ..... sweet

  5. ROFL talk about confuddled hehehehe I read this topic as VendingMenace Flying Zombie Mice, and had to look mind boggling with thoughts of mice high on sweeties from vending machines turning zombie and flying out of the machines attacking people. I do appologise VendingMenace, I guess I just have an overactive imagination lol

  6. not a science whizz by any stretch of the imagination, but using just logic.... well my logic! lol as I see it the answer would be yes you can see yourself in the mirror, as you are stravelling at the speed of light, meaning the light and you are side by side, I would have thought that you would have to be travelling faster than the speed of light for the mirror and all your surroundings to be pitch black. I dont know hehehe just a thought :P

  7. ooh on a footnote to what I just wrote, I do believe that if your information is in full on that site that you can have it removed by going ex-directory/unlisted and that would stop sites such as the google map from locating via satelite and locating by number or address too.

  8. well we had fun last night looking up the inlaws in the states, great map :)


    Gonna do the mum thing now though, something that i found very disturbing about this site.... and yeah you probably all know already, but if you type in someones phone number including area code you can not only get a satalite pic of their property but full postal address and directions too. May sound kinda cool to some but as a mum I found the thought terrifying, I have a teenage daughter, and though I have told her never to give out our number on the net, she is a kid and kids do what kids do, there is a potential there for pedophiles to gain way more access to their victims than perhaps we would feel comfortable with.


    Presently we don't have white pages here in the UK, least none that I am aware of yet, but there were a few of my relatives state side that I entered their phone numbers for and recieved full directions to their homes plus names. :-(

  9. Hi my name is Katrina, I am 41 and a mum of three, plus two step daughters. I have absolutely no science knowledge what so ever, but probably more than my fair share of common sense mixed with a healthy abundance of total nonsense :confused:


    I really like this forum, it is informative and funny and seems a good place to get an honest answer.


    I am basically a people watcher rather than a in there and do it person, so find it equally compelling reading peoples minds on here as watching them in real life. :D

  10. I read in a newspaper once about chinese children dying whilst trying to make their jaws pop (make a loud crack) I dont suggest anyone tries this, just incase the paper was right. But the kids were opening their mouths wide and then with thumbs on their chin and index fingers placed firmly behind but beneath their ears they would push, and a very loud pop would be heard. Unfortunately these kids promptly died cos they had actually broken some bone that sits just behind/beneath the ear, that i think stopped the blood flow to the brain.... not too sure of the facts in this situation and way too chicken to try it, but I dont think it involved the blood flowing the wrong way so to speak. My jaw does click though but it is the jaw and not the head, kind of a party piece lol usually makes people cringe.... which just adds to my pleasure hehehehe

  11. lol ed84c, ermmmmm was that a "argh" as in hmmm good one or argh as in for cryin out loud???? lol still wasnt overly convinced with the next comment either "Can Channel 5 Not Put Anything Else On On A Friday?!!!" hehehe you mean that sarcastically or you really want nothing else on that chan on a Friday??? hehehehe just teasing ya I reckon I get your drift that you cant stand the prog :P

  12. I think people regardless of the crime should be treated as innocent till proven guilty, are as entitled to being treated fairly just as you or I are. If the people (which includes the press) were allowed to assume guilt based on "gut instinct" or a dislike of the person reportedly accused, then where on earth would you find a jury both fair and true? You wouldnt, because everyone will have been tainted by what they have heard and be closed to the facts. I dont know the American history, but werent the Salem witch trials about a bunch of oppinionated people working with very little fact but a hell of a lot of hearsay? Do we really want to step backwards in time? In the meantime yes! we are all intitled to our opinion, we are able to voice our opinion, however that said we are not entitled to expect everyone to agree with our point of view, and that is why, I believe, you are deemed innocent UNTIL proven guilty.

  13. we definately dont get that one here or even one like it, but it sounds pretty cool, i love the CSI Miami New York series so I reckon I would probably enjoy numbers too, will have to wait for it to arrive here though, have a dinosaur for a system that just wouldnt cope with that sort of download :-(

  14. dont get that here in the UK, takes about a year to get any American programmes here, not at all sure about Canadian ones. Tell us a little about it though, cos we may have something similar.

  15. That is so true Coral, its no so bad here in England lol, you kinda just accept things that have always been the same, I believe we are quite a wealthy country hehehe or so we are lead to believe but then we are never too sure who we are being compaired to. There are though, a lot of countries out there that are way worse off than us, i guess just as far as value for money goes, we got the short end of the straw when compared to the states, who are totally self sufficient (we rely heavily on imports) but compare us to hmmm romania and we get the long straw. Even so, I am still very much looking forward to settling down in the states, decent weather hehehe a more peaceful pace of life.... we are always in such a rush here even the clouds whizz by. So very much looking forward to that.

  16. i am not sure if he is guilty, there is so much smoke and mirrors covering this case. Personally i think the parents should be taken to court for negligence, regardless of innocence or guilt this subject has come up before his character was in question before, i know i wouldnt have let my children stay overnight with him because of that. The mother in this instance appears to have made a carreer out of suing people that puts doubt in my mind as to whether she is following her own trend or has a real case against MJ. As far as the man himself yeah he is weird he is child like, maybe as a result of having no childhood himself and then with money was able to show kids what it is to be a child to have fun and not worry about adult commitments .... i dont know it all seems a little too convenient i guess, the press go to town on everyone famous and seem to thrive on making something good turn bad so who knows.

  17. the cost of living here is very high, and that was a truely sad story, our system in this country is better on the whole than the states Coral, but there are a few people that still manage to miss the system, information on help is scarce so unless you know what benefits you are entitled to you are likely not to be claiming them. A mother here can claim for herself and her children providing the children are either under 16 years old (official school age) or up to 19 years old if going into further education. other than that she would be entitled to make a disability claim and so would the boys in their own right. But to give you an example of the costs here: we buy petrol (gas) by the litre and it is presently 80 or more pence per litre which equates to roughly $1.50 per litre you buy yours by the gallon and I dont know how many litres there are in a gallon but to fill my car from empty i am looking at £40. which is roughly $70. an average loaf of bread costs 93p (about $1.70) containing roughly 23 slices, a 2.5kg bag of potatoes costs £1.18 (roughly $2) a four litre jug of milk £1.11 (roughly $2) a small to medium head of cauliflower 80p ($1.40) 10 eggs are £1.24 ($2.30) a pack of 8 sausages .88p ($1.55) philadelphia light soft cheese £1.58 ($3) braising steak £5.58 per kg ($11) sirloin steak £11.30 per kg ($22) pork chops £4.88 per kg ($9.50) assisted accomodation (a house that is rented from the local government for people that cant afford to buy) mine is a three bedroom and quite small compared to american homes, front/living room being 7 foot x 7 foot two beds being the same and the third being 5 foot by 7 foot, kitchen 5 x 7 and garden 8 x 14 feet i pay £365 per month which is roughly $700. to actually buy a house this size here you would be looking at around £130,000. roughly $250,000. or there abouts. All of my guesses on £ to $ are simply guesses, i am sure lance would be able to give the true equation. Kind of frightening huh, my hubby is american and i dont think it will come as any suprise to you that we intend to settle in the states once my youngest finishes school at 16 (three years time).

  18. just another comment with regard to the origional thread of fatness, I am the mother of three kids, and on average I spend on my family of five £540. per month on food, and believe you me this is pretty basic food groups, little to no major meats, frozen veg rather than fresh, no puddings or yoghurts. I am the main wage earner in the family and this food bill represent half my wage. However I know i can feed my family at the chip shop for £10 per night (I dont! but) that equates to £304. per month, I can fully understand how familys are forced to buy unhealthy tummy fillers...... ooh and my wage is considered livable here, there are those here in England a lot worse off than me.

  19. "chinese whispers" is just a form of terminology, not a racist remark, have you ever played chinese whispers? it doesnt involve speaking quietly in chinese, merely a chain of people who are expected to pass a small sentence along the chain by whispering it into the next person's ear, by the time that sentence has got to the end of the chain it is usually totally out of context, and other than other chinese people, you may as well being speaking chinese for the sense it now makes

  20. I can take that to the extreme, but thankfully its only happened the once. While I was married to my ex we were stationed in Northern Ireland (he was in the army). I was sitting upstairs on my bed, tv on but doing a puzzle book, when I became aware that a "breaking news headline" had interrupted the programme. I syopped what I was doing and watched the tv. The news reader, a lady I had never seen before, was reporting that a soldier had been killed by a sniper in South Armar, she mentioned the exact village, though I dont remember what it was now. I emmediately ran down stairs and commented to my husband about it, he said he had not seen the news breakthrough and laughed at me. Next I went next door and spoke to my neighbour ad I knew she had family in that village. She contacted her family who reported back that no such incident had taken place. Well as you can imagine, I got the micky taken out me something rotten over this little episode, but are ya familier with the saying "he who laughs last.... laughs longest"? Two weeks later the exact news broadcast broke through all tv programmes, it was the ladies first appearance on tv and indeed a soldier had been killed by a sniper in that village in South Armar.


    Needless to say I got me and my kids out of Ireland pretty darn fast after that.


    Not sure that this constitutes deja-vu but it scared me silly. This was back in 1993/4 when England and the IRA were at loggerheads, the IRA being a terrorist group that had bombed mainland England for three decades, and who were being funded amazingly enough by the Kennedy's in the USA.

  21. thanks coquina for your reply, I have never had my eyes operated on, and get thorough tests done at the opticians regularly including the test for gloccoma, my blood pressure is exactly as it should be so no cause for concern there either. I cant be sure of what people mean by 'seeing stars', if this is infact refering to the same thing you see in the night sky, then this also is not what I can see. Someone once told me that they thought I was seeing the electrolites, whether this is internally within the eye or externally in the emmediate space before my eyes I do not know. I have only just remembered what the word was that they said as a direct result of the quote you pasted here for me, so once again thanks

  22. I think it is the culture we now live in. Most parents have no choice but to work and most work at least 40 hours per week, its a rarety to find a housewife that takes the time to cook 'proper' meals for the family, its much quicker easier and cheaper to just make some fries and burgers or sausages etc, added to that we have the increase in car owners, so we don't even get the regular exercise anymore. The down side of this is sloppy eating habbits created by lack of time, lack of exercise created by us having adopted wheels for legs and an overall feeling of larthargy caused through long working hours.

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