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Status Updates posted by koti
Months of being cautious, refraining from social happenings and travel, washing my hands 50 times a day and wearing a mask to the toilet and there we go - we both got Covid me and my partner. We are 4-5 days into it, the test results came in today. She's got a moderate fever (38,5C) and lost her taste and smell, I only lost my strength and I'm sleeping 2 hours during the day 3rd day in a row. We are both caughing a little, our 4.5 year old kid seems completely fine. Christmas is going to be really awesome this year, what a f joke 2020 is. I'm pissed as hell, the vaccine is just a couple weeks away and we didn't make it.
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@MigL, Ispoke to a virologist today, apparently I should get vaccinated as soon as possible regardless whether I have the anti bodies or not. Plus there is the new mutation in the UK which the current 3 vaccines should be working against at least for now.
Starting on Dec 26 my province ( Ontario ) is going under full lock-down, for at least a month. As far as I know, the mutations have had little effect on the spike configuration of the Coronavirus, so the vaccines should still work.
Man, I can't wait for my vaccine injection !
Until then, hope you and yours stay safe and healthy. -
@MigL We are at locdown here untill January 17th at least. I hope you get your vaccine soon, it looks like there is a chance we will be getting the Pfizer vaccine in January here. I would much prefer to get my immunity from the vaccine and not from Covid but it is what it is.
Did you notice that evryone is betting on Nevada right now? BETTING on NEVADA?!
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I can't imagine you would get much of a return betting on a J Biden win right now.
Betting on a D Trump win would be a long shot, and get you some real good odds.
But you'd still be throwing away money.And I would think the GOP pays for the lawsuits.
D Trump should not have even been allowed to use the White House as his election headquarters. That is illegal ( but what's one more illegality after 4 years of them ). -
"We have two lives, the second begins when we realize we only have one."
- Confucius.
15 minutes into this I'd thought I'd share it here in with my friends:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s78hvV3QLUE -
Are there any drone pilots on SFN? I just got me a Mavic Air 2, I’m charging the batteries and I’m off to my first flight...hopefuly not last 😄
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@Sensei, My drone is 570gr take off mass with a 600gr regulated take off mass limit where Im at. That leaves 30gr for diamonds, weed, coke or plutonium as for transporation options. As for sandwitches its an open market, you could make us some that would be great.
The range is 18km advertised but they clip it down for Europe so Ive flown 2,4km yesterday to my buddies house and went back because it told me to. Transatlantic wouldn’t do on my ~30 minute flight battery (34 advertised) but we could meet somewhere inbetween. im open for sugestions. Diamonds yes. I too have no use for weed and coke (anymore) so its either ice or plutonium for me. As for @dimreepr, just let it go, hes got big feet anyway.
I wonder MigL, don’t you along with the rest of Canadians feel like youre all living in an apartment above a meth lab?
Boris Johnson just tested positive. Poor Boris...
But theres a bright side, he will contribute to herd immunity. If he survives that is.
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Were fine, I guess. Almost a month of isolation is taking its toll but were healthy and financially secure. In previous weeks we were taking the car once a week and went to remote places for long walks but yesterday they locked everything up with risk of huge fines so thats over. Which is a good thing, I guess. How are things going where you are?
Last year it was me winning vs the world but today...today it finally feels like Im playing the same team with the world again. It was a very good beginning of the year. VERY good.
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@zapatos, look whats on peoples minds
So we decided to relax a little after a busy month...baught new tires, we drove 490km one way to the seaside today (300 miles for the impared) to an airBnB place which is awesome, 300m form the seaside right at the main street at a resort (Sopot). Our 3 year old had a mild caugh when we were leaving, we consulted our pediatritian before we left and he said its a great idea to get him seaside air. So Peter decided to throw up all over the goddamn apartment a couple times and dance around after that. No fever, just a nasty caugh (I’ve had the same thing when I was a kid) Hes falling asleep right now and Im having whiskey. We also just found out that we cant stay the second planned night here so Im off to drive the 300 miles tomorow when I get sober. Wifey is pissed because she got her bra all over in vomit.
Its been a week here, skin is peeling of my shoulders and I’m officialy an african with blue eyes. I also have indigestion from all the great food theyre serving to which I cant say no...and my feet are burnt. One more week of this „nightmare” and I can finally go back to normality. I’m half way through Frank Herbert’s „Dune” which I never read who knows why. Oh and I hate „Ouzo” with its aniseed taste @MigL
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(without surprise) I understand that you are more interested in enjoying holidays than book talking. Yet you mentioned it, so I jumped in with my (rather not valuable) "input". Perhaps you will see what I meant if/when you get to IV. "God Emperor of Dune", V. "Heretics of Dune" and VI. "Chapterhouse: Dune"..
I found something interesting this evening while our 3 year was playing in the sand at a beach party with one of my flashlights which has a strong magnet in the tailcap. Earlier today we went for another car trip around the towns and beaches in the Kos island and my partner complained that her feet got horribly dirty. Weirdly black dirty...we just assumed its the volcanic dust but its in fact incredibly fine iron fillings. And when I say fine, its so fine it got through the first O-ring of my double O-ring whaterproof flashlight. Once its on the magnet it behaves like regular iron fillings on a magnet but when I got it off, man I’ve never seen iron pieces so fine - pure dust. Suddenly I realized that theres a reason for poor electrical infrastructure around here - transformers on poles shooting sparks everywhere, abandoned cars on sides of roads, etc. This stuff must get into everything eventually, I hope our devices will survive. Tomorrow I’ll take my son and we’ll gather some more to bring back home
Our 3 year old just spit straight in the face of a border guard who took his little backpack filled with hotwheels for checkin.
Just a warning - testing using a new PSU how not yet tested LED emitters do amperage wise on a Friday evening while drinking whiskey does not render viable results and renders precious LED’s dead. Learning is expensive.
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3K USD would be a little too much for me to break in gear over a Friday evening. I don't know how your laws in Canada are but here you really don't want to drink and drive, you loose your license for at least a few years if not for life and if you cause an accident its 10 years with no bail I think.
Just a warning - testing using a new PSU how not yet tested LED emitters do amperage wise on a Friday evening while drinking whiskey does not render viable results and renders precious LED’s dead. Learning is expensive.
Chinese workers are grateful and ask for more....
LED strips typically have built-in resistors on the tape. But they require correct polarization.
It's wiser to use too high value resistor, at the beginning, and have too little current, then decrease its value.
@Sensei, they weren’t strips, they were Osram CSLNM1.TG one square milimeter emitters on MCPCB’s that I was testing for temperature to set the current accordingly on the driver. Unfortunately a new power supply unit that I got played some tricks on me so poof!
The Notre-Dame cathedral is burning down right this minute. It is sad to watch an 850 year old monument go up in smoke. Apparently the big wooden steeple which was 70 meters high was constructed with lots of lead elements so as soon as the structure caught minor heat it all went like domino. I’ve been to Paris twice and never had a chance to see the cathedral, stupid me.
It is International Womens Day today and I'd like to take this oportunity to give my dearest wishes to TenOz and Rangerx.
Its Sarurday evening, my partner left me home with our 3 year old devil incarnate. Help.
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@MigL, its my way of expressing Im having fun, I though u knew, you’re disappointing me you ol’ single malt drinking old man.
He’s asleep now and we’re having a quarrel about whether I should check up on my twins or not.
Turn up - arrive at a conference.
Turn out - end up with a certain result.
Right? Check nr 2 here: https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/turn+out
So it turns out that my command of idioms in the English language is not so great. Or is that dictionary stating some unused dead form of the „turn out” phrase and it might turn out that I’m not in the wrong here? Does anybody use „I didn’t rurn out at that function on Sunday”?
@StringJunky, @Phi for All, @Strange, @John Cuthber- Show previous comments 1 more
I know this is late to the party, but I would say turn up if speaking in first person. The example given in nr 2 of your link reads perfectly fine to me though. I believe the main difference is how many people you are referring to. I cannot think of an example where you would use turn out to refer to one person. Also, generally speaking there is a difference in the implication of something that is planned (as in turned out) vs something that came about unexpectedly (as in turned up), although this is not so much the case in the way you have used it here.
Ireland votes to remove blasphemy from Constitution by 64.85% to 35.15%
https://www.rte.ie/news/2018/1027/1007130-blasphemy-referendum/?fbclid=IwAR0rEBqc--f-Vd3FTsYiWe2AXC7ZRNzJtvavuYnpxZsBfopE9wJLmHwqDSA -
September 1st rings in my mind since childhood as the end of summer and beginning of school/work, leaves getting yellow etc. Twice in my life I went on a business trip in the middle of my winter to a place where they had summer, I hope this year I’ll make a trip like that for leasure not work.
It is a good day today. We’ve managed along with my partner to finalize a deal which will let us breathe and gain the peace of mind which we need so very much after bad streaks in recent years.
„Who is America?” a new series on Showtime by Sasha Baron Cohen. I just saw 2 episodes and I think this might just be the answer to a divided America. Hilarious!
„He died doing what I love” was overkill, I can’t parse that these people took the bait without blinking an eye...all the references to Harvey Milk as his kid, Blink182 (as a drug IIRC) and a few more went without notice. Scary and hilarious at the same time, I think Sasha B Cohen hit the jackpot with this show, it can appeal to both liberals and the conservatives especially the younger generation. I’ve heard equally good opinions about this show from both sides of polarized Americans. Note that he’s making fun of the „libtards” too and its all equally funny, the dolphin relationship story and „free bleeding” are equally funny.
Wow, Mars looks so beautiful tonight - like a giant orange star brightest in the night sky. It’s almost as though Mars is playing some twisted joke on Americans with that orange color.
Also looking forward to: Friday's total lunar eclipse will be longest blood moon visible this century, until 2123
The red moon will pair well with Mars, which reaches opposition just before the eclipse and will also appear orange or red in colour.
So we went to the "Equality Parade" here today downtown Warsaw with our 2 year old. 30C mid day, a very nice combination of various political/LGBT movements forming a great party like function with trucks playing music, body painted attractive people dancing, etc. Our 2 year old decided that he's going to take charge of the whole thing. He especially wanted to go up dancing with all the girls in bikinis and boys with six packs in one of the trucks...his hysteria stopped one of the trucks and one of the dancer girls had to come down to calm him down which ofcourse didn't work out. So we had a fight me and and my girl and we left pissed all three of us walking with the stroller to the car. Family life is such a blessing.
Anti-vax march in Warsaw here today, looks like 30 thousand or more are there. Curious that the scum of the earth is associated with them and seem to live a symbiotic life - nazi preachers, agressive conspiracy theorists, extreme right preachers, etc. If I Firefighters should fill their trucks with hydrogen peroxide and use it on the protesters, scary to walk into town today.
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Yep, they’re concerned about a few thousand imigrants from Syria which never came but they’re blind to raping the Constitution by the the puppet president, taking control over the High Court by the ruling party and destroying the media both TV and Radio by putting their people everywhere who preach propaganda which Kim Jong Un would be proud of. Did I mention alienating EU and the rest of the world and moving towards Putin’s „open arms” and glorifying Rydzyk who is a catholic priest in the richest 100 in Poland. His pupils from his „media school” are hired in all media stations controlled by the government, in fact there is nothing more to fuck up...except maybe not vaccinating everybody so we can all have ourselves a nice pandemic.
I agree with you on all points. The only thing that saddens me is your attitude (or what I think is your attitude) about this.
No country is perfect and yes, those are all valid points but don't be so grim. I am an expat (ex-pet?) living here for the last 6 years and to be honest I have not experienced discrimination. Quite the opposite. People were always interested because I was a polar bear. Poland is cool koti. Don't loose hope!
I am thrilled to report that I found a source of all entropy in the universe - it’s my 2 year old.