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Posts posted by klanger

  1. Spyman


    So the resistors in series are 112r + 110r = 222r of resistance?


    Those in parralel are 450r + 40r / 2 = 245r (or there abouts, I dont have a scientific calculator to get it spot on)


    and then? 222r + 245r + 10r (resistance on meter) = 477r ???


    I think I went horribly wrong

  2. On a Geography field trip to a farm I remember a question and answer session with the farmer


    Q: "why do some of your cows have a splodge of paint on the bums?")


    A: "Those are the cows that are ready for mating"


    Q: "well how do you know they are ready?"


    A: "Ahhh well thats where it gets a little difficult, we dont know with large herds, and they dont all come into readiness at the same time, but you see, when a cow is ready others in the herd will try and mount her, sometimes we can see this happen but most times we dont, so we put a red dye on the underside of each cow, so that when one of them is ready the others mounting her will leave a red patch on her rear end. That way we can clearly see which ones are ready to be mated and which ones aren't."


    It would seem that homosexuality isn't just a thing of humans, whether the farmer was on the wind up I have no idea, but it made sence to me.


    Other than that? I have no idea, maybe its natures way of ensuring the world doesn't become over populated :confused:

  3. I wonder how well the detectors work near the floor?


    Not sure.... there has been instances of terrorists getting caught with explosives and knives in their shoes, just dont know if they were detected via one of them machines or just looked suspect to start with.


    Also, I wonder what penguin would taste like? Too much fat maybe.


    At least for a change my kids wouldnt be arguing over who got the ruddy drumsticks :D

  4. I have never heard of that, but have heard that some people use cod liver oil capsules daily as a relief to some of the symptoms. I believe any oily fish is also good for your joints. I have used cod liver oil capsules on a german sheppard dog that I had who was suffering with her back legs, and they did seem to aleviate alot of her discomfort, in as far as she was willing to move about more often and seemed more lively... also kept her coat lovely and glossy.

  5. If they didn't like it, the child would object. Babies can cry. Two year olds can say "No!" (and they do it a lot). If an adult did not honor that objection, it would be rape. We already have laws against rape.


    How truely sad you are, you need a child to cry or say no for you to know that what you are doing to them is WRONG.


    Besides which, it would not be difficult to write a law outlawing penetration, but allowing other kinds of sex play. I still think the AoC should be no higher than 12 for all types of sex, but I could accept a combination of that and decriminalizing consentual non-penetrative sexual touching as reasonably just..


    No such law will ever be written to allow you to have your way, you have my sympathy for the hardships you have to go through, but at the end of the day we CAN'T always get what we want. FACT!




    And some children are significantly troubled by bed-wetting, or their pet dying, or having a bad hair day. We don't make laws based on the exceptions to the rule. (Well, at least, we SHOULDN'T.) I neglected to mention the other part of the results: Some of those who had had sexual experiences as children reported them as positive or very positive. While the research did not look into it, I also know many adults who feel that sexual repression in their childhood was a VERY negative thing.


    Most kids that bedwet grow out of it, they dont grow out of having been sexually abused (even if you think they think it was "nice"), though its true to a degree they do grow out of being abused... once they are no longer a child and men like you are no longer interested in them and move onto their younger siblings, bad hair day???? are you seriously trying to put sexual abuse in the same catagory as a bad hair day? That is something that can be resolved with washing.... no amount of washing will remove the emmotional stains that your kind have tarnished kids with. You are right we DON'T make laws based on the exception to the rule, which is why there is no law allowing your kind of exception.


    My' date=' this is funny. You can't really believe this? I know that many children wait until their late teens to have "full intercourse", but if you include the sex play that would send an adult to jail? You will find VERY VERY few children who haven't engaged in such sex play. Naturally they won't tell you if you're an adult - they are very aware that it is taboo - but I can remember it from when I was a kid. It was rampant. I knew it and I was a geek. You must have been very socially isolated as a child.




    You are right, children do experiment with each other, usually around the age of 4 or 5 when they notice there is a difference, but they dont play with each other theirs is of innocence and merely just look at the differences. It is only when puberty hits that that kind of looking turns to thoughts of touching and playing and in some instances full on sex.... but by that age YOU are no longer interested in them. Army brat here used to moving alot around the world, having to make new friends every four years or less often sometimes, socially isolated? I think not. Ooh and by the way, I have met your kind of people as a child and I have to say NO I didnt like it, NO I didnt ask for it, and "NO" seems to count for diddley squat in your books.

  6. There was a tv programme mmmm 15 years or so ago it was called "From conception to birth". This showed internally what goes on during the act of sex itself through the use of a very tiny camera. Some of the film footage inside the womb was fantastic.

  7. As regards size - there is more to sexuality than penetration. There is mutual masturbation' date=' there is cuddling, there are back rubs, so on and so forth. An adult could give oral sex to a child of either gender without physically harming them. I certainly am opposed to trying to make things fit that don't fit. No one who loves children would ever support that.


    (As an aside - in the GLr chat rooms, we sometimes joke about whether penile reduction surgery would be worthwhile.)


    Beyond this, what studies have been done have concluded that pedophiles tend to view sexuality much the same way children do - less interest in penetration, more on exploration, fun, and pleasure.[/quote']


    If the AoC was dropped or removed then that would be saying it IS ok to have full penetraval sex with a child, you cant be so stupid as to think that just cos you wouldnt do it, that ALL people that relish in the pleasures of children wouldnt also.




    Even as it is now, we know (from the Rind Report among others) that children are seldom significantly troubled even by bad sexual experiences, if they felt it was consentual at the time. The chief exceptions are father-daughter incest, and when they are found out and hounded by Child Protective Services, the Police, and the like.



    "that children are seldom significantly troubled" Bad choice of words there because by your own admision some are troubled and some are significantly troubled, which is why the law is there in the first place.... to protect all children.


    In the UK sex under the age of 16 is illegal, this seems to correspond to the school leaving age.


    In the USA sex with anyone under the age of 18 is illegal, again corresponding to the school leaving age.


    However you may notice one stark difference between the two, In the UK sex under the age of 16 is illegal in the USA sex with anyone under 18 is illegal. This implies that children can have sex if they so wished with other children providing neither is above the age of 18, I dont think there is rampant sex going on with those children even though their law permits it, why? Could it be that children arnt so adult about sex as you would like us to think, that for children their natural curiosity leads them to notice the differences between their sexes but not really to wish to take it any further.



    1 RS. = 1 RS.

    1 RS. = 100 PAISE..

    1 RS. = (10x10) PAISE..

    1 RS. = (0.1x0.1) RS.

    1 RS. = (0.01) RS.

    1 RS. = 1 PAISE.


    Not very good at this stuff, but I think it went wrong at the

    1 RS. = (0.1x0.1) RS


    I think that is the same as the one emmediately above so it should read


    1 RS. = (0.1x0.1) PAIS

  9. From my experience with dogs' date=' I say Yes.


    They even understand that other animals can realise their 'misconception' when they self have made a stupid misstake.


    Our oldest dog, (very proud), quickly looks around to see if anyone has realised that he has made a fool of himself, if nobody seems to have taken notice, (I look away), then he pretends to be doing something else. But if I or someone else, (even our cat), is looking at him he seems to be embarrassed. If we thinks his misstake was funny and start laughing at him it gets worse, normally when the family is laughing he comes to look at what we think is funny and seems to like to share the fun with us - He likes to laugh at others but gets embarrassed if he is the target for the fun.


    Our youngest dog on the other hand is a real clown and she does anything to get the kids attentation and make them laugh - She really enjoys to stand in the 'spotlight' and being the source of the fun.[/quote']


    I have a similar experience with my scruffle (Jack Russell) she is tiny and very sweet natured, she loves nothing more than flopping on her back in your arms like a baby. If you gently tickle her tummy/rib area her paws wagle about like crazy and she grins. If she does something stupid like falls off the bed cos she flopped the wrong way for instance and we laugh.... god help us, cos when she gets back up and you are still laughing at her she will nip your nose. She doesnt nip you any other time you laugh so to me this shows that she has seen her own error and though she doesnt think it funny she is definately reacting to those who do, and yeah our cat doesnt escape either, those two dont think twice about cuddling up together and grooming each other, but if the cat happened to see what happened and is just looking at the dog, the dog will give her a nose nudge to the ribs.


    My close personal pets definately have character which includes humour. Many years ago while with the cat that I still have I had also a great big ginger tom, he was a lazy cat, but one day my present one as a youngster had gone out and got herself into a fight. My tom looked at me when he heard the yowels got up stretched and then stomped out of the house in the direction of the fight, and I mean stomped! A few minutes later my present cat came belting back with my tom hot on her tail smacking her arse all the way back into the house.


    There have been so many instances over the years for me with my pets, and sad as it may sound I do often times put like a voice over to what they are doing, (speaking for them if you wish) and yeah it can be hysterically funny.

  10. maybe kids do get sexually aroused, maybe they dont. They are kids in all aspects of the word, little bodies, little vagina's, little penises. A child having sex with a child is two of the same sized people having sex together, be them children or adults, but a child with an adult? Put it this way I wouldnt want to get shagged by a aberdeen angus and what you are propsing is the same differential as between a child and a adult, their bodies have not yet developed fully enough to be able to take that without tearing and needing intensive medical help. Not only that but children have a tendancy to want to please adults, so even if you think they are ready, how can you be 100% sure that they arnt doing it just to appease you?

  11. I crack my fingers' date=' neck, back, toes, wrists, ankles, elbows, jaw, knees and hips. I've been trying to stop for years. What sucks is the minute I stop cracking a certain joint, I find another one I can crack.

    Ps. Yes I know cracking my jaw can give me TMJ, I'm trying to stop.[/quote']


    I have cracked all of the above too, mainly when I was a teen for the simple pleasure of making the adults around me cringe :D


    My jaw clicks automatically when I open my mouth wider for dental visits, or if I am trying to bite a hamburger, just recently though I have noticed that my jaw has started to lock up momentarily, which is a tad uncomfortable, but only happens with things like the hamberger or even biting into chicken legs. I cant stress enough your need to stop doing these things for the fun of it and wish to no end that I had listened to my mother years ago.


    My spine I was able to crack in about 8 places I now have limited spinal movement, I can still touch my toes but I have limited twist, side stretch, and no backwards stretch what so ever, maybe this is age related I dont know, I am 41 so not of the age that I would normally associate these kinds of problems. I dont have arthritus or (excuse spellings please) rheumatism......yet!


    If you can stop then I think perhaps it would be wise to stop.

  12. In the summer months when it is hot and humid here, I close all the windows and draw all the curtains during daylight, this helps to keep the room cool. I never used to do this, but did notice that the room is significantly cooler as a result of keeping the windows closed and the curtains drawn, so yes, I would say that even indirect sunlight will warm the room more if the curtains are open. I open the windows and curtains at night in the summertime to allow the cooler night air in.

  13. I have a funny but true incident of my sister sleep walking, this was a few years ago so she was in her early 40's at the time.


    She had dreampt that she had galavanted around in her back garden dancing and enjoying the night so to speak, nothing wrong with those sort of dreams huh?


    When she woke up she discovered bits of grass in her bed and on her feet, it would appear that she had mown the grass in her sleep!!.... trouble is my sister at the time NEVER wore any bed clothes!!! :eek:

  14. I think what we struggle with here is the actual word "pedophile" and what that cungures up in our minds. I was just like Bettina in my though pattern towards them, the word bought to my mind a lot of suffering and harm done to children. I kept seeing the faces of all the little girls that had been taken from their families sexually abused raped and murdered... these were the images I saw thought of and got angry about everytime a pedophile made comment in here which lead me to be totally blinkered to what they were saying. I now think that my initial reaction was wrong, I dont agree with adults having sex with children that is not what I am saying.


    I had been reading what they were saying, and suddenly the penny dropped! I want to share my reasoning behind the change of mind with all of you in here, I am going to use my own analagy which ultimately lead to my realisation that the word pedophile is not a straight black and white word.


    I am not stating actual statistics here just a random figure for the purposes of my analogy ok.


    Lets say that 50% of the population regularly read porn magazines, the reader gases down at the pictures of naked men or women in all sorts of guises, I believe the scene setting for each series of pictures are based on a fantasy, be it a girl getting down and grubby on the farm or a mechanic in a car work shop getting ready to service you, hehehe just bear with me please.


    So 50% of the population are reading these mags, going along with the fantasy of what they are looking at in their minds. Now out of that 50% lets say that 5% have a fantasy of rape, either commiting it themselves or having it done to themselves by another person or even a group of people. That 5% view it as purely a means of escape in their minds and a way to release sexual tension. It is a turn on for them, the rape in their mind isnt as rape actually is, its more of a "noooooooo....mmmmm oh god stop! mmmmm oh yeah!" It is purely ficticious, and the person being raped in this fantasy isnt really being hurt and are actually enjoying it.


    Now out of that 5% lets say 1% REALLY gets off on rape and is agressive about and hungers for it all the time, till in the end they go out and take advantage of a situation that may present itself to actually commit a rape.


    So what do you have? 50% that read porn, 5% that fantasise about rape and 1% that will go out and do it...... do we label all porn readers as rapists? NO. Do we label 5% of them as rapists? NO The only person that is an actual rapist is the 1% that went out and commited it.


    This is how I came to the conclusion that to call everyone that maybe looks at naked pictures of children a "pedophile" is to actually brand them as a monster that would go ahead and do the deed, and we have seen quite clearly from their comments in here, that this isnt the case. For them it is a desire no different from any other sexual fantasy. I would never say that all porn readers are rapists, so by the same measure I have to give the same credit to the pedophiles we have in here with us, I just dont think they should be called "pedophile" because that implies that they will do those things to children.


    I think for most people their own personal sexual fantasies are purely fantasy, something that is kept in their minds and used as a means within themselves to achieve orgasm or or heighten a sexual experience, I dont think there are very many people who would actually go out there and re-enact those fantasies.


    Guys? you need to find a new name for yourselves, pedophile somehow to me seems too harsh and inacurate.

  15. Not sure about "legend", silk screen gives the operators a visual reference for placement and orientation of components but is also used in identifying the PCB itself, each PCB of exactly the same type will have an identifying number printed on them, such as 140-8900 this is so that you can look at the PCB and check it against your BOM (Bill of Materials ((all the bits and pieces that you will need to build the PCB)) to ensure you have the right PCB.


    I think but am not totally sure, that the legend is probably this number reference, that number will be repeated on all necessary paperwork, purchase orders for the PCB, stores requisition sheets, production acceptance documents, BOMs, and drawings. This way the PCB can be tied in to all of them in a bid to eliminate the possibility of building the wrong PCB.

  16. Shellyfhl to populate a PCB means to place all the components on it and solder it.


    Components can be axial which means they have leads (bits of wire protruding from the body of the component) that actually go through the PCB, or they can be SMT (surface mount) which means that they actually sit on top of the PCB.


    To solder these components in place there are various methods, traditional hand soldering (which is becoming a lost art, due to modern technics) wave/flow soldering, where a PCB with axial type components is passed along a conveyer that has built in ovens to gradually heat up the PCB and components before the underside of the PCB passes through a liquid bath of solder.


    For SMT loaded PCBs a similar machine is used but this doesnt always involve liquid solder, though the two can be simulataniously soldered at the same time if the PCB happens to have a mix of both technologies. The solder is applied to the PCB in a paste format through a screen or stencil prior to the coponents being placed either by hand or automated machinery. The PCB enters a series of ovens on a conveyer belt, the ovens get hotter and hotter as the PCB passes along untill the paste reaches "flow" which means it goes from a gritty paste to liquid solder, the board then passes through various fans to cool down the PCB and make it safe for handling by an operator.


    Hope that helps and isnt too confusing

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