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Posts posted by klanger
Syphill, invert_nexus you two have to be the lowest of all animals.
You took a real life ordeal for me and turned it into some sort of sadistic game. You got your wish syphill I have been raped again.... by you and invert_nexus! You are a cold hearted evil b***h. How dare you do that to me or anyone else, what gives you the right to be so smug and conceited to do that to another person.
I never said confidence STOPS rape, I said in certain circumstances it can and DOES deter it happening. You have absolutely no idea what the difference is between holding your head up and sticking your nose in the air, yes the latter is snooty and suprise suprise that sums you up in one!
Rape can happen at any time to anyone, and that includes YOU! I can only hope that when it does happen to you that you will be able to swallow your over inflated ego enough to not choke on it.
Rape is horrific and remains with you for the rest of your life, I found a way to get over it and move on with my life, instead of allowing that act to dominate me and keep me permenantly housebound, it is NOT a joke! and it certainly isnt something that should be scoffed at or used to make YOU sound more important than the little insignificant tramp that you are.
Invert! well done!! Your astounding observation that any female out after dark is asking to be raped just took women back to the 18th century. It is not being out after dark that is the problem it is self centred egotistical twats like you and Syphill thats the problem.
To everyone else, I appologise for the delay in posting my reply, I have sat on this information and followed this thread for the last two days and finally I am a tad less angry than I was before. I would like to thank all of you who stood up to those two moronic idiots, I appreciate your words greatly.
Rape is something that is a threat to everyone young and old alike, statistics are only ever of those rapes that are reported, I dread to think how many more go unreported and simply because of this kind of backlash from cretins like syphill and inverted, who clearly think they know it all. If more people came forward and admitted having been raped, I would be very suprised if there was one of you who could say "I have never known anyone thats been raped".
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I agree with Macroscopic. Children that are adopted and then later on meet up with their biological parents/brothers/sisters often times discover that they have similar personalities even though they have been apart all their lives. Likewise a child that is adopted can often times take on the personality of its adoptive parents. So yeah I think its a mix of both genetics and those around you that impact you most.
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lol I do appologise Dak, cos you said you had tried it for the pain but didnt like the other effects I presumed that that was it for you, yeah college and lost years sounds about right Still if it kept ya semi sane throughout all those endless lessons then so be it.
hmmmmm womens complaints!!!! feel me scowling in your direction????
I too love my meats but feel guilty eating it infront of hubby cos he is stuck with chicken or fish as the other meats trigger huge bouts of pain for him, but are you telling me that in all those student years you didnt learn how to make something from nothing??? And noooooo pot noodle doesnt count hehehe. Thanks for the help anyways
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Merle Noir
We got off on a wrong footing the other day, I was just curious in trying to get to know you and your circumstances is all. It kinda went pear shaped when other assumed what I was thinking and I cant honestly say hand on heart that you werent throwing up a few smoke screens yourself.
Let me explain something to you ok, no hostility I promise. When I asked about child pornography and whether you have it or not, I wasnt thinking of art or catalogues of underwear (which by the way we do still have here in the uk) the kind of literature I was refering to is what I consider hard core, children not just naked, (sure you can get that stuff everywhere, though I havent seen any of the films you mentioned) but being photographed doing obcene things, obcene that is in my mind, when it concerns little children doing stuff such as felatio, either to them or having to do it to others, that it what my mind thinks of when child porn is mentioned, tear stained faces, quivering bottom lips, partially concealed faces so that the child is just a body and not a little person that feels and hurts and laughs and cries.
I cant deny the feelings I had initially upon realising that we had a pedophile in the forum, it wasnt so much disgust as a combination of OMG! and fear for the kids that come on here.
I cant say I agree with how you are, I have children of my own and I know I would do time for them if the need arose. But I have seen, curtesy of you, a different side. I can understand a little, not fully, but a little more than I did before that's for sure, I can see that though you have these feelings, the fact that you are so open about it to us in here is a kind of healing I think for you and us alike, and that above all you try very hard to keep your urges under control. I just wish all pedophiles had the control that you do, then parents like myself wouldnt be so frightened.
Yeah things in Germany are different from here in the UK, we do have tighter laws in some areas, but Germany too has its weird ones, or did have when I was stationed out there. For example our soft porn magazines are on the top shelf well out of the reach of kids, yours at that time (probably still are now) are head high to a child in a buggy, I know cos my two year old son at the time had one in his hand while I was in line to pay for my shopping, and yet you would get an on the spot fine for hanging your washing out and visible to others on a Sunday, and I think if memory serves, a garunteed fine if anyone saw your undies on the line at any time of the day. We are not stupid or idiots any more than you are, we just have different views on things, neither is wrong just different.
I hope you can accept what I have said in the way it has been written. I still dont think that any sexual activity between an adult and a child is acceptable, but I feel I know a little bit more about the subject than I did before.
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I can only go from how my hubby is with it, as I have no other "before my eyes" proof as such with regard to using it as a medicine, but he rarely gets high, he wont smoke it to that extreme, but it is just a case of slowly slowly till you know what gets the pain and then what hits your head. By the way adding it to tobacco increases dramatically the effect, so if that is how you tried then maybe you took too strong of a hit as such. If you were ever willing to try it again, (no telling how much pain you are gonna get into in the future) may I suggest you have one or maybe two puffs max? Hold it in for as long as you can and slowly release, from the way my hubby describes it its as though he can feel the med working by wrapping itself around the area of pain, it is at that point that he stops. Cannabis will heighten many things, if you are tired it will have you crashed out before you can say boo, but generally it will just relax you. I tried it a couple of times myself when I was having awful pain with gall stones, and yeah it worked wonders on that pain too, but I personally dont like it either. Ya know Dak, IBS is mainly a young womans complaint, men do get it too just not in the fugures that women do, so far though it has only been men that I have personally known to have it, so I wonder if those statistics need updating.
If you have any tips on what to do with chicken for meals I would be most greatful, really struggling here to keep my hubbies diet semi interesting.
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omg!! watch out lagar louts lol, but joking aside there I wasnt 100% sure of not being able to rape a man. I wonder though if the emmotional side of being raped is the same for both, not saying it wouldnt be just kinda curious.
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Very sorry to hear that.
Oh I got an idea! Learn Kung-Fu and give the guy a beating.
Better idea yet was AzurePhoenix's: Stun guns! They are already available to the public in Canada.....
Plus' date=' there are some extremely strong (and by extremely I mean extremely) flashlights available. You can use that to temporarily blind your assaulter, and then kick him in the balls.
Another idea: ban pornography!
Also, aren't we all forgetting [i']female[/i] rapists? I am a guy, and I don't think I would enjoy being raped either you know.....
Learning any martial arts would be an advantage to giving the woman more confidence in the way she carries herself, this in itself would be the deterrent. I wouldnt suggest any woman use it in an attack though, unless she felt pretty damn sure she could take on the attacker and win!
Stun guns are illegal in the UK as are any other items that may be used as weapons. The law see's it as intent to do bodily harm, so that tampon would also be classed as pre-meditated violence.
The flash light may do the trick if the attack happens at night. If during the day though you may find it is then turned and used as a "cosh" on you, and again with the law here the way it is you would be seriously questioned about why you had a flash light during day light hours.
Hehehehe females raping men? mmm sounds like a male fantasy to me, but joking aside I too wondered this one when I was your age. Women can rape men, but possibly not in the way most people think, she would have to use some kind of implement and rape him anally. For her to rape him and have full bodied sex the conventional way would mean that he would have to be ready and willing, therefore its not rape...... unless fear provokes that reaction in men..... hahaha oh man my thoughts just ran wild with that one!! What an excellent weapon in times of war, no need for guns just you running at the enemy "ready and able" would be enough to have them running screaming for the hills.
Funnily enough I think that is linked to why the scots dont wear any underpants under their kilts, something to do with a battle charge and the enemy being faced with a lot of angry men charging at them with all their googly-gangly bits wobbling about in full view of the enemy.
Ok I have rambled for long enough now lol time to go get ready for work.
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cheers for the link klang (did you know how interested in HIV i am?)
wow' date=' if all thats true, i think smoked cannabis would definately be better than marinol! sounds like marrinol sux. politics should be left out of medicine.[/quote']
Lol you are most welcome Dak and no I had no idea of your interest in HIV, and sad to say am fairly ignorant about it myself. That said I dont shun those unfortunate enough to have HIV or even full blown AIDS, they deserve love and tolerance and not condemnation for their misfortune, "people in glass houses....." you just never know when it might be you.
My hubby tried marinol as prescribed by his doctors when in the states, cost him $250. for one months supply, and it didnt help him in any timely manner (takes 1hr - 11hrs to get into the system) with the pain or the nausia that he suffers with as a result of IBS, and was considerably more expensive than the "real" thing lol is that an oxy moron? The real thing is illegal but we will make a substitute that may or may not work, but we will blow the price of this out of the reach of most patients so you then go and do it illegally and get arrested... yeaaaaah ok!!!! The government is soooo kind.
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[quote name=GreenDestiny
Also comparing pedophiles in general to murderers is not only offending' date=' it's ludicrous. That's what I meant in my first posting - why can't people stay rational when this topic comes up? It doesn't make any sense to put a whole group of people in a corner, applying dismissive labels to them and accusing them of the vilest of things which are only true for a fraction of them.[/quote]
I agree it is offensive, murderers have some scruples which is why pedophiles are put into isolation. Prison sentences are much the same though.
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Obviously you've never had to deal with a sizeable bureaucracy.
Please elaborate this post
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Yes I own and have looked at such pictures, whats the big deal there? I can go into most any book store and look at pics of naked children as well, so whats the big deal. I can go into my local travel office and pick up catalogs with pictures of naked children in it, ohhh lord help us. I can even go to my local video store and rent movies with naked children in it. I can also go to the beach and see actual naked children there... so whats the big deal? reminds me of a friend of mine, he recommended the film Titanic to an American colleague... The colleague complained about this recommendation as he had taken his family to see it. My friend apologized as he forgot about the violence and death at the end, and that it might not be so appropriate for some children. No the guy had no problem with that it was the couple seconds of nudity that had him upset.
The point is although you say you wouldn't physically have sex with a child, [so haven't hurt them], the fact that you have extensive knowledge of where to go to obtain pornagraphic pictures of kids, means that you have encouraged the abuse, albeit second hand, you didn't do it yourself so you are blameless? innocent? So were those kids before those people got hold of them. I am sure if I looked hard enough, I too could get those kinds of pictures, even the legitimate ones in the medical books or educational videos, the difference is I don't because I am not interested in children in that way.
Children are something to be treasured, not next seasons fancy, they are not toys to play with and toss aside when they grow out of what ever phase of growth you prefer. You can gloss over what you are however you please, if it makes you feel comfortable then so be it. The simple truth is that what you desire is illegal and for those countries where it is consider "normal", I suggest perhaps you go live there, then you can do what you like, when you like.
You have admitted that you do in fact view this pornographic material, however frequent or infrequent that may be. This in itself states that you are supporting this gross and illegal act (with regard to child porography) with innocent children. You may not have been there to "do the deed" but you are supporting it by craving it, viewing it, and whatever else you may so please to do with it. THAT is the bottom line. If it's deemed illegal in most civilized countries in the world, this means that you're always and forever a thought away from carrying out the action of child molestation. Based on this thought process, this means that you strongly need to seek serious professional help. If such services exists, you and others like yourself need to self-enroll in a program that tracks you as well as assist the change in your (by society's standards) twisted thinking/desires.
With regards to feeling any sympathy or empathy for your problem, as it has already been once suggested, yes, you and others like you are human, with all the failings that we as humans have, but so are mass murderers but no one in their right mind would feel sympathy for a murderer, or even begin to understand their twisted reasonings for doing what they did.
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Ok then I shall re-phrase it and ask the same question preceding it with "other than by accident"
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Merle Noir
You have said on several occasions that though you have these feelings you dont actually fulfill your desires with regard to children, be them pre-pubescent or otherwise. I think if you are able to restrain yourself in this manner then you should be applauded. I do however have a question for you, if you wouldnt mind answering it truthfully.
Do you own have borrowed or by other means ever looked at pictures of naked children?
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Most rapists are spur of the moment. The victim was chosen simply because she portrayed herself as a victim, head down while walking, nervous behaviour and so on, if carrying anything as a deterrant gives the woman the confidence to hold their heads up then its a good idea.
I was raped when I was 18, I portrayed all the classic symptoms of a vulnerable woman, alone in a dark isolated place, I was lost and frightened my head was down and I wouldnt make eye contact with anyone. It was during a train strike and I had missed the last coach home so was stuck at Victoria coach station in London. I had made an early coach to get to Victoria but through no fault of my own, the coach had problems and arrived later than expected and I had missed my connection. I was now in a deserted coach station, and the only people coming in were the drunks and the bums wanting to lay their heads down for the night, at 18 this frightened me senseless and my fear was evident to everyone around me. So when a man in his 40's came up to me and asked for directions I was relieved but burst into tears, he calmed me down with soothing words asked where I live and told me not to worry he lived just outside of that town and he would give me a lift home. His concern seemed genuine and like a fool I went with him. My worst nightmare just got very real. Like many women that have been raped I blamed myself, no I wasnt beating myself up over wearing certain luring clothing or flirting I was beating myself up because I knew I had made myself a easy target.
Now where ever I go I walk with my head up and shoulders square I walk with confidence, I meet peoples eyes and will not allow myself to be intimidated by them. Men have often said jokingly that they wouldnt want to takle me cos I look like I could handle myself.
So yes if carrying something makes you feel safe and confident then go for it, even if its just holding your keys firmly in your hand with one key protruding out.
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I believe PCB's are made primarily from fibre glass, You know how when looking at a piece of wood you can see the grain? well it is the same with the fibre glass) the PCB is built up of many layers of fibre glass, each layer going in a different direction to give the PCB strength, and yet it still maintains some flexibility, (If you have ever tried to snap a PCB you will find it very difficult).
The layers are wet so once the pcb has been created as such it needs to be baked to dry out the water (though some water does remain, and may or may not reveal itself in the population part of the process). Next a layer of tin copper sheeting is placed over the pcb and secured in place using some kind of glue.
The company will have the schematics for their customers desired design and a stencil will be made accordingly, the stensil is placed ontop of the now blank PCB and acid is poured/squeegied on. The acid disolves the copper plating where it is not needed leaving behind only the reguired tracks that are covered by the stencil. The PCB then gets drilled (if its conventional through plate) and the little through plating tubes are inserted again using glue to hold them. The PCB is cleaned up and the tracks are painted with with something that can resist solder, then the whole thing is varnished to produce a smooth shiny surface, and if the customer has requested, the PCB may then be silk screened. This is usually in white paint and shows the outline of the components to be fitted and a location too, such as R1 @ l____l @ or D1 @ l_l___l @. The tracks and through plating are tested for continuity and then shipped to the customer. The drawing I just did is very crude but gives a basic idea of what you see, the @ representing the holes that the component leads go through.
Hope this helps, if its the population of the PCB that you require information on then please say so, as I can give you tips on that.
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didnt want to say what it is as it will spoil the post before and give too much away
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well i think i worked it out and believe it relates to the post emmediately prior to that one Martin
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What does finishing mean
you got me confused too now Bettina, I was laughing at Dak's comment in crypto in response to yours, posts #17 and 18
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lol Dak
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We had a border collie (black and white sheep dog) who seemed pretty intelligent to me. He could identify different coloured tennis balls, blue green yellow and red, you tell him the one you wanted and he would go get it. My brother was/is a dreadful tease, and got no greater pleasure than pretending to throw the ball just to see the dogs head jerk in response. One Day my brother sat there with the ball, pretending to throw it and then instead dropping it and catching it right before the dogs face. He thought this was hysterical for a while and then decided to actually throw it. The dog hurtled after the ball and dutifully bought it back, but when my brother said "drop" the dog instead of placing it in my brothers hand, went through a couple of minutes of bouncing the ball infront of my brother and the dog catching it in his mouth, my brother was way too slow to catch the ball and the dog was clearly enjoying teasing my brother with the ball. My brother was NOT impressed, I was laughing so hard tears were streaming and the dog? well his tail was wagging furiously, his eyes were sparkling and his lips were slightly curled in an expression of a smile, yeah I reckon that dog was finding that incident very funny indeed.
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hope your spelling improves on the next one
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i thought marinol was a functional isomer of THC?
I have an article here that you may find interesting Dak, it makes for good reading and is one person's personal account, plus the production of the tablets and so on.
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No doubt, there are medical uses for cannabis. However, for ADHD is not one of them. In addition to your comments about leaders comments...Right now Meth is in the same position. They are attirbuting an increased spread of AIDS on the use of Meth. Face it, Meth lowers inhibition and contributes (note the word) to a decreased likelihood of using a condom. Whether the same is true of cannabis is an emprirical question.
Alcohol also lowers your inhibitions, and is probably considerably cheaper. Granted for meth users the most likely cause of aids becoming higher in these people is the sharing of needles, and general squallor that they live in, you dont use needles with cannabis.
Lack of education is also a keen factor in the spread of AIDS, as is the "it wont happen to me" syndrome. None of it leads to homosexuality and ultimately to AIDS, a hetrosexual person doesnt suddenly become a sexed crazed nut that will bonk a member of the same sex just cos they have less inhibitions, and neither will a gay person suddenly desire the opposite sex.
How do we have so many single mothers in the world, they clearly werent with partners that were using a condom, nor indeed using the female condom themselves, you cant say that in all cases or even in most cases these women or their partners were using meths, and yet they were taking a huge risk as far as AIDS went... "it wont happen to me syndrome" (and by single mothers I am refering to the increase of young girls getting pregnant as a result of a night out drinking.
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morphine is also a scheduled l controlled substance so your statement that it therefore has no acceptable medical use kinda just got blown out the water. It is easy to get caught up in the anti-drug groups and their theories on various drugs and some of the pooh-pars that go with them.
You can see the table of contents here
Cannabis has been under trial via the government for the past 25 years, one of the recievers of regular monthly canisters of pre-rolled cannabis cigerettes, is Irvin Rosenfeld - a federal marijuana patient !!! and yet still they can not prove nor disprove its benefits with regard to intense pain, I would be interested to know how many years morphine was trialed before it was release at doctors discretion.
I dont support its use as a recreational drug and first hand experience has shown me that yes there is lethargy depression and all the other ills that go with it when used as a recreational drug, however I also have first hand experience of its use and effects as a medicinal remedy, I have seen for myself the speed with which cannabis acts compared to conventional extreme pain drugs, only morphine comes close to this speed, (5mgms of morphine didnt remove the pain but three puffs of cannabis did) I have seen for myself the necessary increased dosage in hard man made drugs in order to keep symptoms and pain to a dull ache, whereas cannabis remains as a constant with very little needed.
Other than vitamins you can overdose on all man made medicines, you can not overdose on cannabis. Yes there have been cases of people overdosing and having traces of cannabis in their system, however, they also had other more dangerous drugs in their system too. In clinical trials on rats they were unable to produce a single overdose.
For decades we have heard from various members of the goverment stating various erronious claims in regards to what smoking Marijuana will do. Do you think the goverment which produces such claims as the following should be looked to as the gospel authoritive word? This is an example of the propaganda, that they put out to continue the smoke screen lie:
"Reefer makes darkies think they're as good as white men."
- Federal Bureau of Narcotics Chief Harry J. Anslinger, 1929
"Marihuana leads to pacifism and communist brainwashing"
Federal Bureau of Narcotics Chief Harry J. Anslinger, 1948
"Permanent brain damage is one of the inevitable results of the use of marijuana."
by: Ronald Reagan 1974
"Marijuana leads to homosexuality ... and therefore to AIDS."
by: White House Drug Czar Carlton Turner 1986
The Official JOKES SECTION :)
in The Lounge
I found this website on actual insurance claims and laughed so bad it made me cry, here are a few tasters hope you enjoy as much as I did
"I pulled into a lay-by with smoke coming from under the hood. I realised the car was on fire so took my dog and smothered it with a blanket."
The claimant had collided with a cow. The questions and answers on the claim form were - Q: What warning was given by you? A: Horn. Q: What warning was given by the other party? A: Moo.
"I knew the dog was possessive about the car but I would not have asked her to drive it if I had thought there was any risk."
"The car in front hit the pedestrian but he got up so I hit him again"
"I collided with a stationary truck coming the other way"
"In an attempt to kill a fly, I drove into a telephone pole."
"An invisible car came out of nowhere, struck my car and vanished."
"The guy was all over the road. I had to swerve a number of times before I hit him."
"I had been driving for forty years when I fell asleep at the wheel and had an accident."