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Everything posted by question4477

  1. Please expand further - By that I presume you mean experiments such as Gravity Probe B lend support to the substantivalist (Space-Time as a Physical Entity) view as opposed to the relationist view?
  2. By the tests of general relativity matching 'Physical Theory' do you mean the substantivalist view of Space-Time?
  3. I personally find this contradictory considering that he also seemed to subscribe to the block universe theory which implies substantivalism as opposed to relationism when he stated - "The distinction between the past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion." or am I missing something here. Someone like Brian Greene for example in his book 'Fabric Of the Cosmos' makes it specifically clear that he regards space-time as a physical entity and not a mathematical abstraction which I guess would make him a substantivalist, in a recent documentary he expressed his belief that Gravity Probe B which measured an effect on space-time curvature provided evidence to support this view, how plausible is this claim?
  4. Very interesting, so did Einstein himself have a substantivalist or relationist view of Space-Time?
  5. As far as I know there are some Physicists who consider Space-Time to be an actual physical thing whereas others regard it as merely an abstract concept - Brian Greene expressed his belief that the results from Gravity Probe B confirm this. What is the general consensus of this?
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