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About blue89

  • Birthday 06/13/1989

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  1. I definitely and surely do not believe that giving negative advices to someone would be good ,especially if you have not enough information about them. this means general/public ,because we already have no enough information about every people (general). however ,I believe it would be better (would affect positive) to give positive advices at almost all kinds of events.

    1. Raider5678


      I disagree.

      Constructive criticism is helpful usually.

    2. blue89


      I don't mean this one Raider. of course criticism is very good to make someone/something more qualified. this is not discussion. I have experienced in real life many more times there exist some people's characters are very negative. they are regularly responding almost all of your questions how its results will make you go the negative results or make you unhappy at the end.the rough ratio is quite clear to make this prediction according to their general sights of words.

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