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Everything posted by blue89

  1. sorry today is friday ,and I was at mosque according to our religion's offer. (sorry for delay) it seems you are trying to use some objective sentences..but as I said I do not know everything about this.and be aware that from all of your posts that I have read; I understand or I think that you allege you have genuine. (as I do).I would inform you that if you trust/confirm it, your interperatations will be quite important. ok. I have no enough information to discuss about you just now!..but because I think I am honest I will care it.I am giving some other expressions about the sebtences numbered above. 1) I think I have already explained and clarified this one effectively. and do not forget please ,you will never be able to learn everything. 2) this is also understandable. 3) well , could you let us learn some about this option , I do not know almost anything about this one. 4) it would be good to express this one , really I do not think that I will be complaining via using law process ,even if I detect plagiarism have been done from my papers (in assumption the retraction be occured/existed/ensured). but really I have anxiety whether it might prevent me to publish my own original paper because of sharing some parts of its content before submisson.you know that if any journal detect any paper was already published by someone before, they will normally not accept it. and this is quite logical. and another question is how to prove the reality and probably it will not be so easy to reach our target in such unexpected cases. for instance I do not know whether the law conditions will find acceptable to show our content of e-mail as a proof in assumption it be occured ,note :it is implied the content of literature will be the first time to be mentioned in (that) e-mail ,there. )
  2. 1) it is quite important , for instance ,if you have hardworking type of personality ,then it would be likely to think that you will catch some accomplishments. but I am sure hardworking personality will not be enough to catch great accomplishments!..follow if you have hardworking + intelligent personality ,then yes it would be likely to think that you will be able to catch great successes!. there will be another qualifications more, and may be each separately too or together. (if you would like to see mines ,I sugest that you check my profile) yes , I certainly appreciate it!..let us to learn something useful about your experiences at another thread(s). it would be very nice and I will intimately be thankfull to you if you share or if you have already shared (I will check). I meant that this cannot give authotrs the official copyrights (like this; if you publish your any article to this forum as its firs time (in assumption that it had not been published at any journal!.. then ,in my opinion this will not prove us that this author have written it by his/her own (offician copyrights) or it will nt prove us her/his real knowledge. (but academicians will care such academic experiences ,I am sure.especially if you would like to work at any university as academician there RENEW YOU PAGE PLEASE ,THERE WERE SOME TECHNICAL ERRORS!. AND HAVE BEEN PUT IN ORDER.
  3. Strangeee :-) ,I liked your style at last comment. intimately you also have no enough information aboy my personality (but of course studies in meaning via using this word,I think I have read many books and have some experiences.) (but you are right,probably I forgot to express) strange :-) ... strange :-) is this a teasing or joke ? :-) ok checking the rules ..
  4. Dear Klaynos ; unfortunately I have not determined/understood the problem you implied. probably you are too busy to give more details .. thanks.. regards.
  5. HIMM , I DO NOT (I AM UNABLE TO) SHARE EVERY ACADEMIC STUDIES AT FORUM UNTIL I TAKE COPYRIGHTS... this might cause this idea..but please do not hesitate if you have any else critiques or detail. when I am criticising me by my own ; I think these may cause matters for a while. -->> I still do not know LaTeX and wolfram -->> I am abit careless..
  6. no , this would be (defintely) not true. I had sent only an abstract to merely a journal and only for checking the convenience to determine for suitability to that journal. that journal was ecancermedicalscience and as it clear to understand , this journal is specified for almost only for medicine/medical reseaches. and I remember I had said at that time that they had not refused my abstract. the seniort editor had only said that they had no protocol to publish projects outlines. she also advised me to contact for the journals whiches have relevant protocols!.. (otherwise I have not taken refugee!..) YOUR CRITIQUE HAS NOT BEEN ACCEPTED!.. I request you to give more details if you have any else.
  7. THANKS FOR YOUR CRITIQUE!.. could you specifiy the problem please. ( I have not understood clearly what the exact problem was) and of course I continue researches. (or what was the problem related with...(this two last questions are very important for me!..) and I am checking your profile.
  8. No. this was important question ,and will be recorded in my mind. dear strange I mean the experience is very important. but of course I have not had enough information to speak about your experience. I am generally unable to follow all member's comments ,I mainly concentrate on the interpretations that are being communicated with me.do not forget please every people are very valuable in my opinion...(there is no high relevancy ,this is only one of my principles.) all the best read please your comment above without seeing the part given in paranthesis and in bold at first. then ,yes this is definitely correct!..I support it ,and I definitely agree. but if you read as normal , I would say repeatedly that he did not know all qualifications and/or specifications about my personality. and I couldn't understand clearly your last sentence, could you clarify what was your idea ,for instance did you aggree my last expression.(did you believe that I were insuficient. (I am already pertaining to criticism))? thanks. renew please your page. sorry for some faults. I am a bit careless I recommend that it be a requirement for evry member who enrolled to this forum that they show their all degrees and degree programmes. or at least their interest includind evidence(s) if they have any experince in the past of their life. unfortunately I am being unable to reach the best information about their knowledge or statue at science when I check their profile. this does not mean any problem. but I believe this would make it easier to better take assistance and to communicate for each us
  9. unfortunately and sadly I don't believe that it would be possible to solve . because people are not aware the importance , especially who are uneducated ,or not so intelligent. I think they are bad/careless/unintelligent who did do these. *** they are igniting forests every year epecailly in summers.(this is very bad. and this behavious is quite unintelligent (I don't want to be impolite ,but this is also...) I dont know enough about this, but u.s.a. seems like a nice country, we know that this country contains rain forests or wider forests ,but the forests that exist there are still available and good.(I mean they protect it effectively) if you are asking some scientific solutions ,then I think maybe it might be possible to create required gases at laboratories. but I am realistic ; I don't believe that it would be as original as Naturel , and I also think it would be expensive... as a result ,I surely want to say that people who are igniting forests , are definitely not clever...
  10. :-) this expression is sympathic just as ever.. ok. follow below please. (both you & Klaynos and strange) 1) Strange's idea 2) Klaynos.. 3) ajb .. I have been a bit surprised really. because I believed that any mathematical/computational journal would be happy for such studies. (this will be probably the newest sample in my opinion,but of course I have not combed enough all related arrchives.) in this case ,I would remind this to you as to take the most clear responding from you. do you think that any suitable journal which is concentrated on SOCIOLOGY will understand theese key words explanations and in use: " closed /open interval , continuoum , complex functions , laurent series , some theories (e.g. bolzano weierstrass , eisenstein criterion, galois groups , transcendant , ...etc" (Note please I don't mean that all these would be used , but it is probable,and these are templates.) **** a reply to klaynos (this question contain valuable thoughts/details in my opinion ,especially if I think true.) Klaynos says ; A) yes of course ,and I also believe that this would be the best! (as expressed)..but probably I had spoken with inconvenient type of scientist at a time,he was associate professor at sociology. and he advised some difficult thinks to do , he said "you should read some books at first before beginning (via showing some thick books. he said that it would be impossible to take acceptance without doing this before beginning!..,(I have not said him this one , but really I thought he had not had enough infıormation about my personality ..for insance ,I am giving high importance to CULTURE (this is one of the most important definition/value for me!.. Hımm ,furthermore I understand the sociologic articles ,this are not so difficult to understand ..as a result I have not understood clearly what he implied (!).) B) I expressed that this would be the best type of academic study in my belief. and I do not think that I am alone. although Leonardo Da Vinci ,Newton ,Tesla ,... others did do this (but as you see these scientists are respective .) I do not think that I am alone just at this century. hımm what is my opinion?? I believe / think ,these scientists were studying enough hard (and also very hard at real) . and of course I surely believe that this would be required.but we should not miss an important point : we also need to have ability to think perspective (maybe a bit or quite different in comparison other scientists) thanks up to now.
  11. really as I said ,this will be an interdisciplinary article , therefore this means there will exist refernces from two disciplines. May I ask something; you have said that you had almost no formal degree (except BSC) but in contrast general ideas ,I saw that you expressed you are/were able to earn good amount of money. ok, thats very nice. your some persona characters might be similar to mines. (it would be better you to look my profile to understand well). I think you have writte some academic materials (papers) ,yes we live the real life, and this century is modern in my opinion ,this means that we already have to study at science even if we be intelligent. of course these are my thoughts.and these are convenient in relevancy each them. but again I would ask you to confirm it have you written any academic papers??
  12. :-) I like you Strange but are you sure? and have you checked it carefully ,I have checked/read (already) some related articles from SSCI indexed journal's arrchives., and unfortunately I think SSCI indexed journal's referees can be very exhausted to evaluate it ,and almost I think sometimes that it can be impossibly difficult or seems like extremely improbable to evaluate it for SSCI indexed referees .. but again I may say that I am still very new at science ,the most clear point that I can give you about me is being highly demanding to create some solutions or some new scientific reports
  13. hi; I am trying to prove some allegements interdisciplinary ; but with extreme probability the interdisciplinary relation would be a new generation. because these interdisciplines would be mathematics - sociology I do not know which type of journal to choose (SCI or SSCI ) there exist some clues to make you better understand for rsponding. -->> in literature some formulas and techniques will probably be strict for any social journals -->> in contrary the first clue (above) big amount of references will be given from SSCI indexed journals. -->> principles , formulas and techniques will be coordinated under convenience of mathematics. Regards.
  14. 1) 2) all these cannot be told at forum (because of their wide content (but basic)), the best way to do is having any litearature to learn these , but these are not so difficult subjects...(&basic) you can find almost all of these subjects with details at any numerical analysis ((suitable)book) for BSc students.
  15. hi , really I could not find the best expression of your query to be questioned.but I suggest that you check this rule in mathematical science at first (please) (whether you are missing this point (!))
  16. too busy!..probably a very tiring programme will be ready for me

  17. okay. I have already not had any additinal question , (if someone wishes help ,I think I may help at that external subjects,but I do not need and therefore ,I will not open,sorry) thanks for your notification @swansont and good luck with. blue89
  18. Strange ok. probably my expression was not enough tidy. but again I may say that this two allegement are not same. 1) if someones study the more, they will earn the more. 2) you can earn much money even if you don't study hard. there is already no contradiction between these two alegement. look earning much money may be related with these qualifications ,too. 1) it may depend on intelligence. 2) it may be yes related luck! 3) personality 4) beauty renew please your page. and check please all these descriptions are genrally have quite separate things in the content of each them. *** happiness *** richness *** intelligence *** hardworking *** peace ***ambition. *** knowledge *** beauty
  19. good afternoon!.. unfortunately ,I will not do this. I will try to publish at least one or two article at first. because I want to give any evidence to talk about this. (ok,I will also try to make publish any journal which I think suitable) but actually this does not mean that I am unstable at that idea.I only want to respond or show this officially and with evidence. please do not forget this ,I do not say pure matehamticians are not studying hard. I already approve/accept that they are studying hard. (in my BSc I was studying very hard really) but also I claim if someone studys hard ,he/she should earn more. but I am unsure whether you realised it ,there is clear contradiction according to this idea.and this is three times I am implying just at this thread. now ,I am combing out and reading articles..for reference & citation.
  20. it is already clear that you are studied hard to prepare all papers ..when I looked only two of them.. really this was not discussion. I succiently meant studying hard ang gaining money may be sparate. check please : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Niels_Henrik_Abel you should heard this one. I apology if I gave any hurts even if it was very little. speaking thats.. ecancermedicalscience said to me ,that some journals may have suitable protocols to also publish projects. other subject was that .. I believe mathematicians who are studying only pure mathematics ..might be incorrect. they are studying hard and harder generally in comparison other scientists. but they are not gaining so rational money. I don't imply their willingness there. but I imply the ability. don't you still agree this idea.?? I am going out. the time is 23.33 p.m and I am still at library .. far away from my home. yesterday I slept only around 3 hours but I generally sleep around 4 hours or if I am luck at any day I am sleeping up to 6-6.30 hours. I will express one thing while I am leaving. I don't know the exact information but I think someone who has published over or around 10 papers at sci indxed journals , he/she may be a professor at turkey. because I know the compulsory (but enough) requirement to be ass.prof aor asociate prof. is to publishing only one paper at any sci indexed journal .... good nights.
  21. ok ajb. intimately I had not tried to imply something ..(may make hurts someone.) but remember please the ratios I gave at the first page ( any professor was gaining how much money : comparison with a professor who is mathematician and any professor who was a professor at medical science. (this is not for ass.professor ,just it is convenient to speak about professors too) you are missing there exist unscrupulous numbers with cmparison money.(I know something more) ... I am unsrure but ...if .. if it will be the best way to make you undestand ,I may send you the project's shape which had been sent to harbard gsas. but plesase don't forget. this is not promising. only thinking now... and think.. be sure. If I was not sure that it was containing great context in it ,I would not send this respective university. and in addition ...I have something more. really I have been a bit tired. today I have had toefl exam..
  22. 1)I think if nature is an intellectual journal, then this journal should accept such contents!.( I am also sure on this subject, I recommend that you follow nature's posts on facebook or follow nature as alert. their posts and e-mails show us that they are willing to be interested in useful scientific developments especially whiches are great.) 2) ok. I would get published articles only whiches are offer useful expressions ,or usefuld techniques. we missed to speak of an interesting question. Nature is sci indexed. but the article which I was thinking to make publish at this journal was interdiscipline between mathematics-sociology or mathematics-ethics. and as you see this probably will be a newest type of literature. but there the exact question is how to choose such papers in which journals ,sci or ssci. ssci indexed will never understand properly. because I am generally using topologic theories.
  23. could you clarify your expression given in bold above plese, I saw this twice interior of this conversation. and have not understood well what you implied. did you imply that I have been teasing .. really this is incorrect!..I am series. this is also unclear on what have been mentioned , which of these have you wanted to imply; 1) you should check references whiches will appear at your paper 2) check your bakground please ,if you have not published any paper at nature yet,you will probably be extremely unable to get publih paper at nature. if your implication was the first one ,then yes you are definitely correct!.. if it was the second one then ,I do not think it would be logical and.. yes I believe you are speaking honestly,there is no matter on this idea.. renew please the page.
  24. no , I do not need them at first I am already hardworking (as I said) and as a second repetation: as I have given both on my profile at this forum and on my facebook profile I have ability to study/work individually I mean I already do not need them.however yes they are not willing to help anyone there in turkey generally. they do not want to behave as out of system's rules. . and I would continue studying hard. My goal is to be efficacious to humanity ...via creating developments at science. be sure I have a very creative personality. dear ajb, really I already love almost everyone (with no difference religion,gender nationality and economic status) okay I still have had economic problems and as I said I would keep studying hard. I have experienced too many events whiches are related ethics directly. I am sure I am inteligent and will try to preapere my papers I have these lackness now I don't know how to use LaTeX now. I don't know how to use grapphics under convenience of nature's literatures. I mean I am asking whether it will take a long time to learn using these programmes.
  25. really I can't understand ....why you are so sure that in prediction of taking rejection... I can't understand .. why will not I be enough to prepare my article by my own..? could you give some proofs more clearly..(?) and I am unable to differ whether what related the contradiction with.. once you will read articles enough then you will claim your allegement okay you will use enough fererence and good citation .. and what is any alse requirement.. I intimately can't see the the proof why you are being so sure me to take rejection.
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