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Everything posted by Flareon

  1. Fluorine...The Great Electron Nabber.
  2. *looks in Obnoxious's profile* 16...North Korea...hmm that was certainly easier. </trying the simplest route first> As for myself, 25/f/USA
  3. "Chicken legs?" LOL There's an image. Has anyone considered that maybe cracking doesn't cause weak joints, but that being predisposed to weak joints give you the urge to crack? I've read countless times that cracking knuckles isn't connected to arthritis, but then again, maybe there hasn't been enough research.
  4. I think you have a good attitude toward this, because yes, you're right, it's a commitment. Important thing is to deeply research which species would be the most compatible for you and your girl. One advice for buying herps: Start Small. And Start Cheap. You can always add to your family later as you become more experienced keeping them. You don't want to fall in love with the sheer beauty with a species (I know, it's hard to resist) and pay a sizable sum to get a stunning rainbow boa just to have him fall ill on you or turn unsociable. If you want interesting, a healthy iguana can't be beat. Many people turn up their noses on these guys because they are so "common." But train one and you'll see it for what it is--an individual as any cat or dog. You can train him on a leash, ride him on your shoulder, carry him in a pouch, take him to the park, and nothing is more entertaining than watching your Iggie swim gracefully in your bathtub...and there will be more info on him available. Here's a good source. Let me know if you want more, and I'll look. http://www.petstation.com/herplib.html#ARTICLES
  5. Retroviral treatment, virus vectors, viral gene therapy...any of them ring a bell?
  6. That might be fun, but how about becoming a spitting cobra? Then you would have remote venom capabilities, less tiring than having to chase tourists down with your short salamander leggies.
  7. Kylonius began this thread by stating the nature of the thread as mere "amusement." But consider listening to your own advice in your own posts. Back to topic: If I could redesign myself, I'd want more efficient lungs, hollow bones, and wings. To be able to fly on my own has always been a dream. Ooh, and someone already mentioned cyborg. Yes, I'd want to be a flying cyborg. With x-ray vision, acid for blood, and an adamantium skeleton. Hmm, that last one might be incompatible with flying, though.
  8. Three things will likely change human evolution: gross genetic manipulation, catastrophic event that dramatically alters earthly conditions, and extraterrestrial colonization. Whether humans are truly "moving backwards" in terms of evolution is based on the evolutionary goal: Are we talking mere propagation? If so, we are doing splendidly...for now. Are we talking fitness? Well, then we must define "fitness"--specifically, fit for which type of environment; are we fit right now to live in wilderness sans technology? Not anymore. Are we fit right now to live a spaceship? Not yet. Are we fit to live in sunny surburbia with all the comforts and security that it brings? Well, probably more so than others. Are we talking technological advancement? If so, our evolutionary achievement will double every 18 months at least according to Moore. Are we talking existing in peace with ourselves and other species, taking a minimalistic approach to comsumption, having unified theories on god, science, politics, and philosophy, living in harmony with mother nature, eradicating hate, fear, and apathy, while holding hands across borderless nations singing kumbaya around the big campfire of enlightenment? Then we are doomed. The point is, whether humans are evolving depends on the arbitrary criteria set by the observer.
  9. Well, I did a google search on the term "collegen" limiting the search to only the australian based sites, and I got only 61 hits. If "collegen" was a Aussie variant of spelling, I think I would have gotten many more--another big clue that the cream is not legit. I also clicked on some of those sites Google turned up and none were a huge companies, and many of the sites were defunct. I'd say I'm about 95% sure the product is fake. You can try asking for a refund from the place you bought the cream. If that fails, I would find some professional opinions (from a dermatologist?) who deems the cream a fake and then contact the Better Business Bureau. Next time, to avoid all this stress (which WILL age you) buy your beauty products from a reputable shop. I'm not certain th eamount you had to shell out for the cream, but in the end, you get what you pay for.
  10. Some can have benefits, especially those with alpha hydroxy acids which can expholiate dead skin and make one appear fresh faced. But I haven't looked all that much into the current anti-aging products, as I have no need for it yet.
  11. CS, are you stating that distant heavenly bodies have some degree (how much is up to debate) of influence on human personality in an empirical sense, or are you stating a belief in astrology ("Geminis are loquacious" things of that sort)? For the sake of argument, let's assume the two are mutually exclusive. Edit: I don't wish to make you repeat yourself, but I find your posts difficult to understand. Sorry.
  12. Flareon

    Games U Like

    I'm sure the Half-Life bandwagon couldn't possibly hold yet another passenger, but I also think HL and HL2 are the among the best games ever brought to being. I feel like a completely different person when I enter their realms. While I enjoy FPSG more so than any other type, I have had great fun playing racing games like Need for Speed as well.
  13. Flareon

    Genetic Disorder

    http://adc.bmjjournals.com/cgi/content/full/archdischild%3B82/4/319 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&dopt=Citation&list_uids=15126302 http://www.defeatingdeafness.org/genetics+and+deafness+page1978.html Perhaps these will help. They all have some info on genetics of deafness. If there are some terms or processes that aren't clear, you can try posting those questions on the forum as well. Also, if you have access to on-line database of medical journals, they can be good sources, too. You probably can get access through your school computers. Good luck.
  14. My fingers got itchy for a good verbal slap, but moderators willing, I wanted to wait and let Klanger get out a response. I'm sure she'll want to, unless you are banished before then.
  15. If a man finds himself in a marriage where its possible that the wife woudl be so malicious as to hurt him in such a manner, the problem obviously is not the device.
  16. Yes, as you probably suspect, it stands for Bondage, Discipline (or Dominance), Sado, Masochism. It's a subculture based on sexual role-play and fantasy within psychological context of the four elements that comprise its name. Look around the internet, there's abundant info to be found, but beware the pornage. Oh, the influences were plenty, particularly in the 90's. Modonna cashed in on a subculture (as in her usual manner) by putting forward a "sex book," featuring some rituals; Janet Jackson also did a video dressed like some silly hyper-fashioned version of a dominatrix; examples of specific articles would be stilletto heels, thigh-high boots, corsets (which also is within the goth fashion realm), vinyl, leather, lace-up accents, chain maile, even the body piercings everyone seems to have (the tongue, nipples...) were popularized by the BDSM culture. And if you think this sort of underground (and one may argue subversive) practice not being able to reach the heights of high-fashion, check out this page devoted to Gisele Bunyun, one of the top leading models in the world (has pop-up). (Just in case anyone's happens to be wondering, no, I'm not a part of the subculture, I gained much of the info doing research for a presentation for my Psychology of Human Sexuality class.)
  17. That's the point. I'm sure the repellent can be as much a preventative deterrant as it can be a defensive weapon.
  18. I've noticed that oftem times these supposed fashion geniuses actually steal ideas from various: subcultures (goth, ravers, BDSM, hippie, etc...), musicians (grunge, punk, icons like David Bowie, Modonna, and Michael Jackson were huge influences), movies (The Matrix, Moulin Rouge), and even world cultures (sarongs, bindis, kimono-style dresses, moccasins, ponchos were everywhere for a while, etc...). As for influence, I would say that the "high-fashion Meccas" would be Milan and Paris, and some would also argue Manhattan.
  19. Another good point many of us overlooked. I'll rememer that the next time I'm walking down a dark alley late at night. But...what if the rapist is illiterate?
  20. Hmm, that's funny, I don't remember claiming to be from N Korea... You are confusing my posts with Redalert's which said, "Do you think China, India, and many other countries will let their people come here?! Especially when they are poised to become the next superpowers?" as you could obviously see that I mildly disagreed with that statement by saying,"Actually, sometimes I would think they would." Please reread the entire page and then let me know if that clears it up.
  21. I answered your question, "What emmigration laws do you speak of Flareon? Aren´t you allowed to move to any country you want? How does your goverment ensure that you don´t go there?" If I'm missing something, please inform me. If anyone else gets what Athiest is implying, then please inform me, also.
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