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Everything posted by Flareon

  1. I got to level 6 where the Heretics go. I also scored high on Virtuous and Violent. Yay, nuke all evil-doers for Jesus!
  2. Hypothetically if the two countries did go to war? No question, Japan would lose big. Neither country lacks in the ego department, but China has enough manpower to prolong the war until every single Japanese has either died or surrendered. China has seen enough of imperialist Japan, and will never allow it's repeat. Also, China's economy is quickly on the rise, while Japan's has been in a slow but long decline, which will factor greatly in the odds. The allies? Well, I don't know about other countries, but America sure won't want to tangle with China. We are already a war-tired country, and we just want to see our good economy restored, not get into a mess with the largest population of people in the world. Frankly, I'm a bit worried what Little Kim might do in the unlikely event China and Japan threw down. He is an unstable element that could quickly make an ugly situation even uglier. And South Korea would in a place no other country would envy. India has nukes too, and if they want to be involved, I think they'll side with China.
  3. I think the fact that irony is so recognizable yet so hard to define, is ironic.
  4. Sorry to jump into the conversation, but Psikey, have you heard of non-culturally biased (AKA culture-fair) IQ tests? There is no reading involved at all, mostly abstract figures and logical matchings and such. I took such a test (it was timed as well) and I got a 137, which correlates highly with the 133-137 range I've mentioned as my IQ in a previous post. If you were going to use 'reading speed' as one of your arguments, I thought you should know about the existence of the reading-free IQ tests. Just a thought.
  5. I think the way one tries to grasp inifinity in the mind is highly subjective. This is how I imagine it: Infinity has no beginning and has no end--like a Mobius strip. Or it is a process that can be repeated without ever stopping or reaching the end--like zooming into a fractal. If one can understand the concept of zero, one can grasp infinity, as one can imagine that infinity is a process with zero point of cessation, it is an existence with zero change. Let me try putting it another way. When people usually imagine infinity, they usually try to think of a vaster than vast number or amount. Instead of doing that, try going the other way and think of the smallest number possible, like 0.0000.....(and so on and so forth).....0001. No matter how many zeros you put in between the decimal and the 1, the result will always be much larger than zero. Zero is the absolute limit of nothingness (let's not get into negative numbers right now), so infinity is the absolute limit of "somethingness." I suppose I'm trying to relate zero and infinity, as the two concepts are related in my mind. I'm sort of using the right side of my brain as I'm writing this and finding it difficult translating my thoughts into a concrete explanation.
  6. I voted yes. If I could afford it, sure, I would want to give my children all the genetic advantage I could give them. If anything, it would be cost-effective in the long run--lowered medical bills, greater productivity due to increased intelligence and physical fitness, etc. Furthermore, I would exercise great self-restraint so that I would rid the diseases, boost the phi ratio (make 'em look good), and elevate the intelligence to the semi-genius level and leave the rest of the cards to fall where they may, being careful not to overmanipulate much.
  7. Just from experience, when I took summer classes and woke up at 6 am everyday for a couple of months, I felt more energetic and in tune with my body than ever before. I would even get up early on weekends because my body felt no need for a sleeping-in. I think it may very well have something to do with light, but it also may have to do with a steady sleep pattern. Nowadays, because of my schedule, I go to bed at any time from 11pm to 1 am, and I've been feeling more tired.
  8. I had strongly considered purchasing one a few years ago when my allergies were at their worst. I'm glad I didn't. Another bogus product is the electronic frequency-emitting mosquito repellent. Here is an example of an advertisement for such a product. Research indicates that, "Hand-held electronic devices that rely on high-frequency sound to repel mosquitoes have become surprisingly popular in recent years. Prices range from $9.95 to $29.95 for units advertised in magazines. Heavy-duty repellers that claim to keep away spiders, hornets, and rats, in addition to mosquitoes may sell for more than $100.00. The manufacturer's rationale for using sound as a repelling factor varies from one device to next. Some claim to mimic the wing beat frequency of a male mosquito. This, supposedly, repels females who have already mated and do not wish to be mated a second time. Others claim to mimic the sound of a hungry dragonfly, causing mosquitoes to flee the area to avoid becoming the predator's next meal. Most of the electronic repellers on the market hum on a single frequency. Top of the line devices allow for adjustment by the user to achieve the most effective frequency for the mosquito causing the problem. Scientific studies have repeatedly shown that electronic mosquito repellers do not prevent host seeking mosquitoes from biting. In most cases, the claims made by distributors border on fraud. Mated female mosquitoes do not flee from amorous males, and mosquitoes do not vacate an area hunted by dragonflies. Electronic mosquito repellers do little in the way of reducing mosquito annoyance." --http://www.ipmofalaska.com/files/mosquitoes.html
  9. For every skill that has died out, there has come to being a dozen new ones.
  10. Flareon


    Rules of probability state a most likely yes.
  11. Hoho, go grab any European history book, turn to the 20th century and read about German aftermaths of WW1. It led to one of the worst hyperinflations in recent history, in which people had to carry marks in suitcases. It doesn't answer your question entirely, but still an noteworthy part of history, I think.
  12. Having even 3-4 drinks is not considered "excess," but the rule would still apply. Actually, the act of intaking water frequently would help to keep you from drinking to "excess." It's a good rule for any amount of drinking, not just the stupid amount.
  13. We aren't simply discussing Europe, we are discussing Europe compared to the rest of the world. That's the crucial difference. Eurocentrism is neither good nor bad...it just is. But what I meant by that was that anything can seem great when you offer no comparisons. Don't get me wrong, I agree that much advancement happened in and originated from Europe, and I even implicitly agreed that Europe was the most advanced. But it wasn't the only place that advancement occurred. Paper, silk, gunpowder, glass, even the concept of ZERO (math with Roman numerals? Yeah right.) did not originate from Europe, but these inventions had such a great impact on the world that you cannot make fair comparisons without bringing them up.
  14. I've always liked 'Fire and Ice' Some say the world will end in fire, Some say in ice. From what I've tasted of desire I hold with those who favor fire. But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate To say that for destruction ice Is also great And would suffice. Robert Frost My favorite poet(ess) is Emily Dickinson. They are clever, concise, and many are like little puzzles to solve. I think this one would belong in a science forum: "Faith" is a fine invention For gentlemen who see; But microscopes are prudent In an emergency! Another one less humorous one that I like is My Life had stood — a Loaded Gun — In Corners — till a Day The Owner passed — identified — And carried Me away — And now We roam in Sovereign Woods — And now We hunt the Doe — And every time I speak for Him — The Mountains straight reply — And do I smile, such cordial light Upon the Valley glow — It is as a Vesuvian face Has let its pleasure through — And when at Night — Our good Day done — I guard My Master's Head — 'Tis better than the Eider-Duck's Deep Pillow — to have shared — To foe of His — I'm deadly foe — None stir the second time — On whom I lay a Yellow Eye — Or an emphatic Thumb — Though I than He — may longer live He longer must — than I — For I have but the power — to kill Without — the power to die — Another one I like, very enigmatic yet poiganant at the same time. I died for beauty but was scarce Adjusted in the tomb, When one who died for truth was lain In an adjoining room. He questioned softly why I failed? "For beauty," I replied. "And I for truth, the two are one; We brethren are," he said. And so, as kinsmen met a night, We talked between the rooms, Until the moss had reached our lips, And covered up our names.
  15. ChristSlave, I'd suggest going easy on the hallucinogenics.
  16. I wasn't saying that people who actually have ADD are lazy or anything else. I was saying that the "symptoms" listed by Asian Guy were indicative of mere laziness. Please refer back to my post and note that I highlighted only the portion of his post to which I wished to respond. The way he went about describing ADD ("gets bored easily...pursues hedonism because lack of motivation...") does not sound like a medical description of a neurological disorder; it sound like a description of bad habits. To sum up, I wasn't being "judgmental' to people who suffer from ADD. I was being judgmental to: 1. Asian Guys description of ADD, and 2. doctors who misdiagnose and overprescribe when it comes to ADD, of which incidentally I have some personal experience.
  17. Leave it. If you don't like it, don't look in it and don't post in it. It's that simple.
  18. Psychoanalysis is and has been becoming outmoded. If it's still in use, it's usually because the money earned is the prime motivator. This statement comes directly from the mouth of my former psych professor who also worked for years as a psychoanalyst. Very few psychologists actually believe that psychoanalysis is true psychology. Psychoanalysis is taught in psych classes the way the Bohr atomic model (which is obsolete and disproven) is still taught in chemistry: because it is useful.
  19. Hey, the French think they're are superior to everybody, not just Americans
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