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Everything posted by blue89

  1. mmm , really there was already a strange appearance in writing ; f ( f(a,b) ,c) ,because this is not original notation for implicit functions , it should have been F(a,b,f(a,b))as I did. mm furthermore ,presumably I have been a bit myopic I could not realise the second writing of f letter well. What was implied with "multiplication" this one (fog)(x) = f(g(x)) ?
  2. ~ IMPLICIT FUNCTION ~ for any E set ,E ⊂ R3 ; F : E → R G ⊂ R2 , f function defined such that f: G → R , x3 = f(x1,x2) if f function provides every (x1,x2) ϵ G , F ( x1,x2,f(x1,x2) ) ≡ 0 equivalency , then f function will be a solution of F(x1,x2,x3) = 0 function. any type of f , g solutions which would provide x1= h(x2,x3) or x2 = f(x1,x3) equalities , will be implicit function for implicit defined function F. example 1 x12+ x22 - x3 =0 equation ,defines only one implicit function on R2 as x3= x12+x22 example 2 x12+ x22+y2-= 0 , this equation defines 2 implicit functions on G = { (x1,x2) ϵ R2 : x12 + x22 ≤ 1 } f , h : G → R , y = f (x1, x2) = √ (1 - x12 - x22 and y = h ( (x1, x2) = - ( √ (1 - x12 - x22)
  3. No Specific type of music. I generally prefer to listen CRAZY musics if entertainment exists in any music ,please suggest it to me ,this is request. like this: **** * **** ELITE *** * *** this is no so much good ,but not bad when we assess its entertainment .. haha ha a :D assessment on entertaiment haha :D I bet, this thread is one of the the best thread in this forum. WOW ! very good ,quality !
  4. Don't worry ,or don't feel negatively. mathematics is nice area and entertaining. write any of them on google and study if you have enough time. note please , probability is never known as void subject or is never known as a type of probability which we detect via using our predictions/emotions in mathematics. every subject is systematic in mathematics. (we may find only probabilities ,not predictions in its actual descriptions)
  5. blue89

    a query

    hi, I deteceted that I had written equation (in function form) incorrectly. the correct one should be x2 + y2 = r 2 ,z = c ( c є R or c є [a,b] (if we choose c = z ,then this will define calender ) ok. I do not want to use best variable ,why if we would like to use a wave's whole equation , then this will be impossible. I am sharing some photos. Rally ,I have written in parametric forms but no change again. (I as whether we might choose our R function just one of these equations above in picture) yes, this one shows general usage of Divergence theore in math. wow , I should thank to @Klaynos it is exciting to use photos. I will be able to solve some questions (integral , functional..etc) without using symbols :-) ok. I am writing equal expression via changing it so: f(x,y) = x2 + y2 , while z = c and assume please c є [a,b] ?? SENSITIVITY (A RESEARCH SUBJECT) I am not a physcist and as Nature - Physics mentioned ,I accept that I have not advanced understanding at basic physical contexts. But again ,I think we are unable to calculate something about waves ,for instance , the weight of light (wave) and/or the mass of voice waves may not be calculated, however this will be very important according to this thread's goal ,whether the exact equation of voice wawe's are writable
  6. you seem like you are missing something or we are unsure about something. look please this example : x2 + 4 = ax2 +bx +c , there a = 1 ( > 0 ) ( b= 0 no problem) and c= 4 , ∆ < 0 ( ∆ = - 16) (as you would) then look at the solution x1= (-b +√ ∆)/2 x2 = (-b -√ ∆)/2 x1 = 2i x2 = - 2i both x1 & x2 ϵ ₵ and how did you compare with zero ? ( when you say x1 ,x2 are >0 ??)
  7. I recommend that you make your question 's parameters suitable to one of these distributions to calculate probbaility --->> binomial distribution ---->> bernoulli distribution --->> nominal distribution --->> geometric distribution --->> hypergeometric distribution. -->> ..etc.any distribution which is not continuous and is the most suitable to your inquiry. Note : Although normal distribution has relation with binomial distribution under convenient conditions. you may not use this one. the best thing what you may do is to schoose one of distributions which appears above. note : I wrote types there very roughly.
  8. Hi Are you sure whether you have written some parameters incorrect or not?
  9. blue89

    a query

    Welcome studiot. sorry for my delayed reply. and thanks for your comment. as I see a very good understanding about green - stokes - divergence theorems. Okay I appreciate it. Really I am unable to dominate this three theorem's well now (probably these three theorems are used in engineering commonly and broadly) . (I mean ,I do not know whether this question might make me reach my result which I am loking for) The more clearly ,I would ask that whether we may use any of wave's equation as our R function. (like this x2 + y2 =r2 ,z=z (note ,dim=3 there (z=z) ) ?? : I am unsure whether these days we are able to write any such wave's (magnetic-voice waves') curve equation as given in cartesian form above. Note : I am not trying to make any relation with time and Dimension now. of course if we be able to find >3D ,we might have option to interpret about time character. but This will already be one of advanced goal (intellectual subject). so , you may think there the time parameter as static. (no usage in any equation for this thread) (I see ,you haven't missd this at your last two sentences. ok , think please it as only geometric standing.) (as flux of t is interrupted,only geometric approach now)
  10. ok. thanks again. is there any document which I may download it? using LaTeX seems like being busy everytime with codes. isn't it a bit boring? but of course we will be in the habit later.
  11. mmm. ok. thanks very much for your ideas. Really ,I think it is pleasure ,especially when I feel free / relief this is quite pleasure. so ,I hope to make drawings as exciting ones. but of course , there will be sensitivity of measurement. (Sensei is right! ) but again ,really it is pleasure. mm ,I had asked it politely to nature's help desk after opening this thread and sent them this photo . do you think it is incorrect asking such things? could someone share a document which tells how to learn LaTeX ?
  12. PROBABLY IT HAS BEEN SOLVED @klaynos now I am feeling me a bit comic/ridiculous or ashame Yes ,Definitely solved .. many thanks for your politeness
  13. Hi , The Journals which were mentioned in the past occasions are implied I am adding a sample of my hand drawing(s) ,but this is not professional ,this is a version of low quality and simple. Regards blue
  14. a window is being opened just now when I would use "paste" icon. and a notation is appearing this notation: " Because of your browser security settings, the editor is not able to access your clipboard data directly. You are required to paste it again in this window. Please paste inside the following box using the keyboard (Ctrl/Cmd+V) and hit OK " May I ask ; "what should I do" if I would paste/upload any figure (graph ,table ...etc (.jpg,.pdf formatted) ?? and how much (time) does it take ? (is it difficult?)
  15. any type of these documents cannot be uploaded. no problem with the document's format. @Klaynos I will check to reply your questions. (But I remember at once it was saying a note like this.) ; "it is not allowed to paste this file at This community" I need to upload a file to reply Studiot at my this topic "a query" . Really I am a bit ill ,it seems everything will be delayed
  16. hi, I am unable to upload any document (figure ,graph or any picture) to thread(s) . how to solve it? ımm ,yes I cannot correct the title of thread ,too. (no link)
  17. blue89

    a query

    hi; Let , a ≤ x ≤ b , y1(x) ≤ y ≤ y2(x) ,Let ,V be an interval/region ; a ≤ x ≤ b y1(x) ≤ y ≤ y2(x) , z1(x,y) ≤ z ≤ <z2(x,y) in this case ; might we calculate this integral if we would like to choose our "R" function as any type of light or magnetic wave’s equation ? a∫b y2(x)∫y2(x) z1(x,y)∫z2(x,y) ∇.R.dV thanks
  18. hi; I recommend that you deal with social activities. for instance invite your friends (especially whoever you love them) treat them very hospitably with some lovely words (compliments) in my opinion thats will be just funny.
  19. Dear Mike; this changes : 1) I think there exist vast of unintelligent people. isis , and other societies who thinks to harm innocent people are quite unintelligent. this is not unique dangerous situation and clearly "safety" is the most important definition in my belief. 2) "technology" ,while this may provide very good options us, this makes something more difficult at the same time. Let think this example if we were ~200 years earlier in the past ,probably we would have more chance to pay atention to be known as "great scientist" , but now ,we will be required to "invent" something so bright that should make almost everyone admire it. on the other hand , I believe creativity + optimistic characters might help us.
  20. sorry ,I cancelled my this comment. this was containing some instructions about private life. apologies.according to my principles ,this will not be useful to share our private life's events. but I may clearly say that ,I don't agree religious rules. (both christianity & islamic) My opinion is to comply SCIENTIFIC DATUMS or your own principles. Regards
  21. Hi , I am unsure but again I think you migh use one of the proof of cauchy schwars inequality to take help. Remember we are beginning to prove it : 0 < II u - λ.v II → (to go on..) R: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cauchy%E2%80%93Schwarz_inequality (its proof might provide you a method and this also helps us to show minkowski inequality which we use it to create a useful expression for normic spaces or hilberd (remember please lp was a hilberd space only if only when p = 2 ) minkowski inequality is : ( ∑ (ai + bi ) p )1/p ≤ ( ∑ ai p )1/p + ( ∑ bi p )1/p there, i= 1,2,..,n p >1 furhermore , the Hilbert Projection theorem is correct there why as you wrote M ⊂ H and M is closed . M is complete because H is Hilberd this means any cauchy sequence which its elements are chosen from M , will be convergent and its limit will be elemnt of M then , of course Hilberd projection is provided (correct) there (convexity is also correct ) But I did see some invisible statement or these are not enough to make interpretations look , some euclidean spaces are also both banach space or at the same time HILBERD e.g : R3is banach space (Euclidean (✔)) l2 is hilberd. R: limited dimensional Euclidean spaces are Hilberd https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hilbert_space R: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banach_space but if you meant rieamnnian manifolds or .. (I do not have enough information (Geometry)) and what have you implied for its actual meaning via using this notation is this just in the meaning marginal elements of M ??
  22. NO GRAMMATICAL FAULTS. THE UNDERSTANDING THAT YOU WROTE ,WAS JUST THE THING THAT I WOULD TELL. .... because the biggest gıla was not treatment of cancer of course the biggest goal is to/explore >3D space.
  23. I think just the same for you ,sorry. I LOVE TAKING CRITIQUES ,BUT I ALSO LOVE TO BE SHOWN AT LEAST ONE EVIDENCE FOR ANY CRITIQUE. REPEATED POST (3RD TIME) Dear Grammatical or spelling errors are not a problem. You only need an abstract or description in that box. The system does not handle special characters in the title area very well. You can try, but I would suggest avoiding them. The title can be over 150 letters, but we ask that you keep the title as short as possible, and include the rest of the information in the abstract. < names edited out by moderator> ! Moderator Note please do not paste names and professional positions of those who are not members of this forum and have not consented to their inclusion in the discussion. yes all these will be in the scope of my paper. yes this is one of another nice/logical comment. thanks to arete and imatfaal I think these are thinking with more maturity ..(CharonY is also such ones)
  24. this is quite incorrect. I know this because I had written at least briefguide look http://www.nature.com/nphys/pdf/submission_guide_nphys.pdf this journal does not permit to authors to use more 100 characters in title ,so I changed it. the first one was containing more characters ,becauese bature methods allows up to 150 but thıs does not. Dear Grammatical or spelling errors are not a problem. You only need an abstract or description in that box. The system does not handle special characters in the title area very well. You can try, but I would suggest avoiding them. The title can be over 150 letters, but we ask that you keep the title as short as possible, and include the rest of the information in the abstract. Best, .. and YOU DID NOT FIND ANY GRAMMATICA ERRORS ,YOU FOUND ONLY spelling faults
  25. yes I am not spaking incorrectly or I am not lying. look what ders had said. Dear .... Grammatical or spelling errors are not a problem. You only need an abstract or description in that box. The system does not handle special characters in the title area very well. You can try, but I would suggest avoiding them. The title can be over 150 letters, but we ask that you keep the title as short as possible, and include the rest of the information in the abstract. Best, ... yes I am not spaking incorrectly or I am not lying. look what .... had said. Dear .... Grammatical or spelling errors are not a problem. You only need an abstract or description in that box. The system does not handle special characters in the title area very well. You can try, but I would suggest avoiding them. The title can be over 150 letters, but we ask that you keep the title as short as possible, and include the rest of the information in the abstract. Best, ...
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